
このサービスは端末にボタンを追加するには明らかに不十分であるため、パーソナライズされたQIWIウォレット (携帯電話番号に関連付けられていない)を使用することにしました。
その時、私はYiiフレームワークを勉強していたので、最初に決めたのは完成した拡張機能を探すことでした。 さて、検索で結果が得られなかったため、独自に作成することにしました。
このドキュメントでQIWI SOAPサービスの詳細を読むことができます。



<?php /** * Yii Extension to work with a payment system QIWI. * This extension allows you to interact with the service QIWI over SOAP. * * <p>The following functions:</p> * <ul> * <li>Creating an account.</li> * <li>Cancel the account.</li> * <li>Checking account status.</li> * </ul> * * CONFIGRATION * <code> * 'components' => array( * 'ishop' => array( * 'class' => 'ext.ishop.IShop', * 'options' => array( * 'login' => LOGIN, * 'password' => PASSWORD * ) * ) * ), * <code> * * <p>TERMINATION CODES</p> * <ul> * <li>0 Success</li> * <li>13 Server is busy, please repeat your request later</li> * <li>150 Authorization error (wrong login/password)</li> * <li>215 Bill with this txn-id already exists</li> * <li>278 Bill list maximum time range exceeded</li> * <li>298 No such agent in the system</li> * <li>300 Unknown error</li> * <li>330 Encryption error</li> * <li>370 Maximum allowed concurrent requests overlimit</li> * </ul> * * <p>STATUSES REFERENCE</p> * <ul> * <li>50 Made</li> * <li>52 Processing</li> * <li>60 Payed</li> * <li>150 Cancelled (Machine error)</li> * <li>160 Cancelled</li> * <li>161 Cancelled (Timeout)</li> * </ul> * * * @author nek * @package IShop * @example example/example.php * @see http://ishop.qiwi.ru * @see https://ishop.qiwi.ru/docs/OnlineStoresProtocols_SOAP_EN.pdf */ class IShop extends CApplicationComponent { /** * Shop login (ID) * @var integer */ public $login; /** * Shop password * @var string */ public $password; /** * Path to the wsdl document * @var string */ public $wsdlPath; public $options = array(); protected $validOptions = array( 'login' => array('type' => 'integer'), 'password' => array('type' => 'string'), 'wsdlPath' => array('type' => 'string'), ); protected static function checkOptions($value, $validOptions) { if (!empty($validOptions)) { foreach ($value as $key=>$val) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $validOptions)) { throw new CException(Yii::t('IShop', '{k} is not a valid option', array('{k}'=>$key))); } $type = gettype($val); if ((!is_array($validOptions[$key]['type']) && ($type != $validOptions[$key]['type'])) || (is_array($validOptions[$key]['type']) && !in_array($type, $validOptions[$key]['type']))) { throw new CException(Yii::t('IShop', '{k} must be of type {t}', array('{k}'=>$key,'{t}'=>$validOptions[$key]['type']))); } if (($type == 'array') && array_key_exists('elements', $validOptions[$key])) { self::checkOptions($val, $validOptions[$key]['elements']); } } } } protected function defaults() { !isset($this->options['login']) ? $this->login = '' : $this->login = $this->options['login']; !isset($this->options['password']) ? $this->password = '' : $this->password = $this->options['password']; !isset($this->options['wsdlPath']) ? $this->wsdlPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext.ishop.vendor') : $this->wsdlPath = $this->options['wsdlPath']; } public function init() { if (!extension_loaded('soap')) { throw new CException( Yii::t('Soap', 'You must have SOAP enabled in order to use this extension.') ); } else { self::checkOptions($this->options, $this->validOptions); $this->defaults(); } } /** * Creating a bill * * @param string $user – user ID (MSISDN) * @param float $amount – amount of bill * @param string $comment – comment to the bill displayed to the user * @param string $txn – unique bill ID * @param boolean $create – flag to create a new user (if he's not registered in the system yet) * @throws CException * @return number */ public function createBill( $user, $amount, $comment, $txn, $create = true ) { if (strlen($txn) > 30) { throw new CException(Yii::t('IShop', 'Row size can not exceed 30 bytes.')); } // $service = $this->setService(); $params = new createBill(); $params->login = $this->login; $params->password = $this->password; $params->user = $user; $params->amount = $amount; $params->comment = $comment; $params->lifetime = date('dmY H:i:s', strtotime('+1 day ago')); $params->txn = $txn; $res = $service->createBill($params); return (integer) $res; } /** * Cancel a bill * * @param string $txn – unique bill ID * @throws CException * @return number */ public function cancelBill( $txn ) { if (strlen($txn) > 30) { throw new CException(Yii::t('IShop', 'Row size can not exceed 30 bytes.')); } $service = $this->setService(); $params = new cancelBill(); $params->login = $this->login; $params->password = $this->password; $params->txn = $txn; $res = $service->cancelBill($params); $return = $res->cancelBillResult; return (integer) $return; } /** * Check bill status * * @param string $txn – unique bill ID * @throws CException * @return number */ public function checkBill( $txn ) { if (strlen($txn) > 30) { throw new CException(Yii::t('IShop', 'Row size can not exceed 30 bytes.')); } $service = $this->setService(); $params = new checkBill(); $params->login = $this->login; $params->password = $this->password; $params->txn = $txn; $res = $service->checkBill($params); $return = $res; return (integer) $return; } /** * Update bill status * * @param integer $status - bill status */ public function updateBill( $status = 0 ) { $server = $this->setServer(); $params = new IShopServer(); $params->updateBill($status); return; } private function setService() { Yii::import('ext.ishop.vendor.IShopServerWSService'); $service = new IShopServerWSService($this->wsdlPath.'/IShopServerWS.wsdl',array( 'location' => 'https://ishop.qiwi.ru/services/ishop', 'trace' => 1 )); return $service; } private function setServer() { Yii::import('ext.ishop.vendor.IShopServer'); $server = new SoapServer($this->wsdlPath.'/IShopClientWS.wsdl', array( 'classmap' => array( 'tns:updateBill' => 'Param', 'tns:updateBillResponse' => 'Response' ) )); $server->setClass('IShopServer'); $server->handle(); } } 

 $user = 9181234567; $amount = 100; $coment = 'Test pay'; $txn = 123; $return = Yii::app()->ishop->createBill($user, $amount, $comment, $txn); echo $return; 

QIWI SOAPサービスのドキュメント
PHPでの使用例 (それに基づいて、拡張機能が実際に作成されます)
QIWIサービスを使用するためのYii拡張機能 (wsdlファイルを含む完全な作業キット)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/J122760/

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