Despite the rather specific taste of pumpkin, it has many fans, because it is incredibly healthy. There are few more vegetables such as pumpkin, the beneficial properties of which so effectively affect the human body.
This fruit is a natural source of trace elements and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Its fragrant pulp contains many important vitamins. In this article, we will consider why the pumpkin is useful and why it is so appreciated.
Firstly, it is vitamin C, which is especially valuable in the autumn, and also B vitamins, which help to cope with fatigue, insomnia and causeless irritability. In addition, it helps to get rid of acne and make hair healthy and fluffy, and nails beautiful and strong.
Vitamins A and E contained in this miracle vegetable are an obstacle to the appearance of early wrinkles and premature signs of aging.
But most of all, pumpkin is valued because of the presence of vitamin K in it, which contributes to normal blood coagulation; this vitamin is almost not found in other vegetables.
Rarely found vitamin T also has pumpkin, its beneficial properties are especially important for those people who monitor their weight, because it helps better absorption of heavy foods, prevents the development of obesity. For this reason, pumpkin is considered an excellent side dish for beef, pork and other heavy and fatty foods. The composition of this fruit is very appreciated by nutritionists, recommending it to everyone who wants to lose extra pounds.
In addition, pumpkin is a leader among vegetables by the amount of iron contained in it, because all its lovers are in a good mood, have a good complexion and do not suffer from anemia.
The copper contained in the vegetable is directly involved in the processes of bone growth, the production of thyroid hormones and insulin, as well as blood formation.
And fluorine, which is in its composition, normalizes the proper development of bone tissue from infancy, the development of nails, teeth and hair. The lack of fluoride affects primarily the teeth - in children there is a delay in their growth, and in adults the enamel hardness decreases, leading to caries. That is why it is very important to introduce into the diet of baby food dishes that contain pumpkin.
Its useful properties are also valuable for older people, because it improves bowel function.
Pumpkin helps to remove cholesterol from the body, fans of pumpkin-containing dishes may not be afraid of liver diseases and sclerosis.
The pulp of pumpkin contains vitamin B9, which is vital for pregnant women and their newborns in the first year of their life.
This miracle vegetable is simply indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. When using this product every day, the heart rate is restored , blood coagulation decreases, which is important for strokes and myocardial infarction. In addition, the work of the kidneys is activated, swelling disappears and urination increases. All this helps to reduce stress on the heart.
Fiber in the fetus leads to an improvement in liver function. Boiled and baked pumpkin helps get rid of heartburn, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, belching, constipation, bloating. To do this, you need to eat 300 g of vegetable daily for 2 months. And it’s not necessary to eat it raw. It retains its medicinal properties in cereals with millet or rice.
Raw pumpkin should be consumed gradually: three times a day, starting from 1 tbsp. l before meals, gradually increasing the dose to 1 cup per dose. Instead of pulp, you can drink pumpkin juice, diluting it with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Freshly squeezed juice is very useful for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, with hypertension or impaired water-salt metabolism.
It is very important for men to consume pumpkin seeds. Since they contain a lot of zinc, and this helps to maintain potency, sperm production, and also prevents the early development of prostate adenoma.
The seeds contain vitamin E (beauty vitamin), as well as B15, which protects the body from the negative effects of the environment, and enhances immunity. The seeds also contain zinc, which plays an important role in the condition of nails, skin and hair.
For diseases of the intestines and stomach, boiled or baked pumpkin is used. Pumpkin cereals contain pectin, which improves digestion and removes cholesterol, toxins, and other harmful substances from the body.
To give the skin a fresh and rested look, use the express emulsion.
For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 1 tbsp. pounded seeds 10 tbsp. l boiling water and cook the mixture over low heat until it turns into a homogeneous mass.
With an emulsion, you can lubricate the skin of the neck and face, leave it for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. You can store the product in the refrigerator for no more than a week.
What a wonderful vegetable a pumpkin is! Useful properties can be listed for a long time. But from the foregoing, we conclude: it is useful to everyone!
Good health!