जेईई और स्प्रिंग में कस्टम स्कोप बनाना

स्कोप किसी वस्तु के जीवन चक्र को परिभाषित करता है। उदाहरण के लिए, RequestScope में परिभाषित एक जावा बीन (इसके बाद बस एक बीन) एक http अनुरोध प्राप्त होने और इस अनुरोध के पूरा होने पर मुक्त होने पर बनाया जाता है। जेईई और स्प्रिंग में अपना दायरा बनाने की क्षमता है। यानी हम अपने स्वयं के जीवन चक्र के साथ वस्तुओं का निर्माण कर सकते हैं - वे हमारे किसी भी घटना द्वारा बनाए जाएंगे और नष्ट भी होंगे। जेईई में, सीडीआई (प्रसंग और निर्भरता इंजेक्शन) विनिर्देश इसके लिए जिम्मेदार है, और वास्तव में पहले से ही एक समान निर्मित गुंजाइश है। यह एक वार्तालाप है। बातचीत शुरू करने और समाप्त करने के लिए हमारे पास एपीआई और एनोटेशन हैं। यदि हम उनका उपयोग नहीं करते हैं, तो डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से वार्तालापस्कोप RequestScope की तरह व्यवहार करता है। प्रत्येक व्यक्तिगत क्लाइंट की बातचीत को ट्रैक करने के लिए, एक विशेष बातचीत आईडीडी का उपयोग किया जाता है, जिसे आमतौर पर http अनुरोध पैरामीटर के रूप में जोड़ा जाता है। लेकिन यह दृष्टिकोण वेब सेवाओं के लिए काम नहीं करता है। और वसंत में ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं है। लेकिन मेरे व्यवहार में, ग्राहक ने मुझे एक वेब सेवा बनाने के लिए कहा जो लगातार कई कॉलों के लिए बाहरी सिस्टम के समान शारीरिक कनेक्शन का उपयोग करती है। एक निश्चित मात्रा में अतिरिक्त डेटा संग्रहीत करना भी आवश्यक था। यानी एक निश्चित अवधि के लिए एक निश्चित स्थिति (एक कनेक्शन और डेटा के साथ एक वस्तु) को बचाने के लिए आवश्यक था, एक वेब सेवा के लिए वार्तालाप गुंजाइश का ऐसा एनालॉग। आप निश्चित रूप से, मार में इस ऑब्जेक्ट को बचा सकते हैं, जहां कुंजी हमारी एनालॉग बातचीत होगी, और सर्विस सर्वर में Mar डाल दें और इसे वेब सेवा विधियों से प्राप्त करें। लेकिन यह असुविधाजनक है। यह बहुत अधिक सुविधाजनक है जब सर्वर स्वयं हमें दिए गए बातचीत के अनुसार हमारी वस्तु के साथ इंजेक्ट करेगा। इसलिए, हम अपना दायरा बनाएंगे, जो SOAP वेब सेवा के साथ काम करेगा। वेब सेवा स्वयं किसी भी दायरे से संबंधित नहीं हो सकती है, लेकिन हमारी सेम, जिसे हम वेब सेवा में इंजेक्ट करेंगे, हमारे दायरे से संबंधित होगी।

स्प्रिंग और जेईई के लिए कस्टमस्कोप बनाना बहुत समान है। उदाहरण के लिए, निम्नलिखित एप्लिकेशन बनाने पर विचार करें: हमारी वेब सेवा में एक विधि होगी जो हमारे दायरे को सक्रिय करती है और सेशनआईडीडी (बातचीत का एनालॉग) देती है। फिर, इस आईडी का उपयोग करते हुए, हम एक ऐसी विधि कहेंगे जो डेटा को हमारे दायरे में संग्रहीत करती है। फिर हम एक विधि कहते हैं जो इस डेटा को पढ़ता है, और फिर गुंजाइश बंद कर देता है। वास्तुकला दोनों मामलों में समान है:

वसंत में, हम Apache CXF का उपयोग एक वेब सेवा बनाने के लिए करेंगे ताकि JEE से न्यूनतम अंतर हो।

