Microsoft SQL Serverのさまざまなバージョンと最新のものはどれですか?

かつては、Microsoft SQL Serverの更新ポリシーが少し面倒だったため、どのディストリビューションをインストールする必要があるか、どこからダウンロードするかが混乱していました。 このテーマを掘り下げてみたところ、私の質問に答えてくれる素晴らしい体系化されたインターネット上のリソースを見つけました(記事の冒頭に記載されています)。


英語のGithubマークダウンバージョン: https : //

他のMicrosoft SQL Serverの記事にも興味があるかもしれません。




COD Critical On-Demandオンデマンドクリティカルアップデート)

通常、SQL Serverのインストール手順は次のとおりです。

  1. 必要な安定バージョンがインストールされています(現在推奨されているのは2014または2016です)
  2. 次に、利用可能な最後のサービスパックがインストールされます。
  3. 更新プログラムの最新の累積パッケージがインストールされ、さまざまな種類のバグが排除されます。
  4. 必要に応じて、特定の問題を修正するための正しい修正プログラムがインストールされます。

SQL Serverで利用可能な最新の更新プログラムは何ですか?

vNextvNextをインストールする14.0.200.242017-01-20その他のSQL vNextの更新
2016年2016 SP1をインストールしてから
SP1 CU1 KB3208177
2016-11-162021-07-132026-07-14その他のSQL 2016アップデート
20142014 SP2またはDeveloper Free をインストールしてから
2016-07-142019-07-092024-07-09その他のSQL 2014アップデート
20122012またはDeveloper Free をインストールしてから
SP3 2012その後
2015-12-012017-07-112022-07-12その他のSQL 2012の更新
2008 R2その後、 2008 R2をインストールします
SP3 2008 R2その後
SU KB3045311
レビューノート2014-07-082019-07-09その他のSQL 2008 R2アップデート
SP4 2008その後
SU KB3045316
2014-07-072014-07-082019-07-09その他のSQL 2008アップデート
2005年SP4 2005をインストールしてから
CU3 KB2507769
2010-12-132011-04-122016-04-12その他のSQL 2005の更新

直接ダウンロードリンクを含むMicrosoft SQL Serverインストールファイル

SHA1ハッシュは、組み込みのWindows certutilユーティリティを使用して簡単に取得できます。


certUtil -hashfile "d:\SQL Server\SQLServer2014SP1-KB3058865-x64-ENU.exe" sha1 


 FOR /R "d:\YaDsik\Backup\Distrib\SQL Server" %I IN (*.exe) DO certUtil -hashfile "%I" sha1 

Direct x64ダウンロードリンクファイル名発売日ビルド番号サイズMBSHA1
SQL Server vNextSQLServerVnextCTP1-x64-ENU.iso2017-01-2014.0.200.2419759a 29 ce b3 96 6e fe cb 08 fa 69 af 7c 99 7b dd 4b 68 32 41
SQL Server 2016SQLServer2016-x64-ENU.iso2016-06-0113.0.1601.52050ce 21 bf 1c 08 ec 1a c4 8e bb 49 88 a8 60 2c 78 13 03 4e a3
SQL Server 2016 SP1SQLServer2016SP1-KB3182545-x64-ENU.exe2016-11-1613.0.4001.05528c 6c f1 88 78 93 1d 8e fd 44 b9 52 e7 94 20 00 2b 8a 48 85
SQL Server 2016 SP1 KB3208177SQLServer2016-KB3208177-x64.exe2017-01-1813.0.4411.0439fb d9 69 dd b8 34 07 77 ff ad 7a 39 b5 d3 27 d2 5a 10 a7 43
SQL Server 2014 SP2SQLServer2014SP2-FullSlipstream-x64-ENU.iso2016-07-1112.0.5000.0301016 f1 93 4d c1 f4 79 94 cd 92 44 39 f8 84 a0 5c 6a d4 d1 73
SQL Server 2014 SP2 KB3204388SQLServer2014-KB3204388-x64.exe2016-12-2812.0.5538.05556f 76 bf 1a 04 58 6e e9 b7 a9 1c 77 98 23 90 4c 13 00 b7 bc
SQL Server 2012SQLFULL_ENU.iso2012-02-1411.0.2100.604300be 00 94 2c c5 6d 03 3e 2c 9d ce 8a 17 a6 f2 65 4f 51 84 a3
SQL Server 2012 SP3SQLServer2012SP3-KB3072779-x64-ENU.exe2015-11-2111.0.6020.01017db f0 1b 6d c6 d6 0c 2b 04 5c 92 d9 18 62 e6 08 7a d7 2a 0a
[SQL Server 2012 SP3 KB3205051]SQLServer2012-KB3205051-x64.exe2017-01-1811.0.6579.061443 46 74 9c 43 90 b4 5b 6e d2 34 fc 95 23 d3 e5 91 46 ce 6b
SQL Server 2008 R27601.17514.101119-1850_x64fre_server_eval_en-us-GRMSXEVAL_EN_DVD.iso2010-11-216.1.7601.175143020e1 f1 12 e3 b0 b3 03 a0 67 6f 70 dc 35 85 4b d7 6c d2 54 50
SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3SQLServer2008R2SP3-KB2979597-x64-ENU.exe2014-09-3010.50.6220.035819 4c d7 40 d5 81 2b 12 63 9b 47 88 6e bd e0 d0 47 74 b4 ec
SQL Server 2008 R2 SUSQLServer2008R2-KB3045316-x64.exe2015-07-1410.50.6000583a a4 d8 20 55 3b 1e 5d 96 73 55 41 cb b5 5d 97 32 2c 28 6e
SQL Server 20086001.18000.080118-1840_amd64fre_Server_en-us-KRMSXFRE_EN_DVD.exe2008-01-196.0.6001.180002269e4 d6 29 00 0f c2 3d a9 f9 e0 77 4b 79 69 80 ff 7f 71 f7 48
SQL Server 2008 SP4SQLServer2008SP4-KB2979596-x64-ENU.exe2014-09-3010.0.6241.037813 61 0d 6c b3 9e 37 fc d4 a3 33 82 44 a3 ca 2a 8a 40 4c d8
SQL Server 2008 SUSQLServer2008-KB3045311-x64.exe2015-07-1410.00.60006137 a1 97 c6 09 90 d2 e8 3e 98 d1 09 01 09 a4 ab 3f 2a be 4b

SQL Serverのバージョンと互換性レベル

SQL Serverバージョンカーネルバージョンコードネーム発売年内部バージョン互換性レベルサポートされている互換性レベル
SQL Server vNext14vNext2017年856140140、130、120、110、100
SQL Server 201613SQL162016年841130130、120、110、100
Azure SQLデータベース12Clouddb2010(2017)841130130、120、110、100
SQL Server 201412SQL142014782120120、110、100
SQL Server 201211デナリ2012706110110、100、90
SQL Server 2012 CTP111デナリ2010684110110、100、90
SQL Server 2008 R210.5キリマンジャロ2010660/661100100、90、80
SQL Server 200810カトマイ2008年655100100、90、80
SQL Server 2005 SP2 + VarDecimalが有効になっている9ユーコン2005年6129090、80
SQL Server 20059ユーコン2005年6119090、80
SQL Server 20008シロ2000年5398080
SQL Server 7.0スフィンクス19985157070
SQL Server 6.5ヒドラ19964086565
SQL Server 6.0SQL95199560
SQL Server 4.21SQLNT199360
SQL Server 1.1(16ビット)199160
SQL Server 1.0(16ビット)アシュトンテイト198960


SQL Server vNextvNext14.0.200.24
SQL Server 2016SQL1613.0.1601.513.0.4001.0
SQL Server 2014SQL1412.0.2000.812.0.4100.112.0.5000.0
SQL Server 2012デナリ11.0.2100.6011.0.3000.011.0.5058.011.0.6020.0
SQL Server 2008 R2キリマンジャロ10.50.1600.110.50.2500.010.50.4000.0
SQL Server 2008カトマイ10.0.1600.2210.0.2531.010.0.4000.0
SQL Server 2005ユーコン9.0.1399.069.0.20479.0.30429.0.40359.0.5000
SQL Server 2000シロ8.0.1948.0.3848.0.5328.0.7608.0.2039
SQL Server 7.0スフィンクス7.0.6237.0.6997.0.8427.0.9617.0.1063

