サーバーのセキュリティ監査。 セキュリティジャーナルを検索します。 Power powershell



最初のステップは、追跡する必要があるイベントのリストを決定することでした。 テキストの量を減らすために、イベントIDに応じてその説明を提供するプロシージャを作成しました。

Function DefineReason ($Id){ switch ($Id){ 4741{ Return "   "} 4742{ Return "   " } 4743{ Return "   "} 4727{ Return "     "} 4728{ Return "       "} 4729{ Return "       "} 4730{ Return "     "} 4731{ Return "     "} 4732{ Return "       "} 4733{ Return "       "} 4734{ Return "     "} 4735{ Return "     "} 4737{ Return "     "} 4743{ Return "   "} 4754{ Return "     " } 4755{ Return "     "} 4756{ Return "       "} 4757{ Return "       "} 4758{ Return "     "} 4764{ Return "  "} 4720{ Return "  "} 4722{ Return "  "} 4724{ Return "  "} 4725{ Return "   "} 4726{ Return "   "} 4738{ Return "  "} 4740{ Return "   "} 4767{ Return "   "} 4780{ Return "       ,     "} 4781{ Return "    "} 4794{ Return "       "} 5376{ Return "  :    "} 5377{ Return "  :       "} 4825{ Return "e     ,     RDP"} 1102{ Return "  Security"} } } 


 #        Function DefineReasonByAccessMask ($AccessMask){ switch($AccessMask){ "0xc0000064" { Return "   " } "0xc000006A" { Return " ,    "} "0xc0000234" { Return " " } "0xc0000072" { Return " "} "0xc0000006F" { Return "   "} "0xc00000070" { Return "  "} "0xc00000193" { Return "    "} "0xc00000071" { Return "   "} "0xc00000224" { Return "     "} "0xc000015b" { Return "     "} "0xc000006d" { Return " "} } } 

これで、何をフォローしたいかがわかりました。 監査スクリプトを開発する次の手順は、XML形式のセキュリティログを取得することです。イベントが多数ある場合、行ごとの処理にはかなり長い時間がかかるためです。


1. Get-LogEventセキュリティ




-Windows / System32 / winevt / security.evtxのパスに沿って保存されているシステムセキュリティログからのみアクセスできます。
-タグのコンテンツの長時間処理。 処理は、特殊文字を除去した行ごとの分離によって行われます。

2. Get-WinEvent –path“ D:/”


-任意の雑誌へのアクセス。 主なことは、完全なパスを規定することです。



 Try { $Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter } Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events) { Try{ $EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML() } Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) 

ジャーナルにアクセスした後の次のステップは、ジャーナルから必要なイベントを引き出して、適切な決定を下すことです。 ほとんどの場合、これは情報メッセージをメールに送信するか、別のファイルにログインします。

おそらくインターフェイスソリューションを使用して、情報を抽出するパラメーターを設定します。 入力パラメーターのあるダイアログボックス。


1.最初のパラメーターは、ログが特定のディレクトリに定期的にエクスポートされることを前提としています。 ログが1つしかない場合は、ログを保存するための標準ディレクトリ「C:\ Windows \ System32 \ winevt \ Logs」が設定されます。

2. 2番目のパラメーターは、ログを検索するサーバーを決定します。 サーバーが1つの場合は、「*」を入力します。

3. 3番目のパラメーターは非常に明確です:*-日付が設定されている場合(2015年11月30日など)、この日付を検索します。 期間の検索は、ダッシュ(11/01/2015-11/30/2015)で開始日と終了日を入力することにより実行されます。

