What tools will help meet GDPR

A selection of utilities, literature and frameworks that will help you understand the requirements of the regulation and tell you how to comply with them. Under the cut - free products from the Algolia startup, whose services Twitch uses, as well as several open and proprietary solutions.

Photos - Markus Spiske - Unsplash

How to understand what to do

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a voluminous document. It includes eleven sections and 99 articles. It will be difficult for lawyers to understand all the requirements, but there are tools that will help put everything in order:

Work with cookies

In the wake of the introduction of the GDPR, most of the site owners decided to introduce pre-filled check boxes when contacting visitors with resources about setting cookies.

But in early October of this year, the EU Court banned this practice . And there are already tools that help to fulfill this requirement and figure out what other points should look like:

Photos - Óscar Ardèvol - Unsplash

A year after the entry into force of the GDPR, the IT infrastructure of more than 30% of companies still does not meet the requirements of the law. Therefore, we can expect that over time there will be more tools that will help put everything in order and avoid fines.

Additional reading on 1cloud blog:

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/477176/

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