Microsoft SQL Server VNextビルド

これは、SQL Server vNext Developer Editionの現在のバージョンに対してSELECT @@VERSIONクエリを実行した結果です。

 Microsoft SQL Server vNext (CTP1.2) - (X64) Jan 10 2017 19:15:28 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows 

最近の更新と修正: SQL Server vNextの新機能

Linuxバージョン:Linux 上のSQL Server vNextの新機能


構築するファイルバージョン支店種類KB /説明発売日ビルド日サイズ、Mb SQL Server vNextコミュニティテクノロジープレビュー1.2(CTP1.2)2017-01-182017-01-111975 SQL Server vNextコミュニティテクノロジープレビュー1.1(CTP1.1)2016-12-162016-12-111975 SQL Server vNextコミュニティテクノロジープレビュー1(CTP1)2016-11-162016-11-021983

Microsoft SQL Server 2016ビルド

これは、SQL Server 2016 Developer Editionの現在のバージョンに対してSELECT @@VERSIONクエリを実行した結果です。

 Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SP1-CU1) (KB3208177) – 13.0.4411.0 (X64) Jan 6 2017 14:24:37 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows 

構築するファイルバージョン支店種類KB /説明発売日ビルド日サイズ、Mb
13.0.4411.02015.130.4411.0SP1Cu3208177 SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1の累積的な更新12017-01-182017-01-06439
13.0.4202.02015.130.4202.0SP1代金引換3210089 SQL Server 2016 SP1用のGDR更新パッケージ2016-12-162016-12-13
13.0.4199.02015.130.4199.0SP1代金引換3207512 SQL Server 2016 SP1 Reporting Servicesの重要な更新2016-11-232016-11-18
13.0.4001.02015.130.4001.0SP1SP3182545 SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1リリース情報2016-11-162016-10-29
13.0.2193.02015.130.2193.0RTMCu3205052 SQL Server 2016の累積的な更新42017-01-182017-01-06699
13.0.2190.22015.130.2190.2RTM代金引換3210110 SQL Server 2016 CU3用のオンデマンドホットフィックス更新パッケージ2016-12-162016-12-13
13.0.2186.62015.130.2186.6RTMCu3194717 MS16-136:SQL Server 2016 CUのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明2016-11-082016-10-31
13.0.2186.62015.130.2186.6RTMCu3205413 SQL Server 2016 Duplicate KB3194717の累積的な更新32016-11-082016-10-31
13.0.2170.02015.130.2170.0RTM代金引換3199171 SQL Server 2016 CU2用のオンデマンドホットフィックス更新パッケージ2016-11-012016-10-11
13.0.2169.02015.130.2169.0RTM代金引換3195813 SQL Server 2016 CU2のオンデマンドホットフィックス更新パッケージ2016-10-262016-10-05
13.0.2164.02015.130.2164.0RTMCuSQL Server 2016の3182270累積的な更新22016-09-222016-09-09
13.0.2149.02015.130.2149.0RTMCuSQL Server 2016の3164674の累積的な更新12016-07-252016-07-11
13.0.1722.02015.130.1722.0RTM代金引換3194716 MS16-136:SQL Server 2016 GDRのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明2016-11-082016-10-31
13.0.1711.02015.130.1711.0RTM代金引換3179258パーティションを処理すると、SQL Server 2016でデータベースが復元された後に他のパーティションでデータが失われます(1200)2016-08-172016-07-30
13.0.1708.02015.130.1708.0RTM代金引換3164398 SQL Server 2016 MSVCRTの前提条件の重要な更新2016-06-042016-06-02
13.0.1601.52015.130.1601.5RTMRTMMicrosoft SQL Server 2016 RTM2016-06-012016-04-29
13.0.1400.3612015.130.1400.361RCRCMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジーリリース候補3(RC3)2016-04-152016-04-09
13.0.1300.2752015.130.1300.275RCRCMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジーリリース候補2(RC2)2016-04-012016-03-26
13.0.1200.2422015.130.1200.242RCRCMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジーリリース候補1(RC1)2016-03-182016-03-10
13.0.1100.2882015.130.1100.288RCRCMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジーリリース候補0(RC0)2016-03-072016-02-29
13.0.1000.2812015.130.1000.281CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー3.3(CTP3.3)2016-02-032016-01-28
13.0.900.732015.130.900.73CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー3.2(CTP3.2)2015-12-172015-12-10
13.0.801.122015.130.801.12CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー3.1(CTP3.1更新)2015-12-052015-12-01
13.0.801.1112015.130.801.111CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー3.1(CTP3.1)2015-11-302015-11-21
13.0.700.2422015.130.700.242CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー3.0(CT​​P3.0)2015-10-292015-10-26
13.0.600.652015.130.600.65CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー2.4(CTP2.4)2015-09-302015-09-20
13.0.500.532015.130.500.53CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー2.3(CTP2.3)2015-08-282015-08-24
13.0.407.12015.130.407.1CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー2.2(CTP2.2)2015-07-292015-07-22
13.0.400.912015.130.400.91CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 2.2(CTP2.2)(廃止)2015-07-222015-07-16
13.0.300.442015.130.300.444CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー2.1(CTP2.1)2015-06-142015-06-12 SQL Server 2016コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー2(CTP2)2015-05-262015-05-21

Microsoft SQL Server 2014ビルド

これは、SQL Server 2014 Developer Editionの現在のバージョンに対してSELECT @@VERSIONクエリを実行した結果です。

 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (SP2-CU3) (KB3204388) - 12.0.5538.0 (X64) Dec 15 2016 17:52:48 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows … 

