Work is not a wolf, part 3. Beginner - grow or survive?

The first time at a new job is life on needles. It is unclear where you got, how the company is organized, what is appreciated in the work. Sometimes, even after a trial period, I want to run away from a new team and not fully understood tasks. But you consciously chose this company, you came to it because something attracted you. So, it's time to fight for opportunities and authority - sometimes even for seasoned pros. Ready?

Part 1. Job Search: Sources, Resumes, HR Interviews
Part 2. Device and adaptation: interview with the boss, we pass the trial period with a breeze
Part 3. Work as a newcomer: growth in the company
Part 4. Work as an experienced employee: how not to burn out
Part 5. Dismissal: I am leaving beautifully

I work work at work - why?

The course of your career depends on what you want from it. Set goals: why did you come to this job? Of course, there can be no single reason, but some one always prevails. It is she who will form the basis of your behavior and your development in the company.

Life hacks

Before diving into work, remember a few tricky life hacks - they will help you.

You shouldn't do that

  1. Climb with tips on developing a business, code, team in the first few weeks, or even months of work. This is at least indecent, and the maximum is absolutely stupid: if you start pouring tips without understanding the processes, business, company relationships, you will look like a layman.
  2. Impose your own styles or standards introduced from previous work: code style, technology stack, communication rules, etc. The company in which you got a job has its own rules and processes based on experience, requirements, and business specifics. A little later, you will be able to propose reasonable changes, improvements, but in a completely different form, and not in the form: "And we have LLC" Camomile "...".
  3. Hack information systems and test the infrastructure for strength. Do you need to explain? Probably not. No, even in search of vulnerabilities and protection it is not necessary - it is better to tell your sysadmin or leader about your suspicions. So you will protect both the company from possible gaps, and yourself from unnecessary suspicions. But when you become ā€œyes, we have it since the beginning of the centuryā€, you can safely pentest - who, if not you :-)
  4. Ask personal questions to and about colleagues. You can ask about a car or a hobby, support a conversation about travels, but you should not find out whether this chick is married with a white Iroquois, whether the severe boss has children and family, and what kind of faith the admin Ivan Ibragimov professes.
  5. Ask questions about income levels. Firstly, it is indecent, secondly, this information will not give you anything but nerves, thirdly, in most companies such issues are officially recognized as unethical, prohibited and may be punishable by measures up to dismissal.
  6. Ignore or laugh at corporate culture. Yes, corporate events are stupid, activity unnecessary, congratulations stupid. But, firstly, this is already an established process and it needs to be adopted, and secondly, corporate culture is also the work of your colleagues, for example, HR or even DevRel. But you can offer to make mitaps, tickets for conferences, meetings and intellectual games a part of the culture.

What to do to grow in the company?

I have an interesting work history. The first 3 places of work in 2006-2007: 8 months, 13 days and 6 months. The reasons for leaving were drawn instantly: a bad boss, a distant location, uninteresting tasks. Well, young green. This would continue even if the HR director of a large office had not told me: ā€œWe are taking you. But with such periods of work, no one will take you soon. The stone in place is overgrown. Youā€™ll always have time to quit, but to survive, get together and change yourself a little is a useful experience. ā€ That company was given 5 years and half a soul, despite as much as a year and a half of difficult adaptation. The company did not come out of a frightened yellowhorn, but an experienced young professional who, even without an interview, was taken to a new company.

Honestly, now in IT, and not only in them, itā€™s even more difficult - you have to grow among young and early, aspirants, experts, imaginary experts, favorites, etc. Therefore, the strategy ā€œbe pros and be what will beā€ does not work: you must try to work in several directions. Even if your extrovert is open to the world, even if your introvert does not accept anything but professionalism and anarchy.

  1. To work well. Your cap.
  2. Do not be afraid of mistakes. The one who does nothing is mistaken. It is important to know how to find your mistake and how to fix it, but at the same time remember and never repeat it again. Adequate managers calmly relate to mistakes, help to cope with them.
  3. Bring something new to the work. This is especially easy to do in IT. This does not mean that you need to agitate the whole team to rewrite the entire project on Brainfuck, but you must definitely use some new ways to make your software better, faster, more reliable, introduce new functions. Be on your team early bird.
  4. Create your own unique block of activity - aerobatics. If you can create a new direction in the work of the company and engage in its development, this will be a great way to play a key role in the company. It is not necessary to come up with a new product, it can be a new way of promotion, and the transition to microservices, and the transfer of infrastructure to Linux, and so on. The main thing to remember is that your races must be races: payback, useful and manageable.
  5. Talk with your leader as the first among equals. No ingratiation, flattery, servility - only a working dialogue, a reasonable argument, the ability to defend oneā€™s opinion and accept someone elseā€™s. If the leader is tyrant, try to just work well, if active tyrant - there is an instruction below on how to change the department. Alas, sometimes you lose more nerves than you get profit.
  6. Continuously learn and develop. Read special literature, Habr, study English, master new technologies. IT is how it works: you got the flu, went to the sick-list, returned - everything is new, you are overboard :-) But seriously, learning develops thinking and allows you to think more broadly. Do not stop, lag behind.
  7. Show soft skills. The story about udalenka, seals and total introversion is also close to me, I understand most of you. But now is the time of not just professionalism, but also, if it is not right, of emotional intelligence: you need to be able to get along with people, communicate, build social ties, make good acquaintances. In general, to be not just smart, but also a cool guy (girl).
  8. See the horizon of your career. Do not forget about yourself: monitor how you grow in your career plan, whether your successes and achievements are noticed. If you feel your horizon is closed, look for a way out. Alas, sometimes it can be a way out of the company office. But there will be a separate article on dismissals.

And the main advice: do not rush statements rashly, try to get used to, get used to, get into the work, wait out not the brightest and most interesting everyday life. In the end, work is not just about a holiday that is always with you. It should be fun, but not continuous, especially at the beginning.

Everything is going downhill! Save!

ā–If it did not work out

Even if you are an experienced professional, work tasks may not work out. For example, the project didnā€™t ā€œenterā€, the development principles are alien, the leaderā€™s position is incomprehensible (from real ones - scrum rallies lasted 5 times longer than the sprints themselves), inadequate KPIs were established (the marketing department receives deductions due to overflights of the sales department), etc. . Well, or the work just didnā€™t go, it turned out to be too complicated or not simple by qualifications. If everything else suits the company, do not drop the application on the table, you need to try changing something inside.

ā–If it went wrong with the team

No matter how strange it may seem, problems with work are not so terrible as with the team. It's simple: if work tasks can be fixed, learn, change something, then interpersonal relationships will have their own specific impact on your workdays. The reasons for a negative attitude towards a colleague or a conflict in a team often seem irrational, but almost always have a firm, intelligible basis (envy, fear, competition, hostility). There is nothing worse when a conflict becomes an obstacle in a working relationship, but this is inevitable. Situations are different, but there are several actions that are best taken to avoid escalation of the conflict.

I am writing a text and I know that some readers are indignant at this place: ā€œItā€™s not my fault, they have taken up arms against me, but I also have to be a good thing ?!ā€ The same thought boils in the head during a personal conflict at work. No, not a good thing - just a mature, restrained adult who knows his own worth and does not go to work for squabbles.

Corporate Growth Tips

And finally, a few short tips.

If you find your profession and your business, make it a marathon: develop steadily, hold on to good places, help younger colleagues, delve into the industry, immerse yourself. Appreciate what you have at the moment and do it a little better. Everything will turn out.


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