</ sarcasm>
# -*- coding: cp1251 -*- from sys import stdout as console # exit class SessionClosed(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value # class Command: def execute(self): raise NotImplementedError() def cancel(self): raise NotImplementedError() def name(): raise NotImplementedError() # rm class RmCommand(Command): def execute(self): console.write("You are executed \"rm\" command\n") def cancel(self): console.write("You are canceled \"rm\" command\n") def name(self): return "rm" # uptime class UptimeCommand(Command): def execute(self): console.write("You are executed \"uptime\" command\n") def cancel(self): console.write("You are canceled \"uptime\" command\n") def name(self): return "uptime" # undo class UndoCommand(Command): def execute(self): try: cmd = HISTORY.pop() TRASH.append(cmd) console.write("Undo command \"{0}\"\n".format(cmd.name())) cmd.cancel() except IndexError: console.write("ERROR: HISTORY is empty\n") def name(self): return "undo" # redo class RedoCommand(Command): def execute(self): try: cmd = TRASH.pop() HISTORY.append(cmd) console.write("Redo command \"{0}\"\n".format(cmd.name())) cmd.execute() except IndexError: console.write("ERROR: TRASH is empty\n") def name(self): return "redo" # history class HistoryCommand(Command): def execute(self): i = 0 for cmd in HISTORY: console.write("{0}: {1}\n".format(i, cmd.name())) i = i + 1 def name(self): print "history" # exit class ExitCommand(Command): def execute(self): raise SessionClosed("Good bay!") def name(self): return "exit" # COMMANDS = {'rm': RmCommand(), 'uptime': UptimeCommand(), 'undo': UndoCommand(), 'redo': RedoCommand(), 'history': HistoryCommand(), 'exit': ExitCommand()} HISTORY = list() TRASH = list() # def main(): try: while True: console.flush() console.write("pysh >> ") cmd = raw_input() try: command = COMMANDS[cmd] command.execute() if not isinstance(command, UndoCommand) and not isinstance(command, RedoCommand) and not isinstance(command, HistoryCommand): TRASH = list() HISTORY.append(command) except KeyError: console.write("ERROR: Command \"%s\" not found\n" % cmd) except SessionClosed as e: console.write(e.value) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
$ python pysh.py pysh >> rm You are executed "rm" command pysh >> rm You are executed "rm" command pysh >> rm You are executed "rm" command pysh >> history 0: rm 1: rm 2: rm pysh >> undo Undo command "rm" You are canceled "rm" command pysh >> exit Good bay!
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