構築するファイルバージョン支店種類KB /説明発売日
12.0.5538.02014.120.5538.0SP2Cu3204388 SQL Server 2014 SP2の累積的な更新32016-12-28
12.0.5532.02014.120.5532.0SP2Cu3194718 MS16-136:SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 2 CUのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2016年11月8日2016-11-08
12.0.5522.02014.120.5522.0SP2Cu3188778 SQL Server 2014 SP2の累積的な更新22016-10-18
12.0.5511.02014.120.5511.0SP2Cu3178925 SQL Server 2014 SP2用の累積的な更新12016-08-24
12.0.5000.02014.120.5000.0SP2SP3171021 SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 2リリース情報2016-07-11
12.00.4491.02014.120.4491.0SP1Cu3204399 SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ10(CU10)2016-12-28
12.0.4487.02014.120.4487.0SP1Cu3194722 MS16-136:SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 CUのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2016年11月8日2016-11-08
12.0.4474.02014.120.4474.0SP1Cu3186964 SQL Server 2014 SP1用の累積的な更新92016-10-18
12.0.4468.02014.120.4468.0SP1Cu3174038 SQL Server 2014 SP1の累積的な更新82016-08-16
12.0.4463.02014.120.4463.0SP1代金引換3174370 COD Hotfix SQL Server 2014でAzure Storageを使用するとメモリリークが発生する2016-08-04
12.0.4459.02014.120.4459.0SP1Cu3167392 SQL Server 2014 SP1用の累積的な更新72016-06-20
12.0.4457.02014.120.4457.0SP1Cu3167392 SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 更新の 累積的な更新62016-05-31
12.0.4452.02014.120.4452.0SP1代金引換3147825 COD修正プログラムの廃止2016-04-05
12.0.4449.02014.120.4449.0SP1Cu3144524 SQL Server 2014 SP1用の累積的な更新プログラム6(非推奨)非 推奨2016-04-18
12.0.4439.12014.120.4439.1SP1CuSQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1用の3130926累積更新5(CU5)2016-02-22
12.0.4437.02014.120.4437.0SP1代金引換3130999 SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1累積的な更新4のオンデマンド修正プログラム更新パッケージ2016-02-05
12.0.4436.02014.120.4436.0SP1Cu3106660 SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ4(CU4)2015-12-21
12.0.4433.02014.120.4433.0SP1代金引換3119148修正:エラー3203が発生し、ネットワーク障害後にSQL Server 2014バックアップジョブを再開できません2015-12-09
12.0.4432.02014.120.4432.0SP1代金引換3097972修正:ストアドプロシージャがSQL Server 2014のリンクサーバーで別のストアドプロシージャを呼び出すときのエラー2015-11-19
12.0.4427.242014.120.4427.24SP1Cu3094221 SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ3(CU3)2015-10-21
12.0.4422.02014.120.4422.0SP1Cu3075950 SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ2(CU2)2015-08-17
12.0.4419.02014.120.4419.0SP1代金引換3078973 SQL Server 2014 SP1のオンデマンドホットフィックス更新パッケージが利用可能です2015-07-24
12.0.4416.02014.120.4416.0SP1Cu3067839 SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ1(CU1)2015-06-22
12.0.4232.02014.120.4232.0SP1Cu3194720 MS16-136:SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 GDRのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2016年11月8日2016-11-08
12.0.4219.02014.120.4219.0SP1GDR3098852 SP1 GDR TLS 1.2アップデート2016-01-29
12.0.4213.02014.120.4213.0SP1GDR3070446 MS15-058:SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 GDRのセキュリティ以外の更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
12.0.4100.12014.120.4100.1SP1SP3058865 SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1リリース情報2015-05-14
12.0.4050.02014.120.4050.0SP1SPSQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1(SP1)(初期)2015-04-15
12.0.2569.02014.120.2569.0RTMCu3158271 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ14(CU14)2016-06-20
12.0.2568.02014.120.2568.0RTMCu3144517 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ13(CU13)2016-04-18
12.0.2564.02014.120.2564.0RTMCu3130923 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ12(CU12)2016-02-22
12.0.2560.02014.120.2550.0RTMCu3106659 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ11(CU11)2015-12-21
12.0.2556.42014.120.2556.4RTMCu3094220 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ10(CU10)2015-10-20
12.0.25532014.120.2553.0RTMCu3075949 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ9(CU9)2015-08-17
12.0.25482014.120.2548.0RTMCu3045323 MS15-058:SQL Server 2014 QFEのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
12.0.25462014.120.2546.0RTMCu3067836 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ8(CU8)2015-06-22
12.0.25062014.120.2506.0RTM代金引換3063054更新により、Azure Storageのデータファイルに対するPremium Storageサポートが有効になり、バックアップエラーが解決されます2015-05-19
12.0.25052014.120.2505.0RTM代金引換3052167修正:SQL Server 2014で外部結合演算子を含む並列クエリを実行するとエラー12052015-05-19
12.0.25042014.120.2504.0RTM代金引換2999809修正:SQL Server 2014でクエリにテーブル結合が含まれる場合のパフォーマンスが低下する2015-05-05
12.0.25042014.120.2504.0RTM代金引換3058512修正:SSIS 2014でピボット解除変換タスクがnullをゼロまたは空の文字列に変更する2015-05-05
12.0.24952014.120.2495.0RTMCu3046038 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ7(CU7)2015-04-23
12.0.24882014.120.2488.0RTM代金引換3048751 FIX:並列バッチモードスキャンが発生する可能性のあるSELECTクエリを実行すると、デッドロックを自動的に解決できない2015-04-01
12.0.24852014.120.2485.0RTM代金引換3043788 SQL Server 2014のオンデマンドホットフィックス更新パッケージが利用可能です2015-03-16
12.0.24802014.120.2480.0RTMCuSQL Server 2014の3031047累積的な更新パッケージ6(CU6)2015-02-16
12.0.24722014.120.2472.0RTM代金引換3032087修正:SQL Server 2014で最新のSQL Database Update V12(プレビュー)に接続した後、要求されたダイアログを表示できない2015-01-28
12.0.24642014.120.2464.0RTM代金引換3024815 SQL Server 2014でRESOURCE_SEMAPHORE_QUERY_COMPILEで大規模なクエリコンパイルが待機する2015-01-05
12.0.24562014.120.2456.0RTMCu3011055 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ5(CU5)2014-12-18
12.0.24362014.120.2436.0RTM代金引換3014867修正:SQL Server 2014を使用すると、「リモート強化エラー」例外をキャッチできず、データが失われる可能性があります2014-11-27
12.0.24302014.120.2430.0RTMCu2999197 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ4(CU4)2014-10-21
12.0.24232014.120.2423.0RTM代金引換3007050修正:SQL Server 2014で予期されるエラーが発生するネイティブストアドプロシージャを実行すると、RTDATA_LISTが待機する2014-10-22
12.0.24052014.120.2405.0RTM代金引換2999809修正:SQL Server 2014でクエリにテーブル結合が含まれる場合のパフォーマンスが低下する2014-09-25
12.0.24022014.120.2402.0RTMCu2984923 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ3(CU3)2014-08-18
12.0.23812014.120.2381.0RTMQFE2977316 MS14-044:SQL Server 2014(QFE)のセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明2014-08-12
12.0.23702014.120.2370.0RTMCu2967546 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ2(CU2)2014-06-27
12.0.23422014.120.2342.0RTMCu2931693 SQL Server 2014用の累積的な更新パッケージ1(CU1)2014-04-21
12.0.2271.02014.120.2271.0RTMGDRSQL Server 2014 RTMのTLS 1.2サポート2015-12-11
12.0.22692014.120.2269.0RTMGDR3045324 MS15-058:SQL Server 2014 GDRのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
12.0.22542014.120.2254.0RTMGDR2977315 MS14-044:SQL Server 2014(GDR)のセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明2014-08-12
12.0.20002014.120.2000.8RTMRTMSQL Server 2014 RTM2014-04-01
12.0.15242014.120.1524.0CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2014コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー2(CTP2)2013-10-15
11.0.91202013.110.9120.0CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2014コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー1(CTP1)2013-06-25

