Today, natural coffee is one of the most popular drinks. Many people cannot imagine morning without a cup of aromatic pleasure. But the debate about whether coffee is good or maybe harmful is still not subsiding. This topic is devoted to many studies. Scientists around the world continue to discover new and new properties of this product that were not previously known. Thus, the results of long-term studies that ended in Japan, the USA, and some European countries proved that people who drink 5 or more cups of drink per day have a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. Also, coffee lovers are less likely to suffer from gout, stones in the gall bladder, kidneys, age-related memory loss and, imagine, from ... sexually transmitted diseases.
So, drink, gentlemen, coffee lovers! And now we will find out what coffee is good for.
Cereal or soluble?
It is worth noting that not many people drink natural coffee beans. Most people prefer a soluble analogue. Of course, it is easier and faster to cook, only in taste the instant coffee is many times inferior to the present. In addition, it is proven that it contains more caffeine. Therefore, it is better to drink coffee beans - it is both tastier and healthier.
The benefits of coffee
The beneficial properties of this product were already known to Avicenna and Aristotle. Each coffee bean contains many trace elements and various vitamins. The main ones include iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, sulfur and phosphorus. In addition, there are more than 30 types of organic acids in grains.
1. Harvard scientists have found that coffee is an excellent preventative measure against the appearance of stones in the gallbladder, 2-3 cups of drink per day by 30% reduces the risk of developing gallstone disease.
2. Natural coffee normalizes the central nervous system. And it increases the content of beneficial cholesterol in the blood of a person.
3. It is proved that coffee contains serotonin, which is called the "hormone of happiness." It cheers up and helps get rid of depression. Drinking 2 cups of drink per day effectively reduces the risk of depression. According to statistics, people who regularly consume coffee commit suicide several times less than those who do not drink it.
4. The benefit of coffee also lies in the fact that it is able to cause an increase in female libido. Under the influence of caffeine, a woman's need for sex increases, so, men, do not forget to offer a cup of coffee on a date to your lady. But here it must be remembered that the drink has a viagro-like effect only on women who drink it from time to time, but do not consume it daily and in large quantities. Also, 1 cup of coffee per day can significantly extend and increase female sexual activity after 50 years of age. In small quantities, the drink can improve potency and spermatogenesis in men.
5. Coffee "American" (filtered) even in large quantities does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in most people (as previously assumed). This conclusion was reached by a team of scientists from Harvard School of Health and the University of Madrid as a result of a 20-year observation of 128 thousand women and men. Researchers noted that passionate coffee lovers abuse alcohol and smoke more often, less often take vitamins and drink tea, less exercise. But, even taking into account these circumstances, the risk of a heart attack in such people is not increased. The conclusion is obvious: coffee protects our cardiovascular system. This is confirmed by a study lasting 15 years, in which more than 27 thousand women 55-69 years old participated. Those who drank 1 to 3 cups of coffee per day from cardiovascular and other diseases associated with inflammation died 24% less than those who did not drink coffee at all. All this thanks to the antioxidants found in coffee.
6. The drink improves significantly the blood supply to the brain, along with this, increasing brain activity. Available caffeine increases human brain productivity by almost 10%. But remember: fasting coffee will have the opposite effect.
7. Coffee lovers are less at risk of developing diabetes, and recent discoveries by Harvard scientists have found that 6 cups of coffee a day for men reduces the risk of developing diabetes by half, and by a third for women. In other words, the male coffee population is better at protecting against diabetes. Similar results were literally followed also in the Netherlands.
8. A cup of drink can not only restore vigor, the benefits of coffee and the ability to improve memory, especially for the elderly. This is confirmed by scientists at the University of Arizona who conducted an experiment among people over the age of 65.
9. The drink increases the effectiveness of antibiotics - this was proved by Iranian scientists. After adding caffeine to the antibiotic, the effect of the drug was doubled on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 4 times on Staphylococcus aureus.
10. The next benefit of coffee is protection against gout. According to the results of six-year American studies conducted among 50 thousand men, it became clear that 4 cups of a drink drunk per day reduce the risk of gout by 40%.
11. Caffeine helps relieve muscle pain. Scientists from the state of Georgia advise in the first week of sports before a warm-up to drink a couple cups of coffee. This will help reduce sensitivity to muscle pain.
12. Each additionally drunk cup reduces the risk of liver cirrhosis by 22% - the findings of American scientists on a study of 125.5 thousand men and women.
13. Another study confirmed that the drink reduces the harm from smoking. In smokers, the risk of developing bladder cancer is 7 times higher. However, if at the same time the smoker is an active consumer of coffee, then the risk increases only 3 times.
Who should not drink coffee
First of all, you need to know: an overdose of coffee can lead to dizziness, insomnia and headache.
People should not drink it with such diagnoses: kidney diseases, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, increased irritability, coronary heart disease, insomnia, high blood pressure.
It is worth remembering that in coffee there are tannins that drain the gastric mucosa. Therefore, you can’t drink the drink on an empty stomach.
It is also contraindicated in exacerbation of chronic gastritis, ulcers. Do not advise children to drink. It was previously believed that you should not drink it and pregnant. But studies of recent years have proved that coffee does not have a serious impact on the health of the future baby and mother. However, abuse the drink is also not worth it.
For a long time, scientists believed that coffee can lead to cancer of the colon, pancreas. But recently, scientists have proven the opposite: coffee reduces the activity of many carcinogens. The benefits of coffee are obvious, but you should not abuse them.
A couple of cups of drink per day will not do harm, and, according to scientists, even useful. And if you need to justify that you drink too much of this drink, choose a useful property from the above and enjoy!