Webinar "SRE - hype or the future?" December 12 at 11:00

SRE is a hype theme. There were vacancies for the SRE engineer, they talked about SRE at conferences and in interviews. Yesterday I saw the word SRE in the newsletter. Soon it will sound from every iron.

Such hype in some forms unnecessary expectations, while in others - unnecessary fears. SRE is an implementation of DevOps ideas that erases the line between development and operation, and fills the gap between IT and business with metrics. Somewhere there is neither this face nor this abyss. And somewhere, exactly SRE-practices are not enough for DevOps-transformation.

December 12 at 11:00 (Moscow time) at the webinar “SRE - hype or the future?” Eduard Medvedev, CTO Tungsten Lab, SRE engineer, one of the speakers of Slerm SRE, will talk about the applicability, basic concepts and tools of SRE, and then describe what will happen on Slurm SRE .

The webinar will help you to find out if it makes sense to go to Slurm SRE or to study the topic from other sources.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/478554/

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