
「クラウド共産主義」ポリシー(提供するディスク容量-クラウドで取得する容量)で知られる、人気のDropboxの類似物であるWualaは、ルールを変更します。 ほんの数時間前に、次の内容の手紙を受け取りました。


We have been working hard to improve the underlying storage system of Wuala. This improvement will be included for the first time in the next Wuala update, which is coming later this week.

While this change will bring many nice improvements, it also means that we are discontinuing the "trade storage" feature, which was a very hard decision for us to make.

We are aware what this change means for you, therefore we want to give you the amount of storage you have earned for the next twelve months at no cost. We highly appreciate that you have traded your personal storage and wanted to say thank you for contributing to our system.

The new system will bring quite a few long anticipated advantages:

- Incremental file updates (so small changes in a large file do not require the whole file to be uploaded again)
- Increased file size limit up to 100 GB
- Multiple concurrent downloads
- Much faster random access
- More stability (TCP instead of UDP, less router crashes, works better in corporate networks, etc.)
- More performance (less CPU and disk usage during up- and downloads)

Generally, this makes it more convenient to work with files stored directly in Wuala, particularly when accessing multiple files at the same time.

The new system will be rolled out step by step, so these advantages won't become available immediately. In case you want to try out the new system, please visit our forum forum.wuala.com/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2231.


Your Wuala Team

さまざまな改善に懸命に取り組んできましたが、「ディスクスペーストレーディング」機能をキャンセルする必要があります。 それは難しい決定でしたが、セラヴィー。

私たちはこれがあなたにとって何を意味するかを認識しています。そのため、1年間、獲得したスペースはすべて無料で使用されます。 パーソナルディスク領域を提供していただき、ありがとうございます。



私の意見では、これは失敗です。 Dropboxに対する主な利点は失われます。 今では彼と競争するのは難しいでしょう。

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/J129656/

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