Pine nut: benefits and harms

Siberian cedar, another name is cedar pine (lat. - Pinus sibirica) is an evergreen coniferous tree that can live up to 200 years and reaches a height of 50 meters. The cedar begins to bear fruit only after 20-30 years (and later) after planting. Cedar cones or nuts, as they are called, ripen for a long 15 months, and in each of them there are up to 150 seeds. You can collect 12 kilograms of seeds from one cedar.

From ancient times, people knew about how useful the properties of pine nuts are, and they were widely used for healing purposes and as food in their natural form and processed into oil. Pine nuts are not only useful, but also pleasant in taste and aroma. They are chosen as food not only by people, but also by various animals and birds.

Pine nut benefit and harm

Let's look at the beneficial and harmful properties of this product. The composition of pine nuts is very rich in nutrients. There are trace elements, fats, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. 19 amino acids contained in nuts are needed by man. For example, arginine is necessary for a developing body, so pine nuts are included in the diet for both pregnant women and children.

The B vitamins present in this product are able to improve the functioning of the whole organism. B1 - strengthens the cardiovascular system and normalizes metabolism, B2 (riboflavin), as well as B3 (niacin) - strengthen vision and improve the digestive system. Vitamin E, which contains 4.6 mcg in 50 grams of nuts, takes part in protein metabolism and acts as an excellent antioxidant that preserves youth.

Trace elements in the fruits of cedars: phosphorus and potassium - strengthen the enamel of teeth and bones, also have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. For children during the period of replacing milk teeth, pine nuts are very helpful. Magnesium strengthens the heart muscle and normalizes metabolism, and zinc, calcium and iron allow you to use nuts to treat vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. The iodine in this miraculous product is just a godsend for those suffering from iodine deficiency.

Pine nuts, the benefits and harms of which attract people's attention, have long been studied by traditional healers. They recommend eating crushed pine nuts in pure form and with the addition of honey. The healing properties of pine nuts help with gastrointestinal diseases, improve the general condition of the blood. With the regular use of this product, increased fatigue disappears and immunity strengthens.

What about the harm caused by pine nuts? Surprisingly, experts studying this issue have come to the conclusion that pine nuts, whose benefits and harms are not comparable, are more useful than harmful. There are practically no contraindications. The biological complex of the product is balanced very harmoniously, making pine nuts an excellent restorative remedy that prevents many diseases. Very rarely there are cases of intolerance to nuts, they are perfectly absorbed by the digestive system. Since cedar fruits are a high-calorie product, obese people should avoid being overly enthusiastic about them. Small children should be given nuts carefully so that they do not get into the respiratory tract.

Incorrectly made cedar oil is contraindicated for use . Unscrupulous businessmen, for the sake of quick profit, make oil in a cheap and quick way using gasoline. It is unlikely that such a product can be attributed to useful.

Used pine nuts, the benefits and harms of which are obvious, not only in cooking. Its healing properties are actively involved in modern medicine, cosmetology for the production of a variety of cosmetic preparations. Pine nut is a gift to people from generous nature.


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