एक स्कोप रेफरेंस क्लास बनाना।

संदर्भ हमारे दायरे की फलियों को उत्पन्न / संग्रहीत / निष्क्रिय करने के लिए बनाया गया है। हमारे ओस्प्रे में प्रत्येक सत्र को एक विशेष आईडी द्वारा पहचाना जाता है, जो थ्रेडलोक चर में संग्रहीत होता है। संदर्भ इस आईडी को वर्तमान सत्र के अनुरूप सेम के उदाहरण देता है, जो स्थानीय रूप से मानचित्र वर्ग के ऑब्जेक्ट में संग्रहीत होते हैं। यानी प्रत्येक थ्रेड सेशन का अपना मान होगा और संदर्भ सेम के संबंधित उदाहरणों को लौटाएगा। तदनुसार, संदर्भ में एक सत्र को सक्रिय और निष्क्रिय करने के तरीके शामिल हैं। अब इसके बारे में अधिक विस्तार से। जेईई में सक्रियण और निष्क्रिय करने के तरीकों के अलावा, हमें वसंत में - javax.enterprise.context.spi.Context इंटरफ़ेस लागू करने की आवश्यकता है। javax.enterprise.context.spi.Context । ये इंटरफेस समान हैं, इसलिए कार्यान्वयन भी समान हैं। जेईई के लिए, हम वसंत के लिए WsContext क्लास बनाएंगे - WsScope। उनमें निम्नलिखित भाग होते हैं:
बीन सत्र भंडारण

जेईई में:

 private static class InstanceInfo<T> { public CreationalContext<T> ctx; public T instance; } private Map<String, Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo>> instances = new HashMap<SessionId, Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo>>(); 

यहाँ instances एक नक्शा है, जहाँ कुंजी सत्र आईडी है, और इस सत्र का मैप बिन मूल्य है। लेकिन केवल बिन संदर्भित करना हमारे लिए पर्याप्त नहीं है। सीडीआई बिन को निष्क्रिय करते समय, आपको उस संदर्भ को जानना होगा जिसमें बिन बनाया गया था, इसलिए InstanceInfo वर्ग का उपयोग किया जाता है, जिसमें ctx संदर्भ है, और उदाहरण बिन है। बिन से शादी करने की कुंजी Contextual वस्तु है।
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .

Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .

Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .

Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .

Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .

Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .

Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
 Contextual –  ,  CDI     .  , CDI       T,    Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor) 
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .
Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .

Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .

Contextual – , CDI . , CDI T, Contextual (Bean, Decorator, Interceptor)
private Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();

, Spring .

, id ThreadLocal . Spring JEE .
private final ThreadLocal<String> currentSessionId = new ThreadLocal<String>() { protected String initialValue() { return null; } }; public String getCurrentSessionId() { return currentSessionId.get(); } public void setCurrentSessionId(String currentSessionId) { this.currentSessionId.set(currentSessionId); }

JEE Spring. Map id .
public void activate(String sessionId) { Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = new HashMap<Contextual, InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(sessionId, map); this.currentSessionId.set(sessionId); }
@Override public boolean isActive() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); return instances.containsKey(id); }

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Set<Contextual> keySet = map.keySet(); for (Contextual contextual : keySet) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = map.get(contextual); contextual.destroy(instanceInfo.instance, instanceInfo.ctx); } currentSessionId.set(null); instances.remove(id); }
JEE , . @PreDestroy garbage collector. JEE , , , .

public void deactivate() { String id = currentSessionId.get(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(id); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope with id =" + id + " doesn't exist"); } Map<String, Object> objectsMap = instances.get(id); Set<String> keySet = objectsMap.keySet(); for (String name : keySet) { remove(name); } instances.remove(id); currentSessionId.set(null); }
JEE, Spring remove . Scope , .
public Object remove(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Runnable runnable = destructionCollbacks.get(name); Thread t = new Thread(runnable); t.start(); return map.remove(name); }
destructionCallbacks :
private Map<String, Runnable> destructionCollbacks = new HashMap<>();
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) { destructionCollbacks.put(name, callback); }
, callback, Spring, , registerDestructionCallback . , JEE, . .. custom scope Spring.