4.「D:\ log.log」など、作業結果を保存するパスを指定します。 以下は、スクリプトのインターフェイスを構築できるコードです。

 $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form $objForm.Text = "  " $objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,450) $objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen" # Events path $objLabel1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $objLabel1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,20) $objLabel1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,40) $objLabel1.Text = "      `nD:/.../.../ :" $objForm.Controls.Add($objLabel1) $objTextBox1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox $objTextBox1.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,60) $objTextBox1.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20) $objForm.Controls.Add($objTextBox1) #Find Server mode $objLabel2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $objLabel2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,90) $objLabel2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,30) $objLabel2.Text = "1. * -   .`n2.  ." $objForm.Controls.Add($objLabel2) $objTextBox2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox $objTextBox2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,120) $objTextBox2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,30) $objForm.Controls.Add($objTextBox2) #Type Events Mode $objLabel3 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $objLabel3.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,150) $objLabel3.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,45) $objLabel3.Text = "1. * -   .`n2.  .`n3.    " $objForm.Controls.Add($objLabel3) $objTextBox3 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox $objTextBox3.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,195) $objTextBox3.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,30) $objForm.Controls.Add($objTextBox3) #Date Events mode $objLabel4 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $objLabel4.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,225) $objLabel4.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,60) $objLabel4.Text = "1. * -   .`n2.     ...`n3.     ..-.." $objForm.Controls.Add($objLabel4) $objTextBox4 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox $objTextBox4.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,285) $objTextBox4.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,30) $objForm.Controls.Add($objTextBox4) #Save Result $objLabel5 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $objLabel5.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,315) $objLabel5.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,30) $objLabel5.Text = "    " $objForm.Controls.Add($objLabel5) $objTextBox5 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox $objTextBox5.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,345) $objTextBox5.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,30) $objForm.Controls.Add($objTextBox5) #    .       . $OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,380) $OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $OKButton.Text = "OK" $OKButton.Add_Click({$objForm.Close()}) $objForm.Controls.Add($OKButton) $OKButton.DialogResult=[System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,380) $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) $CancelButton.Text = "Cancel" $CancelButton.Add_Click({$objForm.Close()}) $objForm.Controls.Add($CancelButton) $objForm.Topmost = $True $objForm.Add_Shown({$objForm.Activate()}) $dialogResult = $objForm.ShowDialog() #    


 #    if ($dialogResult -eq "OK"){ $Log_Path = $objTextBox1.Text $FindServerMode = $objTextBox2.Text $TypeEventsMode = $objTextBox3.Text $DateEventsmode = $objTextBox4.Text $SaveResult = $objTextBox5.Text } 

日付フィールドに「-」記号がある場合、この記号が正しく入力されていないと、間隔が入力されます-問題。 記号「-」で区切りを実行し、範囲の開始日と終了日を決定します。

 if ($DateEventsmode -match "-"){ $x = $DateEventsmode.split("-") $StartDate = $x[0] $EndDate = $x[1] $StartDate = [DateTime]::parse($StartDate) $StartDate $EndDate = [DateTime]::parse($EndDate) $EndDate } 


 if ($DateEventsmode -notmatch "-" -and $DateEventsmode -ne "*"){ $StartDate1 = [DateTime]::parse($DateEventsmode) } 


 if ($FindServerMode -eq "*" -and $DateEventsmode -eq "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -eq "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  1" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx"} | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName} $i=0 Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" $i++ } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -eq "*" -and $DateEventsmode -eq "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -ne "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  2" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path | Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx"} | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName;ID=$TypeEventsMode} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -eq "*" -and $DateEventsmode -match "-" -and $TypeEventsMode -eq "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  3" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -Recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" } | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $StartDate $EndDate $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) $Event.TimeCreated if ($Event.TimeCreated -gt $StartDate -and $Event.TimeCreated -lt $EndDate){ $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -eq "*" -and $DateEventsmode -notmatch "-" -and $DateEventsmode -ne "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -eq "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  5" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -Recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" -and $StartDate1 -ne "null" } | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $Log.LastWriteTime $StartDate $EndDate $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) if ($Event.TimeCreated.Day -eq $StartDate1.Day -and $Event.TimeCreated.Month -eq $StartDate1.Month -and $Event.TimeCreated.Year -eq $StartDate1.Year){ $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -eq "*" -and $DateEventsmode -match "-" -and $DateEventsmode -ne "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -ne "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  4" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -Recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" -and $StartDate1 -ne ""} | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $Log.LastWriteTime $StartDate $EndDate $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName;ID=$TypeEventsMode} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) if ($Event.TimeCreated.Day -eq $StartDate1.Day -and $Event.TimeCreated.Month -eq $StartDate1.Month -and $Event.TimeCreated.Year -eq $StartDate1.Year){ $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -eq "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -ne "*" -and $DateEventsmode -notmatch "-" -and $DateEventsmode -ne "*" -and $Log_Path -ne "") { Write-host "  6" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -Recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" -and $StartDate1 -ne "" } | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $Log.LastWriteTime $StartDate $EndDate $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName;ID=$TypeEventsMode} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) if ($Event.TimeCreated.Day -eq $StartDate1.Day -and $Event.TimeCreated.Month -eq $StartDate1.Month -and $Event.TimeCreated.Year -eq $StartDate1.Year){ $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -ne "*" -and $DateEventsmode -eq "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -eq "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  7" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -Recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" -and $_.FullName -match $FindServerMode} | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -ne "*" -and $DateEventsmode -eq "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -ne "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  8" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -Recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" -and $_.FullName -match $FindServerMode} | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName;ID=$TypeEventsMode} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -ne "*"-and $DateEventsmode -match "-" -and $TypeEventsMode -eq "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  9" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -Recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" -and $_.FullName -match $FindServerMode -and $StartDate -ne "null" -and $EndDate -ne "null"} | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $Log.LastWriteTime $StartDate $EndDate $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) if ($Event.TimeCreated -gt $StartDate -and $Event.TimeCreated -lt $EndDate){ $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -ne "*" -and $DateEventsmode -match "-" -and $DateEventsmode -ne "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -ne "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  10" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path | Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" -and $_.FullName -match $FindServerMode -and $StartDate -ne "null" -and $EndDate -ne "null"} | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $Log.LastWriteTime $StartDate $EndDate $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName;ID=$TypeEventsMode} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) if ($Event.TimeCreated -gt $StartDate -and $Event.TimeCreated -lt $EndDate){ $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -ne "*" -and $DateEventsmode -notmatch "-" -and $DateEventsmode -ne "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -eq "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  11" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -Recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" -and $StartDate1 -ne "null" } | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $Log.LastWriteTime $StartDate $EndDate $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.EventData.Data) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) if ($Event.TimeCreated.Day -eq $StartDate1.Day -and $Event.TimeCreated.Month -eq $StartDate1.Month -and $Event.TimeCreated.Year -eq $StartDate1.Year){ $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } } 