Microsoft SQL Server 2012ビルド

構築するファイルバージョン支店種類KB /説明発売日
11.0.6579.02011.110.6579.0SP3Cu3205051 SQL Server 2012 SP3用の累積的な更新パッケージ72017-01-18
11.0.6567.02011.110.6567.0SP3代金引換3194724 MS16-136:SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 3 CUのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2016年11月8日2016-11-17
11.0.6544.02011.110.6544.0SP3Cu3180915 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 3の累積的な更新52016-09-20
11.0.6540.02011.110.6540.0SP3CuSQL Server 2012 SP3用の3165264の累積的な更新42016-07-18
11.0.6537.02011.110.6537.0SP3Cu3152635 SQL Server 2012 SP3用の累積的な更新パッケージ32016-05-16
11.0.6523.02011.110.6523.0SP3Cu3137746 SQL Server 2012 SP3用の累積的な更新パッケージ22016-03-21
11.0.6518.02011.110.6518.0SP3Cu3123299 SQL Server 2012 SP3用の累積的な更新パッケージ12016-01-19
11.0.6248.02011.110.6248.0SP3GDR3194721 MS16-136:SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 3 GDRのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2016年11月8日2016-11-08
11.0.6216.272011.110.6216.27SP3GDR3135244 SQL Server 2012 SP3 GDRのTLS 1.2サポート2016-01-27
11.3.6020.02011.110.6020.0SP3SP3072779 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 3(SP3)2015-11-21
11.0.5678.02011.110.5678.0SP2Cu3205054 SQL Server 2012 SP2用の累積的な更新162017-01-18
11.0.5676.02011.110.5676.0SP2Cu3205416 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ15(CU15)2016-11-17
11.0.5676.02011.110.5676.0SP2代金引換3194725 MS16-136:SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 CUのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2016年11月8日2016-11-17
11.0.5657.02011.110.5657.0SP2Cu3180914 SQL Server 2012 SP2用の累積的な更新142016-09-20
11.0.5655.02011.110.5655.0SP2Cu3165266 SQL Server 2012 SP2用の累積的な更新132016-07-18
11.0.5649.02011.110.5649.0SP2Cu3152637 SQL Server 2012 SP2用の累積的な更新パッケージ122016-05-16
11.0.5646.22011.110.5646.2SP2Cu3137745 SQL Server 2012 SP2用の累積的な更新パッケージ112016-03-21
11.0.5644.22011.110.5644.2SP2Cu3120313 SQL Server 2012 SP2用の累積的な更新パッケージ102016-01-19
11.0.5641.02011.110.5641.0SP2Cu3098512 SQL Server 2012 SP2用の累積的な更新パッケージ92015-11-16
11.0.56362011.110.5636.3SP2代金引換3097636 FIX:接続プールを使用するアプリケーションがSQL Serverで頻繁に接続または切断するとパフォーマンスが低下する2015-09-22
11.0.56342011.110.5634.0SP2Cu3082561 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ8(CU8)2015-09-21
11.0.56292011.110.5629.0SP2代金引換3087872 FIX:SQL Server 2012でFileTable機能を使用するとアクセス違反が発生する2015-08-31
11.0.56232011.110.5623.0SP2Cu3072100 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ7(CU7)2015-07-20
11.0.56132011.110.5613.0SP2代金引換3045319 MS15-058:SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 QFEのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
11.0.55922011.110.5592.0SP2Cu3052468 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ6(CU6)2015-05-19
11.0.55822011.110.5582.0SP2Cu3037255 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ5(CU5)2015-03-16
11.0.55692011.110.5569.0SP2Cu3007556 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ4(CU4)2015-01-20
11.0.55562011.110.5556.0SP2Cu3002049 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ3(CU3)2014-11-17
11.0.55482011.110.5548.0SP2Cu2983175 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ2(CU2)2014-09-15
11.0.55322011.110.5532.0SP2Cu2976982 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ1(CU1)2014-07-24
11.0.55222011.110.5522.0SP2代金引換2969896 FIX:SQL Server 2012でオンラインビルドインデックスを実行すると、クラスター化インデックスでデータが失われる(SQL2012 SP2の修正プログラム)2014-06-20
11.0.53882012.110.5388.0SP2GDR3194719 MS16-136:SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 GDRのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2016年11月8日2016-11-08
11.0.53522012.110.5352.0SP2GDR3135244 SQL Server 2012 SP2 GDRのTLS 1.2サポート2016-01-27
11.0.53432011.110.5343.0SP2GDR3045321 MS15-058:SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 GDRのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
11.0.50582011.110.5058.0SP2SPSQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2(SP2)2014-06-10
11.0.35132011.110.3513.0SP1QFE3045317 MS15-058:SQL Server 2012 SP1 QFEのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
11.0.34922011.110.3492.0SP1Cu3052476 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ16(CU16)2015-05-18
11.0.34872011.110.3487.0SP1Cu3038001 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ15(CU15)2015-03-16
11.0.34862011.110.3486.0SP1QFE3023636 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ14(CU14)2015-01-19
11.0.34602011.110.3460.0SP1代金引換2977325 MS14-044:SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1(QFE)のセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明2014-08-12
11.0.34822011.110.3482.0SP1Cu3002044 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ13(CU13)2014-11-17
11.0.34702011.110.3470.0SP1Cu2991533 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ12(CU12)2014-09-15
11.0.34492011.110.3449.0SP1Cu2975396 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ11(CU11)2014-07-21
11.0.34372011.110.3437.0SP1代金引換2969896 FIX:SQL Server 2012でオンラインビルドインデックスを実行すると、クラスター化インデックスでデータが失われる(SQL2012 SP1の修正プログラム)2014-06-10
11.0.34312011.110.3431.0SP1Cu2954099 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ10(CU10)2014-05-19
11.0.34122011.110.3412.0SP1Cu2931078 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ9(CU9)2014-03-18
11.0.34012011.110.3401.0SP1Cu2917531 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ8(CU8)2014-01-20
11.0.33932011.110.3393.0SP1Cu2894115 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ7(CU7)2013-11-18
11.0.33812011.110.3381.0SP1Cu2874879 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ6(CU6)2013-09-16
11.0.33732011.110.3373.0SP1Cu2861107 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ5(CU5)2013-07-16
11.0.33682011.110.3368.0SP1Cu2833645 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ4(CU4)2013-05-31
11.0.33502011.110.3350.0SP1代金引換2832017修正:SQL Server 2012 SP1用の累積的な更新3を適用した後、SSISプロジェクトまたはメンテナンスプランを作成または開くことができません。2013-04-17
11.0.33492011.110.3349.0SP1Cu2812412 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ3(CU3)2013-03-18
11.0.33392011.110.3339.0SP1Cu2790947 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ2(CU2)2013-01-25
11.0.33352011.110.3335.0SP1代金引換2800050修正:SQL Server 2012 SP1のインストール後、コンポーネントのインストールプロセスが失敗する2013-01-14
11.0.33212011.110.3321.0SP1Cu2765331 SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ1(CU1)2012-11-20
11.0.31562011.110.3156.0SP1代金引換3045318 MS15-058:SQL Server 2012 SP1 GDRのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
11.0.31532011.110.3153.0SP1GDR2977326 MS14-044:SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1(GDR)のセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明2014-08-12
11.0.31282011.110.3128.0SP1代金引換2793634 SQL Server 2012 SP1のインストール後、Windowsインストーラーが繰り返し起動する2013-01-03
11.0.30002011.110.3000.0SP1SPSQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1(SP1)2012-11-06
11.0.28452011.110.2845.0SP1CtpSQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1カスタマーテクノロジープレビュー4(CTP4)2012-09-20
11.0.28092011.110.2809.24SP1CtpSQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1カスタマーテクノロジープレビュー3(CTP3)2012-07-05
11.0.24242011.110.2424.0RTMCu2908007 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ11(CU11)2013-12-17
11.0.24202011.110.2420.0RTMCu2891666 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ10(CU10)2013-10-21
11.0.24192011.110.2419.0RTMCu2867319 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ9(CU9)2013-08-21
11.0.24102011.110.2410.0RTMCu2844205 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ8(CU8)2013-06-18
11.0.24052011.110.2405.0RTMCu2823247 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ7(CU7)2013-04-15
11.0.24012011.110.2401.0RTMCu2728897 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ6(CU6)2013-02-18
11.0.23952011.110.2395.0RTMCu2777772 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ5(CU5)2012-12-18
11.0.90002011.110.9000.5RTMCtp多次元モデルのPower Viewを備えたMicrosoft SQL Server 2012 Customer Technology Preview(CTP3)2012-11-27
11.0.23832011.110.2383.0RTMCu2758687 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ4(CU4)2012-10-18
11.0.23322011.110.2332.0RTMCu2723749 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ3(CU3)2012-08-29
11.0.23252011.110.2325.0RTMCu2703275 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ2(CU2)2012-06-18
11.0.23162011.110.2316.0RTMCu2679368 SQL Server 2012用の累積的な更新パッケージ1(CU1)2012-04-12
11.0.22142011.110.2214.0RTM代金引換2685308修正:SSASは、SQL Server 2012 Business Intelligenceで20コアのみを使用します2012-04-06
11.0.21002011.110.2100.60RTMRTMSQL Server 2012 RTM2012-03-06
11/11/19132011.110.1913.37RCRCMicrosoft SQL Server 2012リリース候補1(RC1)2011-12-16
11.0.17502011.110.1750.32RCRCMicrosoft SQL Server 2012リリース候補0(RC0)2011-11-17
11.0.14402010.110.1440.19CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2012(コード名Denali)Community Technology Preview 3(CTP3)2011-07-11
11.0.11032010.110.1103.9CtpCtpMicrosoft SQL Server 2012(コード名Denali)Community Technology Preview 1(CTP1)2010-11-08

