Delicious raspberry berry: beneficial properties and versatile use

One of the most popular remedies in folk medicine is raspberries, whose beneficial properties and healing qualities are beyond any doubt. This is one of the favorite berries of the Russian people, it is loved by people of different ages, because it is amazingly tasty, and besides, its aroma is more delicate and finer than that of other berries, and its healing qualities have been known since ancient times. And today, like several centuries ago, raspberries are often used to treat and prevent many of our diseases. Surely in our country there are no people who at least once did not escape from colds with tea with delicious raspberry jam.

The berries of garden and wild raspberries can be eaten fresh, with cream or milk, from which jam, stewed fruit, jelly, syrups, marshmallows, juices, marmalade, jams are also made, they make liquors, tinctures, wine, liquors, soft drinks, kvass, fillings for confectionery and sweets, etc. Today there are varieties of white, yellow, red and black raspberries.

Raspberry berry - beneficial properties due to its rich composition

The healing properties of an amazing berry are due to the many substances, elements and vitamins that our body needs. Raspberries have about 10% sugars (sucrose, fructose and glucose), a little essential oil, more than 20% fatty oil, organic acids (tartaric, citric, salicylic and malic), proteins, fiber, pectins, minerals, tannins, flavonoids and catechins (substances providing antioxidant properties), mineral salts (iron, zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium, calcium, cobalt), vitamins C, B2, PP, B1, E, B12, provitamin A, folic acid. And the seeds contain beta-sitosterol and fatty oil with antisclerotic properties. Leaves include organic acids and flavonoids.

It is no secret that many forest animals and birds, even bears, feed on raspberries, so they manage to stay healthy and active. The plant is also an excellent honey plant: about 100 kg of honey is obtained from a hectare of raspberry thickets.

In garden raspberries, the composition is the same, but it has more salicylic acid than wild, so it is more useful for colds. Dried raspberries have the same healing properties as fresh.

Healing raspberries: useful properties for traditional medicine

There are a lot of recipes for treating with raspberries. So, fresh berries can treat gastritis and colitis, hypovitaminosis and anemia, atherosclerosis and hypertension. With gastritis, colds and colitis, they drink fresh raspberry juice, which can be squeezed through cheesecloth and taken 100 g three times a day, before meals. Berry syrup improves the smell and taste of many drugs, but it is better to drink it separately or add syrup to tea - very tasty.

Infusions from all parts of raspberries improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, have a diaphoretic, antiseptic, antipyretic, antiemetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, raspberries infusions are often prescribed for colds. For this purpose, you need to brew one or two tsp. dry raspberry berries with a glass of boiling water, insist and drink hot for several minutes. And in case of a cold, you need not only to drink hot tea with raspberries, but also go to bed immediately, well wrapped up. If you immediately have time to drink 3 glasses of raspberry berry infusion per hour at the first signs of a cold , the disease will go away in a milder form, and the number of berries can be increased by taking two tablespoons. for one glass of boiling water.

With influenza, SARS, sore throat and any colds, you need to drink concentrated raspberry infusion: pour 200 g of dry raspberries 600 g of boiling water, insist for half an hour and drink for an hour. With obesity, they drink the same infusion and eat dry berries.

Not all women are probably aware that tea with raspberries can reduce the symptoms of PMS, and it also makes pregnancy easier and helps a woman recover faster after giving birth. It can also reduce pain and relieve spasm, normalize the menstrual cycle, relieve nausea; tones and calms; raspberry tea is very useful when there is a threat of miscarriage, to increase lactation and postpartum pain.

Valuable and raspberry leaves. Their useful properties are used for female diseases for douching and lotions, as well as for hemorrhoids. To prepare an infusion of raspberry leaves and flowers, pour them (10 g each) 200 g of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain.

Raspberry leaf infusion is also used for enteritis, gastritis, and respiratory diseases as an anti-inflammatory and astringent. Four tsp 400 g of boiled water is brewed in crushed leaves, insisted, filtered, and then drunk four times a day, 100 g each.

Raspberry leaves can heal wounds, decoctions for lotions with bruises are prepared from them. With inflammation of the intestines and stomach, lungs, pharynx and oral cavity, an infusion of leaves is also effective. Raspberry is part of expectorant, antitussive, diaphoretic and vitamin preparations and teas.

Raspberry has antitoxic and hemostatic effects, has a beneficial effect on skin color and tone, improves appetite. Copper in raspberries is found in most antidepressants, so the berry is recommended for people whose life or work proceeds under constant stress.

One of the properties of raspberries is the strengthening of the walls of the circulatory system. If you have a predisposition to cardiovascular disease, you have suffered a stroke or heart attack, try to eat as many berries as possible. Raspberry also lowers blood pressure, cholesterol in the blood, prevents and treats atherosclerosis thanks to beta-sitosterol and fatty acids in the composition. When treating ulcers of the intestine and stomach, it is recommended to take a tablespoon of raspberry juice a quarter of an hour before meals. In inflammatory bowel diseases or acute diarrhea, water infusions of raspberry leaves are taken inside (1:20). Still in raspberries there are volatile, destructive for mold, spores of yeast and Staphylococcus aureus.

What is raspberry useful in cosmetology?

Raspberry, whose beneficial properties are widely used in cosmetology, solves many cosmetic problems. It helps get rid of teenage acne. For this, fresh leaves of the plant are crushed, crushed in a wooden or porcelain bowl, and the pulp is applied to problem areas for 15 minutes. Then they wash themselves (they just do not wipe themselves, but dry their faces with patting gentle movements).

Herpes is treated with raspberry branches. To do this, use a compress: put on a sore spot gruel of young branches (always washed in boiled water). Pulp and raspberry juice are used for masks for mature and aging skin, as a nutritional component and to improve tone. For burns and skin rashes, an ointment from fresh raspberry leaves is used: they are rubbed, squeezed juice, mixed with butter or petroleum jelly (1: 4).

Raspberries have a few contraindications. They must be taken into account when using berries. It contains many purine bases, so raspberry should not be used for patients with jade and gout. Its use in diarrhea and inflammatory bowel diseases is undesirable. With a sick liver, raspberries can be eaten little by little, but with exacerbations of ulcers, gastritis, and other gastrointestinal diseases, you cannot eat it, although you can drink fresh juice from it, diluting it with boiled water.

There is also an individual intolerance to raspberries, it can cause allergic reactions (usually this applies to red raspberries, then try replacing it with white, yellow or black). Eat this delicious gift of nature and be always healthy and young!


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