 if ($FindServerMode -ne "*" -and $TypeEventsMode -ne "*" -and $DateEventsmode -notmatch "-" -and $DateEventsmode -ne "*" -and $Log_Path -ne ""){ Write-host "  12" $ALL_LOGS = Get-ChildItem -Path $Log_Path -Recurse| Where {$_.Extension -eq ".evtx" -and $StartDate1 -ne "null" } | Sort LastWriteTime $ALL_LOGS foreach ($Log in $ALL_LOGS){ $LogFile = "Audit EventLog Security" +"`n" ($Log).FullName $Log.LastWriteTime $StartDate $EndDate $MyFilter = @{Path=($Log).FullName;ID=$TypeEventsMode} Try {$Events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable $MyFilter} Catch {"No events were found in $Log"; Continue} ForEach ($Raw_Event in $Events){ Try{$EventXML = [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML()} Catch {Write-Host "Unable to convert an event to XML"} $Event = @{} ForEach ($object in $EventXML.Event.Message) { $Event.Add($object.name,$object.'#text') } $Event.Add("ID",$Raw_Event.ID) $Event.Add("TimeCreated",$Raw_Event.TimeCreated) $Event if ($Event.TimeCreated.Day -eq $StartDate1.Day -and $Event.TimeCreated.Month -eq $StartDate1.Month -and $Event.TimeCreated.Year -eq $StartDate1.Year){ $LogFile+= "EventID: " + $Raw_Event.ID +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target User Name: " + $Event.TargetUserName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Target Domain Name: " + $Event.TargetDomainName +"`n" $LogFile+= "Status: " + $Event.Status +"`n" $LogFile+= "TimeGenerated: " + $Event.TimeCreated +"`n" $LogFile+= "Workstation Name: " + $Event.WorkstationName +"`n" $LogFile+= "IpAddress: " + $Event.IpAddress +"`n" $LogFile+= "Computer: " + [xml]$Raw_Event.ToXML().Event.System.Computer +"`n" $Reason = DefineReason -Id $Raw_Event.ID $AccessM = DefineReasonByAccessMask -AccessMask $Event.Status $LogFile+= "Reason(RU): " + $Reason + " "+ $AccessM +"`n" $LogFile+= "Reason(SYS): " + $Event.Message +"`n" $LogFile+= "----------------------------------------------------------------`n" } } } } 



 if ($SaveResult -ne ""){ $LogFile | Out-File $SaveResult -Encoding utf8 Invoke-Item $SaveResult $Event2= @{} $Event = @{} $Log_Path="" } else{ $LogFile | Out-File ".\log.log" -Encoding utf8 Write-Host $LogFile $Event2= @{} $Event = @{} $Log_Path="" } 


スクリプトの作成中、「PowerShell and Security Auditingという記事は、著者のおかげで非常に役立つことがわかりました。

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/J271963/

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