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2ビルド

構築するファイルバージョンKB /説明発売日
10.50.65422009.100.6542.03146034 KB3135244からSQL Server 2008またはSQL Server 2008 R2バージョンをインストールした後、サービスが断続的に終了する2016-03-03
10.50.65372009.100.6537.0SQL Server 2008 R2 SP3の3135244 TLS 1.2サポート2016-01-27
10.50.65292009.100.6529.03045314 MS15-058:SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 3 QFEのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
10.50.65252009.100.6525.03033860 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 3(SP3)のオンデマンドホットフィックス更新パッケージが利用可能です2015-02-09
10.50.62202009.100.6220.03045316 MS15-058:SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 3 GDRのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
10.50.6000.342009.100.6000.34SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 3(SP3)2014-09-26
10.50.43432009.100.4343.03135244 SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2のTLS 1.2サポート(IA-64のみ)2016-01-27
10.50.43392009.100.4339.03045312 MS15-058:SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 QFEのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
10.50.43312009.100.4331.02987585 Advanced Formatディスクでスタンバイモードでログを復元すると、SQL Server 2008 R2またはSQL Server 2012で9004エラーが発生することがある2014-08-27
10.50.43212009.100.4321.02977319 MS14-044:SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2(QFE)のセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明2014-08-12
10.50.43192009.100.4319.02967540 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ13(CU13)2014-06-30
10.50.43052009.100.4305.02938478 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ12(CU12)2014-04-21
10.50.43022009.100.4302.02926028 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ11(CU11)2014-02-18
10.50.42972009.100.4297.02908087 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ10(CU10)2013-12-16
10.50.42952009.100.4295.02887606 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ9(CU9)2013-10-29
10.50.42902009.100.4290.02871401 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ8(CU8)2013-08-30
10.50.42862009.100.4286.02844090 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ7(CU7)2013-06-17
10.50.42852009.100.4285.02830140 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2の累積的な更新パッケージ6(CU6)(更新)2013-06-13
10.50.42792009.100.4279.02830140 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2の累積的な更新パッケージ6(CU6)(置換)2013-04-15
10.50.42762009.100.4276.02797460 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ5(CU5)2013-02-18
10.50.42702009.100.4270.02777358 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ4(CU4)2012-12-17
10.50.42662009.100.4266.02754552 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ3(CU3)2012-10-15
10.50.42632009.100.4263.02740411 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ2(CU2)2012-08-29
10.50.42602009.100.4260.02720425 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2用の累積的な更新パッケージ1(CU1)2012-08-01
10.50.40422009.100.4042.03045313 MS15-058:MS15-058:SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 GDRのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2015年7月14日2015-07-14
10.50.40332009.100.4033.02977320 MS14-044:SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2(GDR)のセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明2014-08-12
10.50.40002009.100.4000.0SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2(SP2)2012-06-26
10.50.37202009.100.3720.0SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2コミュニティテクノロジープレビュー(CTP)2012-05-13
10.50.28812009.100.2881.02868244 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用のオンデマンドホットフィックス更新パッケージ2013-08-12
10.50.28762009.100.2876.02855792 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ13(CU13)2013-06-17
10.50.28752009.100.2875.02828727 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ12(CU12)(更新)2013-06-13
10.50.28742009.100.2874.02828727 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ12(CU12)(置換)2013-04-15
10.50.28692009.100.2869.02812683 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ11(CU11)2013-02-18
10.50.28682009.100.2868.02783135 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ10(CU10)2012-12-17
10.50.28662009.100.2866.02756574 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ9(CU9)2012-11-06
10.50.28612009.100.2861.02716439 MS12-070:SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 QFEのセキュリティ更新プログラムの説明:2012年10月9日2012-10-09
10.50.28222009.100.2822.02723743 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ8(CU8)2012-08-29
10.50.28172009.100.2817.02703282 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ7(CU7)2012-06-18
10.50.28112009.100.2811.02679367 SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1用の累積的な更新パッケージ6(CU6)2012-04-16
10.50.28072009.100.2807.02675522修正:SQL Server 2008 R2でパーティションインデックスを持つテーブルに対してDMLステートメントを実行するとアクセス違反が発生する2012-03-12
10.50.28062009.100.2806.02659694 Cumulative update package 5 (CU5) for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 12012-02-22
10.50.27992009.100.2799.02633357 FIX: "Non-yielding Scheduler" error might occur when you run a query that uses the CHARINDEX function in SQL Server 2008 R22012-02-22
10.50.27962009.100.2796.02633146 Cumulative update package 4 (CU4) for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 12011-12-20
10.50.27892009.100.2789.02591748 Cumulative update package 3 (CU3) for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 12011-10-17
10.50.27762009.100.2776.02606883 FIX: Slow performance when an AFTER trigger runs on a partitioned table in SQL Server 2008 R22011-10-18
10.50.27722009.100.2772.02567714 Cumulative update package 2 (CU2) for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 12011-08-15
10.50.27692009.100.2769.02544793 Cumulative update package 1 (CU1) for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 12011-07-18
10.50.25502009.100.2550.0Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-0702012-10-09
10.50.25002009.100.2500.0SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1)2011-07-11
10.50.18172009.100.1817.02703280 Cumulative update package 14 (CU14) for SQL Server 2008 R22012-06-18
10.50.18152009.100.1815.02679366 Cumulative update package 13 (CU13) for SQL Server 2008 R22012-04-17
10.50.18102009.100.1810.02659692 Cumulative update package 12 (CU12) for SQL Server 2008 R22012-02-21
10.50.18092009.100.1809.02633145 Cumulative update package 11 (CU11) for SQL Server 2008 R22012-01-09
10.50.18072009.100.1807.02591746 Cumulative update package 10 (CU10) for SQL Server 2008 R22011-10-19
10.50.18042009.100.1804.02567713 Cumulative update package 9 (CU9) for SQL Server 2008 R22011-08-16
10.50.18002009.100.1800.02574699 FIX: Database data files might be incorrectly marked as sparse in SQL Server 2008 R2 or in SQL Server 2008 even when the physical files are marked as not sparse in the file system2011-10-18
10.50.17972009.100.1797.02534352 Cumulative update package 8 (CU8) for SQL Server 2008 R22011-06-20
10.50.17902009.100.1790.02494086 MS11-049: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 R2 QFE: June 14, 20112011-06-17
10.50.17772009.100.1777.02507770 Cumulative update package 7 (CU7) for SQL Server 2008 R22011-06-16
10.50.17692009.100.1769.02520808 FIX: Non-yielding scheduler error when you run a query that uses a TVP in SQL Server 2008 or in SQL Server 2008 R2 if SQL Profiler or SQL Server Extended Events is used2011-04-18
10.50.17652009.100.1765.02489376 Cumulative update package 6 (CU6) for SQL Server 2008 R22011-02-21
10.50.17532009.100.1753.02438347 Cumulative update package 5 (CU5) for SQL Server 2008 R22010-12-23
10.50.17462009.100.1746.02345451 Cumulative update package 4 (CU4) for SQL Server 2008 R22010-10-18
10.50.17342009.100.1734.02261464 Cumulative update package 3 (CU3) for SQL Server 2008 R22010-08-20
10.50.17202009.100.1720.02072493 Cumulative update package 2 (CU2) for SQL Server 2008 R22010-06-25
10.50.17022009.100.1702.0981355 Cumulative update package 1 (CU1) for SQL Server 2008 R22010-05-18
10.50.16172009.100.1617.02494088 MS11-049: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 R2 GDR: June 14, 20112011-06-14
10.50.16002009.100.1600.1SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM2010-04-21
10.50.13522009.100.1352.12Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 November Community Technology Preview (CTP)2009-11-12
10.50.10922009.100.1092.20Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 August Community Technology Preview (CTP)2009-06-30

