Calorie Tomato

According to the pyramid of healthy nutrition, which is recommended by the Institute of Food and Nutrition, it is vegetables that should become an integral part of each person's balanced diet. The recommended amount is only 4 servings of vegetables per day, which is equivalent to consuming at least 400 grams. It is important to eat a variety of vegetables, fresh and in minimal processing. Vegetables, unlike other fruits, contain a low amount of calories. You can’t get better from them, they are tasty and help maintain the subtlety of the silhouette. The nutritional properties are different for all vegetables. For example, the calorie content of a tomato is less than that of cabbage, legumes, potatoes, and even green onions.

Centuries ago, tomatoes were considered a poisonous plant, and today it is difficult to imagine a day without this vegetable. We use it in different forms - fresh or pickled tomatoes, the calorie content of which is equal, or juice, ketchup and even mashed potatoes - are not only tasty, but also very useful. Today, more than three thousand different varieties are distinguished, which differ in shape, size and color. There are small cherry tomatoes, there are bright yellow, pear-shaped and even green tomatoes, known as the national dish of South American cuisine. Only fruits are eaten, as the leaves contain a concentration of certain alkaloids. Tomatoes have fleshy inner segments filled with slippery seeds that are surrounded by a watery matrix. They can be red, pink, yellow, orange, purple, brown and even black.

“Apple of love” (from the French “Pomme d, Amour”) - tomatoes were considered aphrodisiacs and arrived in Europe from America with Spanish colonizers. These nutritious valuable vegetables contain vitamin C (38.1%), E (4.8%), K (17.7%), B (14.6%), B6 ​​(7%), B3 (5.3%) , B9 (6.7%), i.e. folic acid, beta-carotene, provitamin A (29.9%) and therefore potassium (12.1%), magnesium (4.9%), iron (2.7 %), manganese (10.5%), molybdenum (12%), copper (5.5%), phosphorus (4.3%), as well as calcium, cobalt, zinc, pectins (soluble fiber), unsaturated fatty acids , lycopene, citric and malic acid. Remember that the calorie content of tomato is so nutritious that two vegetables a day cover the daily need for vitamin C, contain about 30% vitamin A and 25% potassium chloride.

Everyone knows that the calorie content of a tomato is determined by the richness of vitamin and minerals, which makes a wide positive impact on human health. Potassium has a diuretic effect, and also regulates blood pressure, and due to the content of folic acid, tomatoes are recommended for women who are planning a pregnancy. Vitamin C condenses blood vessels and promotes iron absorption. The effect of vitamin K is hemostatic, and vitamin A has a beneficial effect on vision. Pectin regulates digestion, stimulates intestinal motility, interferes with cholesterol absorption and helps to eliminate toxins. Of particular importance is lycopene, which is one of the strongest antidepressants. It provides protection, especially in the case of cancer of the prostate, stomach, colon, lung, and mammary glands. Interestingly, the positive effect of lycopene is more effective in processed tomatoes, for example, in ketchup. Although the calorie content of tomato paste in 1 tablespoon is 25 kcal, which is slightly more than in a fresh vegetable, this will not affect the figure negatively.

Due to the presence of vitamins C and K, tomatoes are recommended for people with dilated capillaries. The presence of antioxidants slows down the aging process, and citric and malic acid are appreciated by people with oily skin and acne.

A person’s diet must include tomatoes due to the pectin content and low nutrient content - the calorie content of a tomato is only 15 kcal as a result of the fact that more than 90% of the fruit is water. Carbohydrates in 100 g of vegetable contains 3 grams, protein - 1 gram, and fat - only 0.2 grams.

The nutritional table shows that a serving of tomatoes provides each person with all the necessary substances and is an excellent source of balanced nutrition.


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