Humble BundleがSteam経由で利用可能になりました

Wolfireが「好きなだけ」インディーゲームのセールを手配したことを覚えていますか? ですから、メールボックスを調べて(もちろんこのコレクションを購入した場合)、次のメッセージを読んでください。

Dear Humble Indie Bundle customer, thanks for your purchase back in May! I have some good news regarding your games. Since launching the bundle, our most common request has been the ability to download it on Steam. Well, I'm happy to announce that Valve has made this possible -- your personal Steam redemption key is below.


If you're a Steam user, you know what to do. Otherwise, here is a blog post with all of the details on how to access your Humble Bundle on Steam. Don't worry your direct game downloads will always be active on your Humble Bundle key page, which is linked here for your convenience.

PS we have been hard at work on the second Humble Indie Bundle and will send you another email soon to let you know when it's ready. If you don't want to be notified when it launches though, please feel free to unsubscribe.

Jeffrey Rosen
Humble Bundle

, Humble Indie Bundle ! Steam .

ps Humble Indie Bundle.



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