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Builds

BuildFile versionKB / DescriptionRelease Date
10.0.65472007.100.6547.03146034 Intermittent service terminations occur after you install any SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2 versions from KB31352442016-03-03
10.0.65432007.100.6543.03135244 TLS 1.2 support for SQL Server 2008 SP42016-01-27
10.0.65352007.100.6535.03045308 MS15-058: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 4 QFE: July 14, 20152015-07-14
10.0.65262007.100.6526.03034373 An on-demand hotfix update package is available for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 4 (SP4)2015-02-09
10.0.62412007.100.6241.03045311 MS15-058: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 4 GDR: July 14, 20152015-07-14
10.0.6000.292007.100.6000.292979596 SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 4 release information2014-09-30
10.0.58942007.100.5894.03135244 TLS 1.2 support for SQL Server 2008 SP3 (IA-64 only)2016-01-27
10.0.58902007.100.5890.03045303 MS15-058: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 QFE: July 14, 20152015-07-14
10.0.58692007.100.5869.02977322 MS14-044: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 SP3 (QFE)2014-08-12
10.0.58672007.100.5867.02877204 FIX: Error 8985 when you run the "dbcc shrinkfile" statement by using the logical name of a file in SQL Server 2008 R2 or SQL Server 20082014-07-02
10.0.58612007.100.5861.02958696 Cumulative update package 17 (CU17) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32014-05-19
10.0.58522007.100.5852.02936421 Cumulative update package 16 (CU16) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32014-03-17
10.0.58502007.100.5850.02923520 Cumulative update package 15 (CU15) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32014-01-20
10.0.58482007.100.5848.02893410 Cumulative update package 14 (CU14) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32013-11-18
10.0.58462007.100.5846.02880350 Cumulative update package 13 (CU13) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32013-09-16
10.0.58442007.100.5844.02863205 Cumulative update package 12 (CU12) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32013-07-16
10.0.58412007.100.5841.02834048 Cumulative update package 11 (CU11) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 (updated)2013-06-13
10.0.58402007.100.5840.02834048 Cumulative update package 11 (CU11) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 (replaced)2013-05-20
10.0.58352007.100.5835.02814783 Cumulative update package 10 (CU10) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32013-03-18
10.0.58292007.100.5829.02799883 Cumulative update package 9 (CU9) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32013-01-23
10.0.58282007.100.5828.02771833 Cumulative update package 8 (CU8) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32012-11-19
10.0.58262007.100.5826.02716435 Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-0702012-10-09
10.0.57942007.100.5794.02738350 Cumulative update package 7 (CU7) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32012-09-21
10.0.57882007.100.5788.02715953 Cumulative update package 6 (CU6) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32012-07-16
10.0.57852007.100.5785.02696626 Cumulative update package 5 (CU5) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32012-05-19
10.0.57752007.100.5775.02673383 Cumulative update package 4 (CU4) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32012-03-20
10.0.57702007.100.5770.02648098 Cumulative update package 3 (CU3) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32012-01-16
10.0.57682007.100.5768.02633143 Cumulative update package 2 (CU2) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32011-11-22
10.0.57662007.100.5766.02617146 Cumulative update package 1 (CU1) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 32011-10-18
10.0.55382007.100.5538.03045305 MS15-058: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 GDR: July 14, 20152015-07-14
10.0.55202007.100.5520.02977321 MS14-044: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 SP3 (GDR)2014-08-12
10.0.55122007.100.5512.0Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-0702012-10-09
10.0.55002007.100.5500.0SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 (SP3)2011-10-06
10.0.54162007.100.5416.0SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 CTP2011-08-22
10.0.43712007.100.4371.0Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-0702012-10-09
10.0.43332007.100.4333.02715951 Cumulative update package 11 (CU11) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22012-07-16
10.0.43322007.100.4332.02696625 Cumulative update package 10 (CU10) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22012-05-20
10.0.43302007.100.4330.02673382 Cumulative update package 9 (CU9) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22012-03-19
10.0.43262007.100.4326.02648096 Cumulative update package 8 (CU8) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22012-01-30
10.0.43232007.100.4323.02617148 Cumulative update package 7 (CU7) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22011-11-21
10.0.43212007.100.4321.02582285 Cumulative update package 6 (CU6) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22011-09-20
10.0.43162007.100.4316.02555408 Cumulative update package 5 (CU5) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22011-07-18
10.0.42852007.100.4285.02527180 Cumulative update package 4 (CU4) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22011-05-16
10.0.42792007.100.4279.02498535 Cumulative update package 3 (CU3) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22011-03-11
10.0.42722007.100.4272.02467239 Cumulative update package 2 (CU2) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22011-02-10
10.0.42662007.100.4266.02289254 Cumulative update package 1 (CU1) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 22010-11-15
10.0.40672007.100.4067.0Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-0702012-10-09
10.0.40642007.100.4064.02494089 MS11-049: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2 GDR: June 14, 20112011-06-14
10.0.40002007.100.4000.0SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (SP2)2010-09-29
10.0.37982007.100.3798.0SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2 CTP2010-07-07
10.0.28502007.100.2850.02582282 Cumulative update package 16 (CU16) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12011-09-19
10.0.28472007.100.2847.02555406 Cumulative update package 15 (CU15) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12011-07-18
10.0.28212007.100.2821.02527187 Cumulative update package 14 (CU14) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12011-05-16
10.0.28162007.100.2816.02497673 Cumulative update package 13 (CU13) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12011-03-22
10.0.28082007.100.2808.02467236 Cumulative update package 12 (CU12) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12011-02-10
10.0.28042007.100.2804.02413738 Cumulative update package 11 (CU11) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12010-11-15
10.0.27992007.100.2799.02279604 Cumulative update package 10 (CU10) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12010-09-21
10.0.27892007.100.2789.02083921 Cumulative update package 9 (CU9) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12010-07-21
10.0.27872007.100.2787.02231277 FIX: The Reporting Services service stops unexpectedly after you apply SQL Server 2008 SP1 CU 7 or CU82010-07-30
10.0.27752007.100.2775.0981702 Cumulative update package 8 (CU8) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12010-05-17
10.0.27662007.100.2766.0979065 Cumulative update package 7 (CU7) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12010-03-26
10.0.27572007.100.2757.0977443 Cumulative update package 6 (CU6) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12010-01-18
10.0.27462007.100.2746.0975977 Cumulative update package 5 (CU5) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12009-11-16
10.0.27402007.100.2740.0976761 FIX: Error message when you perform a rolling upgrade in a SQL Server 2008 cluster: "18401, Login failed for user SQLTEST\AgentService. Reason: Server is in script upgrade mode. Only administrator can connect at this time.SQLState 42000"2009-11-24
10.0.27342007.100.2734.0973602 Cumulative update package 4 (CU4) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12009-09-22
10.0.27232007.100.2723.0971491 Cumulative update package 3 (CU3) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12009-07-21
10.0.27142007.100.2714.0970315 Cumulative update package 2 (CU2) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12009-05-18
10.0.27122007.100.2712.0970507 FIX: Error message in SQL Server 2008 when you run an INSERT SELECT statement on a table2009-07-21
10.0.27102007.100.2710.0969099 Cumulative update package 1 (CU1) for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 12009-04-16
10.0.25732007.100.2573.02494096 MS11-049: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 GDR: June 14, 20112011-06-14
10.0.25312007.100.2531.0SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1)2009-04-07
10.0.25202007.100.2520.0SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 — CTP2009-02-23
10.0.18352007.100.1835.0979064 Cumulative update package 10 (CU10) for SQL Server 20082010-03-15
10.0.18282007.100.1828.0977444 Cumulative update package 9 (CU9) for SQL Server 20082010-01-18
10.0.18232007.100.1823.0975976 Cumulative update package 8 (CU8) for SQL Server 20082009-11-16
10.0.18182007.100.1818.0973601 Cumulative update package 7 (CU7) for SQL Server 20082009-09-21
10.0.18122007.100.1812.0971490 Cumulative update package 6 (CU6) for SQL Server 20082009-07-21
10.0.18062007.100.1806.0969531 Cumulative update package 5 (CU5) for SQL Server 20082009-05-18
10.0.17982007.100.1798.0963036 Cumulative update package 4 (CU4) for SQL Server 20082009-03-17
10.0.17872007.100.1787.0960484 Cumulative update package 3 (CU3) for SQL Server 20082009-01-19
10.0.17792007.100.1779.0958186 Cumulative update package 2 (CU2) for SQL Server 20082008-11-19
10.0.17712007.100.1771.0958611 FIX: You may receive incorrect results when you run a query that references three or more tables in the FROM clause in SQL Server 20082008-10-29
10.0.17632007.100.1763.0956717 Cumulative update package 1 (CU1) for SQL Server 20082008-10-28
10.0.17502007.100.1750.0956718 FIX: A MERGE statement may not enforce a foreign key constraint when the statement updates a unique key column that is not part of a clustering key that has a single row as the update source in SQL Server 20082008-08-25
10.0.16002007.100.1600.22SQL Server 2008 RTM2008-08-07
10.0.14422007.100.1442.32Microsoft SQL Server 2008 RC02008-06-05
10.0.13002007.100.1300.13Microsoft SQL Server 2008 CTP, February 20082008-02-19
10.0.10752007.100.1075.23Microsoft SQL Server 2008 CTP, November 20072007-11-18
10.0.10492007.100.1049.14SQL Server 2008 CTP, July 20072007-07-31
10.0.10192007.100.1019.17SQL Server 2008 CTP, June 20072007-05-21

