Product combination table. Product compatibility

The manifestation of many diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems, skin, hair, nails, etc. can be associated with improper human nutrition. We are used to eating incompatible food, which causes various adverse reactions in the body and leads to malfunctions in its work. The food combination table is a memo for people who want a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Learning to help the body!

The correct combination of products (the table will be given below) guarantees a high digestive system. Meals, including compatible components, will save you from the processes of fermentation and decay in the gastrointestinal tract.

Each product is absorbed by the human body in different ways:

  1. First, any food requires digestive juice of a certain composition.
  2. Secondly, each individual product has its own time for its digestion.
  3. Thirdly, the most effective assimilation of food is possible only with the right combination of its components.

    product combination table

The first two points need to be reconciled to the extent that our body is so arranged. But the useful combination of products you need to know and be able to use them. This is an essential condition for good digestion, which has a direct impact on human health.

Mixed and separate meals

Despite the fact that many sources today speak about the benefits of consuming correctly combined products, there are still supporters of traditional food intake. This means that many people believe that the mixed diet that has been familiar to everyone from time immemorial does not harm the body. And the opinion that the separation of products contributes to better digestion, they call simply a fashionable trend.

the right combination of products table

Is it so? In fact, food can be mixed, as they did at all times. But there are a number of products that simply cannot be digested at the same time. This is explained by the fact that for the assimilation of each of them certain conditions are necessary - different enzymes and environments.

Product Flavor Combination

The carbohydrates consumed by humans begin to break down even in the oral cavity, and then in the intestines. Protein, in turn, is processed by the stomach. Therefore, if you mix them, the process of assimilation becomes more difficult for the entire digestive system.

The effectiveness and usefulness of a separate meal is indicated not only by people who have tested the technique on themselves, but also by doctors who conducted research in this area. Not only fashionable, but also the right combination of products is necessary for health. The table below. Thanks to her, we will learn to eat competently.

Product Combination Table

For clarity and simplification of the concept of “separate food” we bring to your attention a scheme on which it will be indicated what and with what you can and should eat.

Product Combination Table

type of product


p / p




fish, poultry, meat




cream, butter

sour creamfour-+DD-++D++----+
vegetable oil5-+-D-++D++----+
sweet, including sugar6--------+------
bread and potatoes7-D+++---++--D-D
tomatoes, sour fruits8--+++--D+D-D+-+
dried fruits, sweet fruits9---++--D+DD+--D
non-starchy and green vegetables10++++++++++-++++
starchy vegetableselevenD++++-+DD+D++D+
dairy products13-------D+++-+-+
cheese, feta cheesefourteen--D---D+-++-+-D

"-" products are incompatible; "+" compatible; "D" mixing is permissible.

Table clarification

Each line contains information on a specific product and its serial number. Be careful! The columns are the same products, but only their numbers are indicated. Exact observance of all points requires this table. The combination of foods indicated in it helps to improve the digestive system and your body.

food combination table

  1. Animal proteins found in meat, poultry and fish are processed in the body longer than other food products. It is advisable to choose lean varieties and consume only with vegetables.
  2. Protein products include peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, etc. They are best combined with vegetable and animal fats (sour cream), vegetables and herbs.
  3. Butter consumption should be limited and only with foods that contain a minimum of fat. Namely - vegetables, bread, cereals, etc.
  4. Sour cream is the product from which oil is obtained. Accordingly, it is compatible with the same products as oil. It is permissible to use it with some fruits.
  5. Vegetable fat (raw and unrefined oil) is especially well absorbed with cereals and vegetables.
  6. Sugar and products with a high content are processed for a very long time. They are best consumed in a minimal amount and separately from other foods. You can replace sugar with honey.
  7. Starch rich carbohydrates must not be used with animal proteins. This is the basic law of separate nutrition. For bread, some exceptions are allowed.
  8. Acid fruits are all citrus fruits, cranberries, pomegranates and sour pears, apricots, apples, etc. They are better to eat separately. Tomato contains acids in large quantities, therefore it is assigned to this category.
  9. Bananas, persimmons, dates and all kinds of dried fruits are considered sweet fruits. It is better to use them separately or with a small amount of nuts and milk. It is also permissible to combine them with some vegetables and herbs.
  10. This category includes: cabbage, garlic, eggplant, onions, bell peppers, herbs and green vegetables. These are the safest and easiest digestible products. Combined with almost everything, you can use them separately.
    a combination of slimming products
  11. Carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, horseradish - starchy vegetables. It is undesirable to use them with sugar. Other combinations are possible and permissible.
  12. Milk is a complex product that is best consumed separately from all other categories for quick absorption.
  13. The same applies to cottage cheese and dairy products - they are difficult to digest and are saturated with protein. It is acceptable to combine with some fruits and vegetables.
  14. It is better to choose not fatty and not sharp varieties of feta cheese and naturally produced cheeses (i.e. homemade).
  15. Eggs are natural proteins in their pure form. Well absorbed with vegetables or separately from everything.
  16. Nuts are a fatty product that combines with almost all categories. You need to use them carefully, because they are heavy enough for the stomach.

A separate category is melon. It cannot be combined with any product at all.

Separate nutrition as an option for quality weight loss

Proper nutrition is not only health, but also getting rid of extra pounds. Separate consumption of food and a competent combination of products for weight loss is an excellent method. You yourself can verify this.

combination of food tastes

The food combination table should always be at your fingertips, it would be great to switch to such a way of eating for life. At first, the sensations will be mixed. However, over time you will get a guaranteed result, and delicious and habitual meals will become your absolute norm.


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