We all know squids, the calorie content of which is only pleasing!

Now we will talk about such seafood as squid. Their calorie content is so small that squids are ideal as a diet. But, this is not the main thing in these seafood. However, let's take it in order.

Among all marine life, squid is the safest food. They contain a large number of amino acids and phosphorus. The protein contained in squid is perfectly absorbed by the human body. These representatives of the marine world noticeably differ from terrestrial animals in their composition and the content of biologically active substances in them.

In squid arginine and lysine are abundant, which are very important for the children's body. Squid meat is saturated with a lot of taurine, which can lower blood cholesterol. And this is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis. In addition, taurine regulates blood pressure, helps to narrow the arteries, reduces the amount of neutral fats in the blood and improves the so-called "night" vision.

Squid contains selenium and vitamin E, which contribute to the conversion of eicosapentaenoic acid to prostaglandin in the human body. Thanks to it, salts of heavy metals bind and render harmless.

Squids, the calorie content of which largely depends on the method of their preparation, practically do not contain fat. Most nutritionists recommend replacing ordinary animal meat with squid. This is due, first of all, to the fact that manganese, iron, potassium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins C and B are present in their composition in large quantities.

If squid meat is eaten regularly, then the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases markedly, blood pressure decreases, heavy metal salts and toxins are removed from the human body. Interestingly, thanks to squid meat, youth is preserved, and the vitality of the body does not decrease, but on the contrary, significantly increases.

Squids, whose calorie content is only eighty-six kilocalories per hundred grams of the product, can be the basis of both a simple healthy diet and a diet. And how many various dishes from them can be prepared!

These are just boiled squids, the calorific value of which is very small, namely one hundred and ten kilocalories per hundred grams of product. Squid can be fried or dried. Smoked squid, whose calorific value is slightly higher than that of boiled, namely two hundred sixty-three kilocalories, is especially tasty. However, their meat in any form is remarkable for its excellent taste. They go well with legumes, various cereals, vegetables, and even fish.

But, before you cook squids, they still need to be purchased. Here one vital question arises, how to choose them correctly. It is very important to buy such squid carcasses that have not been subjected to secondary freezing. And check it out is very easy. Squids should be easily separated from each other. If this does not happen, refuse such a purchase. Storage conditions were clearly violated here. No less important is the color of the squid meat. It should always be white, regardless of the color of the film covering the squid carcasses.

Well, here you are and bought these representatives of the marine world. Now they need to be cleaned. Contrary to popular belief, it is easy to do this. Just put the squid in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. The skin-film instantly coagulates, and its remaining parts are removed under running water. It remains only to remove the chord and all the insides, thoroughly rinse the squid carcass and you can start cooking.

Squids, the calorie content of which we examined a little higher, are delicious in any form. You are free to choose for yourself a recipe for their preparation, of which there are a huge number. Try, experiment, enjoy. And know, you are tasting not only an excellent dish, but also very healthy!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/49618678688132345/

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