Calorie salted tomatoes and other beneficial properties

Tomatoes appeared in Russia a very long time ago - in the distant XVIII century. Their homeland is considered South America, even now you can find wild forms of this plant there. Whatever they were called, tomatoes or tomatoes, they firmly entered our lives and now it is difficult to imagine a festive table on which there are no fresh or salted tomatoes. Salted tomatoes are especially desirable in the winter season, when an acute shortage of vitamins is felt in the diet. Canned tomatoes, however, like fresh ones, are good because even dieting people can eat them. The calorie content of salted tomatoes is only 20 kilocalories per 100 grams of these wonderful vegetables.

Tomatoes are used not only for the preparation of salads and salting for the winter. There are many dishes, the preparation of which is simply impossible without a tomato. Various tomato sauces, ketchup, tomato juice and much more. For example, can you imagine a traditional borscht cooked without a tomato or a pasta dish without tomato sauce? Fresh and salted tomatoes have become an integral part of our diet. The only drawback of tomatoes is allergenicity, people with food allergies are forced to limit or completely abandon the use of tomatoes.

The beautiful half of humanity often wonders: "How many calories are in salted tomatoes and fresh?" As a rule, the calorie content of salted tomatoes and fresh ones is the same, only pickled tomatoes can be the exception . In addition to the fact that tomatoes contain a lot of useful substances for the body, they are also an excellent dietary product, using which you certainly will not gain excess weight. Depending on the tomato variety and the method of conservation, in some cases, the calorie content of salted tomatoes is even lower than fresh ones. Therefore, if you follow your figure and are a supporter of a healthy diet, fresh and salted tomatoes must be present in your diet.

The process of harvesting tomatoes for the winter is very simple and even a novice housewife will cope with this task. For salting, it is best to use tomatoes grown in the open field and without the use of fertilizers, because they contain the maximum amount of vitamins such as A, B, C and E. In addition to vitamins, tomatoes are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and copper. As well as tomatoes, it boasts a very rare content of cobalt, zinc and nickel. The presence of essential oils in a tomato, a large number of various bio-substances and organic acids, allows you to use them for the prevention of many diseases. In addition, canned tomatoes contain lactic acid, which favorably affects the microflora of the stomach and improves the digestibility of food. And as already mentioned, low calorie salted tomato complements this very positive picture.

By the way, when tomatoes first appeared in Russia, they were grown as an ornamental plant, because it was believed that its fruits were poisonous. There were even cases when they tried to poison someone with tomatoes, but as a rule all these attempts were doomed to failure. But, partly, this statement also contains some truth, since unripe tomatoes contain a small amount of solanine. Solanine is a toxic substance, so it is not recommended to eat fresh green tomatoes. But it is possible to preserve green tomatoes, since during the preparation process, the concentration of solanine is reduced to an acceptable level. Therefore, pickled and salted green tomatoes will not do any harm to your health.

Scientists have proved that red tomatoes increase the production of the hormone of happiness and, as a result, improve mood. Even in cosmetology, tomatoes have found application, their beneficial properties are used in the preparation of various creams, lotions and face masks.


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