The benefits of melt water or how to prolong your youth.

As you know, the human body, more than seventy percent consists of water and only in old age its amount in it decreases. Therefore, in order to preserve the beauty and youth for a longer period, it is necessary to replenish the supply of clean and most useful water in the body in a timely manner. The benefits of melt water were discovered in ancient times and modern scientists have confirmed that its structure is as similar as possible to the fluid contained in the cells of the human body, which means it will become an ideal natural fluid to fill them.

The benefits of melt water are in the structure of its molecules. They are much smaller than water particles from other sources and therefore it is much easier to penetrate the cell membrane, thereby increasing the metabolism throughout the body and slowing down its aging. The main reason for premature aging, according to scientists, is the body’s loss of moisture retention. A low supply of water in the body can cause various diseases. Water is a source of life, and clean and healthy water is a source of health and youth for many years, so you should make it a rule to drink wonderful melt water daily. About one hour before a meal, drink one or two glasses of healing water. In a few days, a positive result and a significant improvement in well-being will be noticeable.

In what cases is the use of melt water especially necessary? This is the best way to fight excess weight, due to improved metabolism and the rapid removal of toxins and other decay products from the body. For those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, such water will become a vital source, significantly lowering cholesterol, improving blood composition and normalizing all cardiac activity. Thanks to the healing properties of melt water, it is possible to significantly increase immunity, thereby increasing the body's ability to deal with many diseases and stressful situations. And for children, it will become a powerful energy boost in the assimilation of difficult training loads.

It is very important to take into account the fact that water should be used immediately, since after 4-5 hours all its magical properties are lost. And in order to prepare this healing water, you can use several simple methods, in each of which you must take into account the accuracy of the manufacturing method by which melt water is obtained. Incorrect cleaning or insufficient freezing can cause harm to the body. The easiest way is to melt the snow, resulting in melt water. A thin hard crust containing an admixture of heavy water can cause harm here . To get crystal clear melt water you need to remove the top layer of frozen snow, just a few millimeters, and safely use the rest of it. In exactly the same way, water prepared by filtration can also be purified. A prerequisite is the quick freezing of purified water with a freezer and slow defrosting at room temperature. The benefits of melt water will be enormous if you create it by several transitions from hot to cold and then turning into ice. To do this, it is necessary to heat the water purified in the filter until the formation of the first bubbles, and then cool and freeze. Harmful of melt water is possible if the information on its preparation was incomplete or incorrect, or if a person made mistakes in the process. Therefore, before you start making this truly miraculous healing drink, you should study as much information as possible on this issue.

And do not forget that the benefits of melt water are not only in its use inside, it is no less good for cosmetic purposes. Washing with healing water you can achieve amazing results, cleanse the skin and smooth even deep wrinkles.


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