Homemade dumplings. Calorie content

Dumplings - a dish familiar to each of us since childhood. This traditional Russian dish, so beloved by our mothers and grandmothers, is served to guests as the first. If you ask a foreigner about what our country is associated with, he will certainly remember dumplings, vodka and bears. We are ready to eat this dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dumplings are served on tables with butter, sour cream, onions, mayonnaise and other sauces. How harmful is this food? The calorie content of the dish is quite high, so those who are inclined to be full should not eat it constantly.

According to tradition, dumplings are made from unleavened dough. The stuffing can be minced meat, fish or minced meat. Most often they make the filling of chicken, turkey, lamb, beef or pork. All over the world they call this dish differently: khinkali, manti, ravioli, chuchvara, sorcerers, crepe, etc., but neither the form nor the content change dramatically.

The history of the dumplings

According to one legend, dumplings appeared in Russia in the 16th century and came to us from the Trans-Urals. Others say that the dish came to Russia from China as a result of the Mongol-Tatar wars. There is a third point of view, according to which the Finno-Ugric peoples invented dumplings and distributed them throughout the country. For the tribes wandering from place to place in our vast country, dumplings were an indispensable food, thanks to which they survived in cold Siberia, preparing dinner on a fire in boiling water. To keep them fresh longer, Siberians put a piece of ice in the filling.

Homemade dumplings. Calorie content

Homemade dumplings are not much different from store dumplings , but, nevertheless, they often have more calories, as caring housewives do not save on oil, meat, sauces and other products. On average, homemade dumplings have calories in the region of three hundred kcal. Here it is worth considering not only the dough and minced meat, but also the broth in which the dish is cooked. If you also add various sauces, sour cream and seasonings when serving, then the energy value also increases greatly.

Factory dumplings. Calorie content

As for dumplings cooked in factories, there are no problems with calorie counting, everything is written in detail on the back of the pack. On average, this indicator varies from 250 to 400 kcal per 100 g of product. If you want to buy dumplings, the calorie content of which will be low, look for dietary meat.

It is worth noting that the dish is quite heavy for the stomach, so if you have problems with the digestive system, you should refrain from such a meal. Moreover, everyone knows the fact that dumplings are a fast-food dish, and this already says a lot. Fast food has never been considered good for health and shape.

How many calories are considered to be dietary dumplings? About two hundred and fifty kcal per 100 grams of product. This is relatively small. The filling may be turkey, chicken or beef. Avoid eating sauces and bread while eating.

Many refuse dumplings due to the fact that they consider themselves to be vegetarians. Others, in principle, do not eat only meat, allowing themselves eggs, fish and seafood. Specially created for them fish dumplings. They are prepared mainly from sea or river fish. As a filling, cod, pink salmon, hake, sea tongue, pike perch, common carp, pike, chum salmon, etc. can be used. The cooking technology is no different from the standard one. The main thing to do is to remove all the bones and pass the fish pieces through a meat grinder, then add chopped onions and a little oil to the minced meat. Dumplings with fish filling are more juicy, tender and least nutritious. You can also serve them with sour cream, mustard or mayonnaise.

Bon Appetit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/8689666595402588/

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