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Builds

BuildFile versionKB / DescriptionRelease Date
9.00.53242005.90.5324.02716427 MS12-070: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 QFE2012-10-09
9.00.52962005.90.5296.02615425 FIX: "Msg 7359" error when a view uses another view in SQL Server 2005 if the schema version of a remote table is updated2011-10-24
9.00.52952005.90.5295.02598903 FIX: SQL Server Agent job randomly stops when you schedule the job to run past midnight on specific days in SQL Server 2005, in SQL Server 2008 or in SQL Server 2008 R22012-05-21
9.00.52942005.90.5294.02572407 FIX: Error 5180 when you use the ONLINE option to rebuild an index in SQL Server 20052011-08-10
9.00.52922005.90.5292.02494123 MS11-049: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 QFE: June 14, 20112011-06-14
9.00.52662005.90.5266.02507769 Cumulative update package 3 (CU3) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 42011-03-22
9.00.52592005.90.5259.02489409 Cumulative update package 2 (CU2) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 42011-02-22
9.00.52542005.90.5254.02464079 Cumulative update package 1 (CU1) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 42010-12-24
9.00.50692005.90.5069.0Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-0702012-10-09
9.00.50572005.90.5057.02494120 MS11-049: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 GDR: June 14, 20112011-06-14
9.00.50002005.90.5000.0SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 (SP4)2010-12-17
9.00.49122005.90.4912.0SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 4 (SP4) — Customer Technology Preview (CTP)2010-11-03
9.00.43422005.90.4342.02598903 FIX: SQL Server Agent job randomly stops when you schedule the job to run past midnight on specific days in SQL Server 2005, in SQL Server 2008 or in SQL Server 2008 R22012-05-21
9.00.43402005.90.4340.02494112 MS11-049: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 QFE: June 14, 20112011-06-14
9.00.43252005.90.4325.02507766 Cumulative update package 15 (CU15) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32011-03-22
9.00.43172005.90.4317.02489375 Cumulative update package 14 (CU14) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32011-02-21
9.00.43152005.90.4315.02438344 Cumulative update package 13 (CU13) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32010-12-23
9.00.43112005.90.4311.02345449 Cumulative update package 12 (CU12) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32010-10-18
9.00.43092005.90.4309.02258854 Cumulative update package 11 (CU11) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32010-08-16
9.00.43052005.90.4305.0983329 Cumulative update package 10 (CU10) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32010-06-23
9.00.42942005.90.4294.0980176 Cumulative update package 9 (CU9) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32010-04-19
9.00.42852005.90.4285.0978915 Cumulative update package 8 (CU8) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32010-02-16
9.00.42732005.90.4273.0976951 Cumulative update package 7 (CU7) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32009-12-21
9.00.42682005.90.4268.0977151 FIX: Error message when you add a subscription to a republisher that is in a merge publication in SQL Server 2005: "Cannot create the subscription because the subscription already exists in the subscription database"2009-12-21
9.00.42662005.90.4266.0974648 Cumulative update package 6 (CU6) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32009-10-19
9.00.42622005.90.4262.0970894 MS09-062: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 QFE: October 13, 20092009-10-13
9.00.42302005.90.4230.0972511 Cumulative update package 5 (CU5) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32009-08-17
9.00.42262005.90.4226.0970279 Cumulative update package 4 (CU4) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32009-06-16
9.00.42242005.90.4224.0971409 FIX: Error message when you run a query that contains duplicate join conditions in SQL Server 2005: "Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan"2009-06-16
9.00.42202005.90.4220.0967909 Cumulative update package 3 (CU3) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32009-04-20
9.00.42162005.90.4216.0967101 FIX: The performance of database mirroring decreases when you run a database maintenance job that generates a large number of transaction log activities in SQL Server 20052009-04-20
9.00.42112005.90.4211.0961930 Cumulative update package 2 (CU2) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32009-02-17
9.00.42072005.90.4207.0959195 Cumulative update package 1 (CU1) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 32008-12-20
9.00.40602005.90.4060.02494113 MS11-049: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 GDR: June 14, 20112011-06-14
9.00.40532005.90.4053.0970892 MS09-062: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 GDR: October 13, 20092009-10-13
9.00.40352005.90.4035.0SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 (SP3)2008-12-15
9.00.40282005.90.4028.0SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 (SP3) — CTP2008-10-27
9.00.33562005.90.3356.0976952 Cumulative update package 17 (CU17) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22009-12-21
9.00.33552005.90.3355.0974647 Cumulative update package 16 (CU16) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22009-10-19
9.00.33532005.90.3353.0970896 MS09-062: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 QFE: October 13, 20092009-10-13
9.00.33302005.90.3330.0972510 Cumulative update package 15 (CU15) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22009-08-18
9.00.33282005.90.3328.0970278 Cumulative update package 14 (CU14) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22009-06-16
9.00.33252005.90.3325.0967908 Cumulative update package 13 (CU13) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22009-04-20
9.00.33202005.90.3320.0969142 FIX: Error message when you run the DBCC CHECKDB statement on a database in SQL Server 2005: "Unable to deallocate a kept page"2009-04-01
9.00.33182005.90.3318.0967199 FIX: The Wmiprvse.exe host process stops responding when you run a SQL Server 2005-based application that sends a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query to the SQL Server WMI provider2009-04-20
9.00.33152005.90.3315.0962970 Cumulative update package 12 (CU12) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22009-02-17
9.00.33102005.90.3310.0960090 MS09-004: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2005 QFE: February 10, 20092009-02-10
9.00.33012005.90.3301.0958735 Cumulative update package 11 (CU11) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22008-12-16
9.00.32942005.90.3294.0956854 Cumulative update package 10 (CU10) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22008-10-20
9.00.32822005.90.3282.0953752 Cumulative update package 9 (CU9) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22008-06-16
9.00.32602005.90.3260.0954950 FIX: Error message when you run a distributed query in SQL Server 20052008-07-14
9.00.32592005.90.3259.0954831 FIX: In SQL Server 2005, the session that runs the TRUNCATE TABLE statement may stop responding, and you cannot end the session2008-08-14
9.00.32592005.90.3259.0954669 FIX: An ongoing MS DTC transaction is orphaned in SQL Server 20052008-07-14
9.00.32572005.90.3257.0951217 Cumulative update package 8 (CU8) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22008-06-18
9.00.32462005.90.3246.0952233 FIX: All the MDX queries that are running on an instance of SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services are canceled when you start or stop a SQL Server Profiler trace for the instance2008-05-23
9.00.32442005.90.3244.0952330 FIX: The Replication Log Reader Agent may fail intermittently when a transactional replication synchronizes data in SQL Server 20052008-06-03
9.00.32402005.90.3240.0951204 FIX: An access violation occurs when you update a table through a view by using a cursor in SQL Server 20052008-05-21
9.00.32392005.90.3239.0949095 Cumulative update package 7 (CU7) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22008-04-17
9.00.32322005.90.3232.0949959 FIX: Error message when you synchronize the data of a merge replication in SQL Server 2005: "The merge process is retrying a failed operation made to article 'ArticleName' — Reason: 'Invalid input parameter values. Check the status values for detail.'"2008-03-19
9.00.32312005.90.3231.0949595 FIX: Error message when you run a query that uses a join condition in SQL Server 2005: "Non-yielding Scheduler"2008-03-18
9.00.32312005.90.3231.0949687 FIX: Error message when you run a transaction from a remote server by using a linked server in SQL Server 2005: "This operation conflicts with another pending operation on this transaction"2008-03-14
9.00.32302005.90.3230.0949199 FIX: Error message when you run queries on a database that has the SNAPSHOT isolation level enabled in SQL Server 2005: "Unable to deallocate a kept page"2008-03-07
9.00.32282005.90.3228.0946608 Cumulative update package 6 (CU6) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22008-02-19
9.00.32242005.90.3224.0947463 FIX: A stored procedure cannot finish its execution in SQL Server 20052008-02-04
9.00.32212005.90.3221.0942908 FIX: The change may be undone during the later synchronizations when you change an article on the subscriber in SQL Server 20052008-01-31
9.00.32212005.90.3221.0945443 FIX: A query takes longer to finish in SQL Server 2005 than in SQL Server 2000 when you open a fast forward-only cursor for the query2008-01-11
9.00.32212005.90.3221.0945916 FIX: Error messages when you delete some records of a table in a transaction or when you update some records of a table in a transaction in SQL Server 2005: "Msg 9002," "Msg 3314," and "Msg 9001"2008-01-10
9.00.32212005.90.3221.0945442 FIX: You cannot cancel the query execution immediately if you open a fast forward-only cursor for the query in SQL Server 20052008-01-09
9.00.32152005.90.3215.0943656 Cumulative update package 5 (CU5) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22007-12-18
9.00.32082005.90.3208.0944902 FIX: A federated database server stops responding when you run parallel queries on a multiprocessor computer that uses NUMA architecture in SQL Server 20052007-11-21
9.00.32062005.90.3206.0944677 FIX: Conflicts are not logged when you use the Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver for an article in a merge replication in Microsoft SQL Server 20052007-12-11
9.00.32002005.90.3200.0941450 Cumulative update package 4 (CU4) for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 22007-10-17
9.00.31942005.90.3194.0940933 FIX: Some changes from subscribers who use SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition or Web synchronization are not uploaded to the publisher when you use the republishing model in a merge publication in Microsoft SQL Server 20052007-09-24
9.00.31862005.90.3186.0940943 FIX: The performance of a query that performs an insert operation or an update operation is much slower in SQL Server 2005 SP2 than in earlier versions of SQL Server 20052007-08-29
9.00.31822005.90.3182.0940128 FIX: You receive error 8623 when you run a complex query in SQL Server 20052007-08-03
9.00.31792005.90.3179.0938243 FIX: Error message when you run a full-text query against a catalog in SQL Server 2005: "The execution of a full-text query failed. The content index is corrupt."2007-07-30
9.00.31782005.90.3178.0938086 FIX: A SQL Server Agent job fails when you run the SQL Server Agent job in the context of a proxy account in SQL Server 20052007-08-22
9.00.31772005.90.3177.0939285 FIX: Error message when you run a stored procedure that starts a transaction that contains a Transact-SQL statement in SQL Server 2005: "New request is not allowed to start because it should come with valid transaction descriptor"2007-08-22
9.00.31752005.90.3175.0936534 FIX: Error message when the Distribution Agent tries to apply the snapshot to the subscriber in SQL Server 2005: "Must declare the scalar variable "@Variable""2007-08-20
9.00.31752005.90.3175.0938671 FIX: The Distribution Agent may skip some rows when you configure a transactional replication that uses the "-SkipErrors" parameter in SQL Server 20052007-08-01
9.00.31712005.90.3171.0937745 FIX: You may receive error messages when you try to log in to an instance of SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server handles many concurrent connections2007-07-16
9.00.15412005.90.1541.0917888 FIX: Error message when you use a server-side cursor to run a large complex query in SQL Server 2005: "Error: 8623, Severity: 16, State: 1 The query processor ran out of internal resources"2006-11-22
9.00.15412005.90.1541.0917971 FIX: You may receive more than 100,000 page faults when you try to back up a SQL Server 2005 database that contains hundreds of files and file groups2006-11-22
9.00.15392005.90.1539.0917738 FIX: SQL Server 2005 system performance may be slow when you use a keyset-driven cursor to execute a FETCH statement2006-08-11
9.00.15382005.90.1538.0917824 FIX: The SQL Server 2005 SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters method returns an exception when the input parameter is a XML parameter that has an associated XSD from an SQL schema2006-07-26
9.00.15362005.90.1536.0917016 FIX: The monitor server does not monitor all primary servers and secondary servers when you configure log shipping in SQL Server 20052006-07-26
9.00.15342005.90.1534.0916706 FIX: When you run the "dbcc dbreindex" command or the "alter index" command, some transactions are not replicated to the subscribers in a transactional replication in SQL Server 20052007-05-15
9.00.15332005.90.1533.0916086 FIX: Errors may be generated in the tempdb database when you create and then drop many temporary tables in SQL Server 20052006-07-26
9.00.15322005.90.1532.0916046 FIX: Indexes may grow very large when you insert a row into a table and then update the same row in SQL Server 20052007-01-09
9.00.15312005.90.1531.0915918 FIX: The internal deadlock monitor may not detect a deadlock between two or more sessions in SQL Server 20052006-07-26
9.00.15282005.90.1528.0915309 FIX: When you start a merge agent, synchronization between the subscriber and the publisher takes a long time to be completed in SQL Server 20052007-01-15
9.00.15282005.90.1528.0915308 FIX: The CPU usage of the server reaches 100% when many DML activities occur in SQL Server 20052007-01-04
9.00.15282005.90.1528.0915307 FIX: You experience a slow uploading process if conflicts occur when many merge agents upload changes to the publishers at the same time in SQL Server 20052007-01-11
9.00.15282005.90.1528.0915306 FIX: The merge agent fails and a "permission denied" error message is logged when you synchronize a SQL Server 2005-based merge publication2007-01-08
9.00.15282005.90.1528.0915112 FIX: Error message when an ADO.NET-connected application tries to reuse a connection from the connection pool in SQL Server 2005: "The request failed to run because the batch is aborted"2006-07-26
9.00.15192005.90.1519.0913494 FIX: The merge agent does not use a specified custom user update to handle conflicting UPDATE statements in SQL Server 20052007-01-20
9.00.15182005.90.1518.0913941 FIX: A SQL Server login may have more permissions when you log on to an instance of SQL Server 20052006-09-22
9.00.15182005.90.1518.0912472 FIX: An incorrect result may appear in the subscribing database when you set database mirroring for a database and database failover occurs in SQL Server 20052006-07-26
9.00.15182005.90.1518.0913371 FIX: You may receive error messages when you use the sp_cursoropen statement to open a cursor on a user-defined stored procedure in SQL Server 20052006-07-26
9.00.15142005.90.1514.0912471 FIX: The replication on the server does not work any longer when you manually fail over databases in SQL Server 20052006-07-26
9.00.15032005.90.1503.0911662 FIX: You may receive an access violation error message when you run a SELECT query in SQL Server 20052006-07-26
9.00.15022005.90.1502.0915793 FIX: You cannot restore the log backups on the mirror server after you remove database mirroring for the mirror database in SQL Server 20052006-07-26
9.00.15002005.90.1500.0910416 FIX: Error message when you run certain queries or certain stored procedures in SQL Server 2005: "A severe error occurred on the current command"2006-06-01
9.00.14062005.90.1406.0932557 FIX: A script task or a script component may not run correctly when you run an SSIS package in SQL Server 2005 build 13992007-07-11
9.00.13992005.90.1399.0SQL Server 2005 RTM2005-11-07

