How to recognize breast cancer at an early stage?

Breast cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells in the mammary glands. Affected areas increase and can spread to other organs. Many people die from malignant neoplasms, so women just need to know how to recognize breast cancer at the very beginning of the disease. It is on the list of the most dangerous due to high mortality.

When do you need to start examinations?

Cancer develops due to mutations in genes that are responsible for inhibiting uncontrolled cell growth. Many factors belong to the oncological risk group. In order to know how to recognize breast cancer, first of all, you need to navigate when you need to start an examination.

How to recognize breast cancer in women

It must be done periodically (even despite the absence of symptoms) for women if the parents had (or have) cancer. In this case, the risk of transmission of the disease by heredity increases to 25 percent. Women also need to control their health:

  • still nulliparous;
  • over 50 years old;
  • if the first birth passed after a 30-year milestone;
  • after abortion;
  • refuse breastfeeding;
  • taking hormonal-based contraceptives for a long time;
  • after mastopathy, chest injuries, bruises;
  • after hypothermia of the glands;
  • with early puberty;
  • having endocrine diseases;
  • undergoing radiation therapy;
  • alcohol abuser;
  • smokers
  • living in a radioactive area;
  • often exposed to stressful conditions.

how to recognize breast cancer

Early distant cancer symptoms

How to recognize breast cancer in women? The first signs at an early stage are difficult to identify. When palpating, a small solid swelling is felt. In the armpits , lymph nodes increase. Chest pains appear. A woman feels general weakness.

Early Cancer Recognition

How to recognize breast cancer at an early stage? At the first stage of the disease, the symptoms are practically absent, since the tumor is less than 2 centimeters in diameter. At this stage, there is no metastasis and cell germination in the tissue. But pulling pains in the armpits can serve as the “first signs” of an oncological disease. Puffiness appears in their hollows. Sick breasts become more sensitive.

One of the earliest symptoms of cancer is breast compaction. After the tumor is diagnosed. Discharge from the nipples begins. This process is independent of menstrual cycles. Leaking fluid may be clear, bloody, yellow-green. Often it appears in the form of pus.

how to recognize breast cancer at an early stage

With the progression of cancer, the intensity of the discharge increases. Special gaskets are required. Pain in the mammary glands appears. Small wounds begin to form on the chest, turning into large ulcers. This process can be observed not only on the nipples, but throughout the bust.

He is changing outwardly. In the place of compaction, the skin may acquire a different shade - from yellow to dark red. The affected area begins to peel off. Among the symptoms of cancer, the appearance of small dimples and wrinkled skin in the form of an “orange peel” is noted.

The shape of the chest begins to change. It can become swollen, elongated, etc. A cancerous tumor is characterized by retraction of the nipple. If it drowns more and more, then the neoplasm is increasing.

how to detect breast cancer


How to recognize breast cancer in women (photo of the method is in this article) using mammography? This method reveals neoplasms well. The method is one of the main for determining the disease in the early stages. A scheduled inspection should be carried out once a year. The examination is carried out in the period from 5 to 9 days of menstruation. At this time, the hormonal effect on the chest is manifested to the least extent.

Mammology is an X-ray scan of the breast. At the initial stage of cancer, a shadow of compaction appears in the tissues. The picture reveals the tumor before the manifestation of its first signs. Mammography is not done only during pregnancy and lactation.

how to recognize breast cancer in women


How to recognize breast cancer in women? At the first pain, seals or discomfort, you must consult a doctor. He can prescribe an ultrasound diagnosis. It is carried out after detecting any abnormalities on the x-ray. But it can be a cyst, not a neoplasm.

Its structure, the presence of a cavity, and proliferation are precisely determined using ultrasound diagnostics. At the same time, the state of the lymph nodes is visible. The result is an accurate picture of the changes. The ideal period for an ultrasound scan is immediately after the completion of menstruation.

Tumor markers

How to recognize breast cancer using blood tests? Oncomarkers are taken to determine a malignant tumor. The initial stage of the disease is detected by CA 15-3 antigen. In 20 percent of the initial stages of cancer, this mark rises.

This marker is used for the initial determination of malignant neoplasms. The value should normally correspond to 27 U / ml. The cancer antigen CA 27-29 has little sensitivity and may increase with pneumonia, cysts, etc.

how to recognize breast cancer in women the first signs

Therefore, the presence of oncology is rarely determined by it. CEA antigen has a normal value of 5 ng / ml. Raising this mark to 10 ng / ml indicates the presence of cancer. Tumor markers are prescribed as an addition to a comprehensive examination. If the tumor is not detected visually, the antigen values ​​are not absolute.


How to recognize breast cancer in women? Signs of the disease are the appearance of a tumor, lumps, pain, etc. A chest tomography is performed to refute or confirm the diagnosis. This method shows the neoplasm in a clear image, on which penetration of the affected cells into other organs or not cohesion with them is clearly visible. If the presence of a malignant tumor is confirmed, its degree is determined.


How to recognize breast cancer using a biopsy? The appearance of any neoplasm does not yet indicate the development of cancer. The tumor may be benign. To determine whether the tumor is malignant, additional studies are needed, which is done with a biopsy.

During the procedure, using a special apparatus with a thin needle, cells are taken from the tumor. Then a microscopic examination is performed. This method of detecting cancer is the most accurate, helping to determine not only the type of compaction, but also the upcoming volume of treatment.

Thanks to immunohistochemical studies , the dependence of tumor growth on hormonal levels is established. At the same time, the ability of malignant cells to respond to certain drugs is determined.

Self examination

How to detect breast cancer on your own? During menopause, the breast is examined on the 7-10th day from the onset of discharge, but during the period when swelling or soreness is not observed. If the menstrual cycles are irregular or absent, the mammary glands should be examined monthly.

how to recognize breast cancer in women photo

Self-determination of cancer begins with an examination of the bra at the site of contact with the nipples. There should not be any discharge or spots testifying to them. Next, the areola is examined for redness, peeling, or wounds. All these manifestations should not be.

Then the nipple is examined. It should not be pulled into the chest. The latter is examined separately for visual changes. To do this, a woman stands in front of a mirror and extends her arms up. Underarm and chest shape are examined for bulges, fossae, or asymmetry. Skin color should not contain unusual shades or crusty areas.

The first signs of cancer are determined in the supine position. A woman is laid on her back and lays a roller under one shoulder blade. He palpates the mammary glands from the same side in a circular motion with the pads of two fingers for any seals. Then the roller is shifted to the other side and the procedure is repeated.

It is easiest to detect a tumor while standing in the shower. When touching, soap fingers quickly find seals, which should not be in principle. If you find any of the above signs, you must urgently consult a doctor for a full examination.

Identification of neoplasms, discharge from the nipples or seals is not a sentence. Without a full examination, ultrasound, biopsy, etc., even a doctor will not make an accurate diagnosis, despite the presence of seals or neoplasms. They may be benign.

With timely detected symptoms of cancer, treatment is prescribed, which in most cases proceeds successfully. Modern medicine is able to prevent the growth of infected cells, stop oncology at the very beginning, thereby preventing breast clipping.


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