"Jermuk" - water that brings health

Even our distant ancestors understood the benefits and efficiencies of water that nature gave us. In the 19th century, it was very fashionable in Russia to travel to Europe, and later to the Caucasus for treatment with mineral waters. Their health benefits have truly been and remain indispensable.

jermuk mineral water

Mineral waters contain a huge amount of healthy vitamins and minerals. They improve the functioning of the internal organs of a person, help solve problems associated with the digestive tract, stomach, and liver. But you should not treat mineral water as ordinary and drink it any and in any quantities, this can cause irreparable harm to your health.

You need to understand that not all mineral waters benefit the health of a particular person. In one water, a large amount of sodium, in another - calcium, in the third - magnesium. Before choosing this or that, especially to people with chronic diseases, it is necessary to carefully study all the information on this issue. "Jermuk" - mineral water, which is useful to drink not only for children but also for adults.

Discovery story

The resort town of Jermuk is located in Armenia . The name translates as "hot spring". This land is truly rich in mineral springs, there are more than 40 of them here. They gave the name of the area.

Since ancient times, a huge number of people, overcoming high mountains and impenetrable ravines, got to hot springs, beating from the earth itself. They took baths and ate food. Those who got here told how amazingly the Armenian water "Jermuk" acted on their body. Diseases from which there was no salvation for years suddenly disappeared as if by magic.

jermuk water

The first official information about water that heals appeared in the 13th century. But only in 1935 a resort was founded here, on which sanatoriums opened. In Soviet times, getting a ticket to the Jermuk sanatorium was very problematic. Today, to try mineral water, it is not necessary to go to Armenia. A mineral water plant has been built in the city . During the year, about 50 million bottles of Jermuk water are distributed worldwide.


One of the best mineral waters in the world is Jermuk. Water is so good that it is drunk in the Kremlin and many other government institutions in Russia. Why? It contains rare trace elements that are not found in many other mineral waters, and if so, not in such quantities. Daily use replenishes the daily requirement of the human body for minerals.

Water is bottled almost at the source, and it does not lose its natural properties, being an environmentally friendly product.

jermuk water reviews

But the most important advantage of this water is the balance of quality and taste. It is pleasant to drink even warm. Jermuk is the only water in Armenia that has a certificate of conformity issued in the EU.

Range of application

Water can not only be drunk, but also used for inhalation, bathing, various medical procedures for the care of face and body. Many diseases can be treated with Jermuk mineral water.

Diseases of the digestive system, liver, metabolism, nervous system have long and successfully been treated with this water. In diseases associated with the motor apparatus and gynecological sphere, bathtubs have proven themselves wonderfully.

Problems with alcohol can also be solved by exchanging one (strong) drink for another, which, unlike alcohol, provides vigor for a long time.

Of course, in each case a medical consultation is necessary. But if you do not have chronic diseases, then you can safely take one glass a day of this healing, amazing water.

armenian water jermuk


"Jermuk" is water, which, due to the large number of minerals, is contraindicated in people with urinary tract diseases. But in some cases, after preliminary consultation with the attending physician, its reception is possible.

With great accuracy, it is worth drinking water for those suffering from urolithiasis.


The Russian scientist Voskoboinikov, who in the mid-19th century explored this area and was the first to write about the benefits of water, noted that life expectancy here is much longer compared to other places in the Russian Empire.

A real gift from heaven is Jermuk water. Reviews of many people convince of this.

The owner of a private European clinic, Dr. Bernstein, recommends to his clients to go to Armenia and enjoy the clean air of local sanatoriums to improve their health. "Jermuk" - water with excellent, unique taste, not only gives health, but also joy.

Many consumers, having once tasted Jermuk water, say that it tastes soft and quenches thirst well. Even small children drink it, usually refusing any mineral water.

Choosing Jermuk mineral water, you choose vigor and longevity!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/8931260199289419/

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