Tilapia, calories

Among the variety of seafood today, we distinguish tilapia fish. It is a freshwater fish belonging to the cichlid family. This family is counted in hundreds of species. As a rule, their habitat is the tropics. From the general family, several subfamilies can be distinguished, which are called “tilapia” in Russian with an emphasis on the second vowel.

Why was she called that? It is said that in distant Africa a certain lake tribe gave the fish such a name, according to their language. There is a more ridiculous version of the origin of the name tilapia. Almost anecdotal. She is associated with Aristotle. The scientist tasted fish meat, slammed his hands in frustration and said: “it’s a pity that this fish is tilapia”, i.e. "Far" in translation.

There are a number of other names. We will not focus our attention on them. Suffice it to say that a number of grocery supermarkets hang seafood on a display window called "river chicken" or "sea chicken."

Tilapia in terms of biology

The most likely region of fish origin is Asia Minor. But as a result of human intervention, she spread to the vast expanses of Asia and affected the African continent. There are many different subspecies and modifications of tilapia.

Fish of the cichlid family are hardy and able to quickly adapt to climate change, which is also characteristic of tilapia. Internal communication occurs through signals. Inside the species, the so-called “mating pairs” are created, bearing offspring through the birth of babies from caviar. Each couple is an active owner of its territory.

According to the method of nutrition, tilapia is either omnivorous or feeds on aquatic vegetation (depending on species). Some species of the family even manage to feed on underwater soil. These are just those species that do not eat fully processed organics.

Accelerated maturation of fish contributes to their assimilation of detrital amino acids. Male individuals develop and acquire the ability to reproduce earlier than females. The spawning period occurs when the water warms up to 25 and above degrees Celsius. Tilapia usually gives offspring once a month, under appropriate conditions.

To protect their cubs, almost all fish hide eggs in their mouths. The process of forming fry takes about a month. Then there is a gradual "release" of young fish. They are taught to live independently.

Holding thus the eggs laid, tilapia performs several functions: protective (offspring are not exposed to the harmful effects of the environment), sanitary (a thorough check of eggs, marriage or sick individuals are ruthlessly removed). Also, some types of tilapia produce eggs as standard, like most other fish. They throw it on the outer surface, for example, rocky soil and zealously guard the offspring from the encroachment of strangers.

Tilapia. Calorie content

Tilapia meat is juicy and almost fat-free with plenty of protein. It is used in a fried, baked form or as a steamed broth. The fewer red veins in the fish, the tastier is its fillet. The fish is unpretentious in cooking, which gives ample opportunities for creative culinary activities.

Nutritionists calculated the daily portion of the tilapia fish product. The calorie content of a regular diet does not exceed 2 kcal per day. For such a diet, this is approximately one average portion per 99.22 g. Tilapia composition: calories - 98, protein - 18.5 g, fat - 2.4 g (4%), sodium - 0.052 g.

Industrial content

In culinary delicate protein meat of tilapia has become a kind of gastronomic delicacy. Tilapia, calorie content of fish, a high percentage of protein in meat and moderate fat content make it possible to talk about it as a dietary dish. The cichlid breed mentioned is equally important for breeding. This fish is hardy, omnivorous and universally takes root in any water, whether it is fresh or salty.


This type of fish is unpretentious and hardy. Seafood is popular because it has a delicate taste. It can be subjected to any heat treatment: fry, steam or oven. Tilapia - low calorie content, low fat content, protein in large quantities. According to these indicators, it is balanced for any diets. It is safe to say that both the calorie content of fish and its taste, versatility will allow seafood to occupy a worthy niche in consumption and the fishing industry.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/47829282844462906/

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