public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual), public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext)
, . null, , .
@Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual) { Map<Contextual,InstanceInfo> map = instances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { return null; } InstanceInfo<T> info = map.get(contextual); if (info == null) { return null; } return info.instance; } @Override public <T> T get(Contextual<T> contextual, CreationalContext<T> creationalContext) { T instance = contextual.create(creationalContext); InstanceInfo<T> info = new InstanceInfo<T>(); info.ctx = creationalContext; info.instance = instance; Map<Contextual, InstanceInfo> map = nstances.get(currentSessionId.get()); if (map == null) { map= new HashMap<Contextual, Context.InstanceInfo>(); instances.put(currentSessionId.get(), map); } map.put(contextual, info); return instance; }
Spring get resolveContextualObject . resolveContextualObject Spring custom scope. , . , , .. null. get . get .
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) { Object object = resolveContextualObject(name); if (object != null) { return object; } String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { throw new RuntimeException("WsScope is inactive"); } object = objectFactory.getObject(); map.put(name, object); return object; } public Object resolveContextualObject(String name) { String sessionId = currentSessionId.get(); if (sessionId == null) { return null; } Map<String, Object> map = instances.get(sessionId); if (map == null) { return null; } Object object = map.get(name); return object; }
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope : public String getConversationId() . , , javadoc, .
public String getConversationId() { return currentSessionId.get(); }

JEE , , scope.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @NormalScope public @interface WsScope { }
scope. :
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> getScope() { return WsScope.class; }
Spring scope , , .

JEE CDI Extension. , Extension
public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm)
context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context);
extension /META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension . extension .
Extension :

public class WsExtension implements Extension { private WsContext context; public WsContext getContext() { return context; } public void afterBeanDiscovery(@Observes AfterBeanDiscovery abd, BeanManager bm) { context = new WsContext(); abd.addContext(context); } }

Spring scope.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer"> <property name="scopes"> <map> <entry key="WsScope"> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsScope" /> </entry> </map> </property> </bean>
scope Singleton.

scope .
JEE , WsExtension. , scope. WsContext Extension. Producer:
public class WsContextProducer { @Inject private WsExtension ext; @Produces public WsContext getContext() { return ext.getContext(); } }
manged bean JEE scope Default ( ). , - CDI WsScope : default Producer. , , .. Producer. , CDI . JEE7 @Vetoed . .. :
@Vetoed public class WsContext implements Context {...}
@Inject private WsContext context;
.. scope , :
@Autowired private WsScope scope;

-, id ws-session-id. - , id . .. . id , id ( ), . id , activate() . id, . - , . deactivate() . - ( WsService) scope. -. .. id - , id.
@WsScope public class WsService { ... }
@WebService() @HandlerChain(file = "wshandler.xml", name = "") public class WsScopeTest { private static int id = 0; @Inject private WsContext context; @Inject private WsService srv; @WebMethod() public String startWsScope() { String sessionId = String.valueOf(id++); context.activate(sessionId); return sessionId; } @WebMethod() public void endWsScope(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { context.deactivate(); } @WebMethod() public void setName(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId, @WebParam(name = "name")String name) { srv.setName(name); } @WebMethod() public String sayHello(@WebParam(name = "ws-session-id") String sessionId) { return srv.hello(); } }
public class WsCdiSoapHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WsCdiSoapHandler.class.getName()); @Inject private WsContext context; @Override public void close(MessageContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { return true; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext ctx) { Boolean outbound = (Boolean) ctx.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY); SOAPMessage message = ctx.getMessage(); SOAPBody soapBody; try { soapBody = message.getSOAPBody(); } catch (SOAPException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } String methodName = null; NodeList nodes = soapBody.getChildNodes(); methodName = findMethodName(methodName, nodes); if (outbound) { LOGGER.fine("[OUT] " + methodName.replace("Response", "")); return true; } LOGGER.fine("[IN] " + methodName); String sessionId = findSessionId(nodes); context.setCurrentSessionId(sessionId); LOGGER.fine("Handler. Id=" + sessionId); return true; } private String findMethodName(String methodName, NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { methodName = node.getLocalName(); } } return methodName; } private String findSessionId(NodeList nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); if ("ws-session-id".equals(node.getLocalName())) { Node firstChild = node.getFirstChild(); if (firstChild == null) { return null; } return firstChild.getNodeValue(); } NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); String id = findSessionId(childNodes); if (id != null) { return id; } } return null; } @Override public Set<QName> getHeaders() { return null; } }
Spring . @Inject @Autowired , - - .
@Service @Scope(value = "WsScope", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS) public class WsService { ... }
- proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS ! , , .. - , . , .
- :
<jaxws:endpoint id="testWsService" implementor="#testWS" address="/WsTest" publish="true"> <jaxws:handlers> <bean class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.context.WsSoapHandler"></bean> </jaxws:handlers> </jaxws:endpoint> <bean id="testWS" class="com.dataart.customscope.spring.testapp.WsTest"></bean>
, , @Autowired .

custom scope JEE Spring . . JEE, , - , - JEE .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/In220233/

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