Health is considered the most important component for a full existence. This is a complete physical, psychological, social balance and well-being. It is believed that about 10% of our health is determined by our genes, 20% falls on the environment, 10% on the level of medical care, and the remaining 60% on our lifestyle. At the same time, as social life becomes more complicated, the load on the body increases and changes, and there is an urgent need for a healthy lifestyle.
What is a healthy lifestyle?
A healthy lifestyle is a certain system that every reasonable person tries to follow. It implies moderation in everything and is based on the following elements:
- healthy habits;
- safe and supportive environment;
- proper and balanced nutrition;
- regular exercise;
- personal hygiene;
- hardening.
How to accustom yourself to a full life?
Doctors have developed 10 recommendations that can help you prolong your life, make it full and enjoyable:
- Start your brain training. More often solve puzzles, riddles, learn foreign languages, count in your mind, and not with the help of a calculator. So you will regularly train your brain. This will help slow down age-related degradation, and the heart will work much better.
- Work. Do not sit idle, even if you are well provided for the rest of your days. Find a business to your liking. Thanks to this, you will remain young and beautiful for a long time.
- Do not overeat. Follow the measure and consume no more than 1,500 calories per day. This helps the body cells maintain activity and discharge. But do not go from one extreme to another, keep the proportions in the food.
- Make the menu according to the age group. For example, women after 30 years can prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles with the help of the liver and nuts. Men over 40 years old are useful to enrich their menu with kidneys and cheese. This will help reduce stress, and the fish will benefit the heart and circulatory system.
- Listen to yourself more often. This will help to establish peace of mind.
- Love and be loved. It is the state of love that helps produce the hormone of happiness (endorphin), it strengthens the immune system.
- Ventilate the room for the night. Before going to bed, open the windows in the apartment, let the air temperature drop to 17-18 degrees. This will improve metabolism, slow down age-related changes.
- Go in for sports . Even eight minutes of daily exercise can prolong a person’s life.
- Let yourself be pampered a bit. Regardless of the fact that this contradicts all of the above recommendations, allow yourself to consume something tasty from time to time.
- Do not hold back anger. Nerve cells are not restored and often cause diseases. Share your experiences with family people, tell them what saddens you.
Thanks to vigorous activity, not only physical, but also mental, the nervous system is normalized, the heart will become stronger. But everything should be balanced.
How to stay healthy?
To maintain a healthy and effective performance of all body systems, you need to adjust the regimen of the day. Learn to wake up and get ready for bed at the same time, and distribute meals by the clock . Thanks to this, the body will be able to get used to certain loads.
Submit your activity and rest to the regime. This will help preserve the body all the necessary resources. The broken daily routine negatively affects the body as a whole and can cause many diseases. The physiology of each person is unique, so each person should make their own daily regimen.
Daily routine for men
Most of the time physical exercises should accompany: these are all kinds of strength exercises, running and walking to develop endurance. The day must begin with a warm-up. Morning meals should consist of thirty-five percent of the total daily diet.
It’s good for young people to move more often. Therefore, it is optimal to go for a half-hour walk after breakfast. Go to work on foot. In adulthood, more time should be devoted to exercises aimed at stimulating the cardiac system at least three times a week.
The daily diet of a man should include 5-6 meals, although the entire main meal should be consumed up to 16 hours. Sleep should be prepared at 22-23 hours. A few hours before bedtime, rest your brain; exclude reading books and watching TV at this time. It is best to listen to relaxing music and take an evening stroll.
Women's Day
In female physiology, the first place is occupied by pregnancy and childbirth, which indicates the need to adhere to a special daily routine. When composing the regimen of the day, remember the menstrual cycles that contribute to a change in tone and hormonal levels.
Give enough time to exercise: exercises that stimulate the cardiac system, and stretching exercises. It is useful for a woman to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, from ten in the evening to 6 in the morning. Divide your daily diet into three full meals and two snacks.
Middle-aged women also need to exercise: yoga and fitness for at least 40 minutes a day. Fifteen minutes should be given to warm up. After 30 years, the number of hours for sleep is recommended to be reduced. After 40 years, the proportions of meat and carbohydrates should be reduced, while the number of meals should be preserved.
Daily routine in children
From early childhood, you should teach children to take care of their health. It is important to teach a child from a young age to discipline. It is best to wake a child at seven in the morning, and prepare him for bed no later than 21 hours. Up to six years, the child is also important for daytime sleep. Walk with your baby at least twice a day, do gymnastics with him and divide your main meal by 5-6 times.
The first walk should be done before lunch, and the second a few hours before bedtime, but physical activity should be reduced. At school age, the child’s daily schedule adjusts to the lessons. Therefore, there is no longer daytime sleep, although after lunch it is also important to give the child a rest.
Remember that the daily routine is the basis of a healthy lifestyle, and it is important to observe it for every person, regardless of age and gender.