More than once, without exception, everyone heard about the healing power of dried fruits. Repeatedly, everyone has heard that dried fruits are also used in such an important and important business as weight loss. Even ballerinas love them, because they dull the feeling of hunger and reduce cravings for sweets. In this case, you don’t have to worry about your weight: the calorie content of dried fruits is so low. They can easily replace sweets. Firstly, they are much healthier and also more nutritious. Secondly, the calorie content of dried fruits, the table of which is available on the network, is very small, so they will not bring any damage to the figure.
Is it true that dried fruits are so healthy? Are there really so few calories in them that they can be used for weight loss? What benefits can I get from dried fruits? We will try to understand all these issues.
Before you start looking in the World Wide Web for a table of calorie content of dried fruits, you should find out why they are still useful. So, any doctor and nutritionist will tell you that these are carbohydrates in their pure form. The calorie table of products shows that the calorie content of dried fruits is not enough to gain excess weight. However, it is enough to satisfy hunger. That is why some people often eat dried fruits to defeat the tempting desire to eat sweets. They begin to eat less sweets, and, as a result of this, lose their annoying extra pounds. Moreover, it is obvious that condensed milk, chocolate, as well as caramel with all other sweets do not contain as many healthy substances and vitamins as dried fruits.
However, you should not think that if you want, you can sit on dried fruits every day without eating salads, soups, cereals, and so on. The fact is that in this case you are guaranteed a stomach upset. Next, we will tell how long such a diet can last. It is worth alternating apples, prunes, dried apricots, dates and pears - and then you can have no doubt about the positive effect of losing weight.
The calorie content of dried fruits is low, so they can be eaten in large quantities. If you ask your nutritionist, he will not hesitate to tell you that dried fruits are one hundred percent natural products. You must admit that at present it is not so easy to purchase natural products, since almost all of them contain a huge amount of a wide variety of chemical elements that can sometimes harm the body. As you know, such substances and chemical elements will not be digested by the body in full - there is a formation of toxins, which lead to such a problem as obesity. The calorie content of dried fruits and other properties make them such products that not only relieve hunger, but are also digested by the body in full. Moreover, they can give the body the whole complex of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. That is why dried fruits are favorite assistants in losing weight.
So again about calories. Calorie content of dried fruits is 250-300 kilocalories. The smallest amount of calories found in apples. And if we talk about dried apricots, dates or raisins, then here there are much more - up to 400 kilocalories. All this will show you the table, the calorie content of products in which is compiled by leading nutritionists.
So, how should you use low calorie dried fruits for weight loss? The answer is not long in coming: you can follow a special diet. She is very simple. It is necessary to adhere to it for about five days, while only dried fruits and nuts need to be eaten. During the day, you can treat yourself with tea or coffee, however, there can be no question of any sugar. The secret of such a diet is that you will receive a boost of energy and energy for the whole day, without gaining weight.