Effective diet for a week

Excess weight does not make anyone more beautiful or healthier, and all obese people understand this. Here are just some trying to lose weight, while others just stop paying attention to him. Everyone can get rid of excess weight, the main thing is to want this and make an effort. An effective diet for a week is the way out. It will help to significantly improve your figure without harming your health. In addition, you do not have to starve yourself.

Effective diet for a week

Almost all weight loss diets in the week fall into the low-calorie category. Moreover, this unique way of dealing with extra pounds does not involve fasting for a week. Therefore, to safely live this time and lose 3-9 kg is quite realistic with great desire and the presence of willpower. Before choosing a diet for a week, it should be understood that any sudden weight loss is regarded by the body as a stressful situation, and he wants to return the lost body weight by all possible means. To avoid this, you need to think in advance not only the menu for weight loss for a week, but also your new diet, reducing calories. In addition, you must definitely begin to lead an active lifestyle. This rule is generally mandatory for any diet, because sport is not only health, but also confidence in yourself and your body!

Interestingly, the most effective diet for the week is very simple, all products can be purchased at the nearest supermarket. The basis of the diet will be vegetables and fruits, they will not let you get hungry, and at the same time, the calorie intake will significantly decrease. You can even pick fruit for your skin type: red and sweet for dry, and unripe and sour for oily. Such an effective diet for a week is well tolerated in the warm season, when the body does not crave “heavy” food. But most importantly, eating after 18.00 is impossible. A glass of kefir or milk before bedtime is the maximum that you can afford.

After such an effective low-calorie diet, you should not immediately start eating fatty foods, but it is better to exclude fried, sweet, mayonnaise and white bread. Each menu is for itself, depending on personal preferences and tastes. Alternatively, you can bring the daily menu:

  • green tea and green apple with biscuits for breakfast;
  • a tablespoon of cottage cheese with herbs at lunch;
  • mashed potatoes and green peas for lunch;
  • at midday - fruit;
  • for dinner - fruit with yogurt or vegetable salad.

Such restrictions will save you from excess weight quickly, but with strict observance of all conditions both during the diet and after leaving it. Namely: to maintain physical activity and not to forget about the existence of fasting days to consolidate the results achieved.

Effective diet. Menu for the week

Day 1: Breakfast - grapefruit, tea and some ham. Vegetable salad, tea and the same fruit for lunch. Dinner - a piece of grilled meat and a salad of greens.

Day 2: Breakfast - grapefruit, fried eggs and tea. Lunch is the same fruit, plus 2 slices of cheese. For dinner - steamed fish, vegetable salad and a couple of slices of black bread.

Day 3: Breakfast - tomato juice and hard-boiled egg. Lunch - grapefruit, vegetable salad, a slice of brown bread. Dinner - stewed vegetables and tea.

Day 4: breakfast - grapefruit juice, 3 tablespoons granola with dairy products. Lunch - grapefruit and vegetable soup. Dinner - half a grapefruit, some boiled chicken, 2 baked tomatoes and tea.

Day 5: Breakfast - fruit salad. Lunch - coleslaw and baked potatoes. Dinner - fish, tomato juice.

Day 6 and 7: you need to repeat the diet of any day.

That's all the menu for the weekly diet, you see, doesn’t sound so bad. All diets have a little trick - a glass of low-fat kefir, if you really want to eat.

If you like this diet, remember - drink more water and eat less salt. The result will be on the face, and most importantly - on the body!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/9128523120260676/

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