Edible Chestnuts, Benefits And Some Cooking Recipes

Lovers and lovers of literature are well aware of Lafontaine's famous fable about the cat and the monkey. The cat dragged chestnuts out of the fire for the monkey and as a result only burned its paws, and the monkey received an excellent treat. And this is true, because roasted chestnut is very tasty. But you need to make a reservation right away: we are talking about edible chestnuts, which grow mainly in the southern regions of Europe. In our country, an inedible species is common - the so-called horse chestnut.

So, what are chestnuts, the benefits of which have been known since ancient times? These are nuts, which, unlike their other counterparts, do not have a large amount of protein and fat in their composition. But what they are rich in is carbohydrates. But not only chestnut, whose beneficial properties are widely known, is used in folk medicine. If you take an interest in its recipes, you can conclude that the bark of this tree, and leaves, and even flowers can be used with benefit for humans.

Decoctions and infusions are made from chestnut bark, which are effectively used externally and internally for hemorrhoids, as well as for chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, especially if these diseases are accompanied by diarrhea. Such decoctions are very useful with the increased acidity of your gastric juice. But, in addition to this, decoctions from the chestnut bark are very useful for stopping bleeding. And with colds, they can gargle and rinse your nose. Collect for this bark is necessary in the spring.

Chestnut, the beneficial properties of which are studied in this article, cannot be considered without its colors. So, for example, you can collect juice from them, which is excellently used again in the treatment of hemorrhoids or with problems with veins. But you need to know that the juice will be useful only if it was squeezed from flowers, the lifespan of which is no more than two days. That is, it is necessary to observe the buds, and as soon as they open - pick flowers. From chestnut flowers, you can make tincture on vodka, which perfectly helps with arthritis, gouty and rheumatic pains. That's what chestnuts are useful from a medical point of view.

But, undoubtedly, especially if to consider chestnuts, the benefits of the nuts themselves. Of these, you can make a powder that is effective in the treatment of colds of the upper respiratory tract, as well as thrombophlebitis. In order to prepare such a tool, you need to take fifty grams of chestnuts (pulp of nuts), grind them into powder, and then pour 250 grams of vegetable oil. Mix very thoroughly. Every evening it will be necessary to lubricate the affected areas with the suspension obtained and massage it very carefully. You can repeat this procedure many times, sometimes taking a break for one to two days.

Considering chestnuts, the benefits of which are well known, undoubtedly, first of all, we must talk about the positive effect of this nut on the vessels of our body. It is very effective in the treatment of diseases such as thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, postoperative thrombosis or post-traumatic edema. This natural healer also has absorbable properties, which is often used by women with breast diseases. In the event that a woman has mastitis or mastopathy, you can roll the chestnut fruits on the skin or even just put them in a bra. These are they, chestnuts, the benefits of which are undeniable, moreover, from both edible and horse.

In the event that you are interested in chestnut from a culinary point of view, it must be emphasized that its basis is starch, and raw starch is not very tasty. That is why edible chestnuts are cooked, fried and even baked. From it you can prepare a delicious meat sauce or even a healthy and low-calorie dessert.

You can answer the question of how chestnuts are useful for a very long time. After all, this tree with all its components: bark, flowers, fruits and leaves, as if specially created in order to help people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/8789928949506918/

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