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Builds

BuildFile versionKB / DescriptionRelease Date
8.00.23052000.80.2305.0983811 MS12-060: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 QFE: August 14, 20122012-08-14
8.00.23012000.80.2301.0983809 MS12-027: Description of the security update for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 QFE: April 10, 20122012-04-10
8.00.22832000.80.2283.0971524 FIX: An access violation occurs when you run a DELETE statement or an UPDATE statement in the Itanium-based versions of SQL Server 2000 after you install security update MS09-0042009-06-15
8.00.22822000.80.2282.0960083 MS09-004: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2000 QFE and for MSDE 2000: February 10, 20092009-02-10
8.00.22792000.80.2279.0959678 FIX: When you run the SPSBackup.exe utility to back up a SQL Server 2000 database that is configured as a back-end database for a Windows SharePoint Services server, the backup operation fails2009-04-08
8.00.22732000.80.2273.0948111 MS08-040: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2000 QFE and MSDE 2000 July 8, 20082008-08-05
8.00.22712000.80.2271.0946584 FIX: The SPACE function always returns one space in SQL Server 2000 if the SPACE function uses a collation that differs from the collation of the current database2008-03-12
8.00.22652000.80.2265.0944985 FIX: The data on the publisher does not match the data on the subscriber when you synchronize a SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition subscriber with a SQL Server 2000 "merge replication" publisher2007-12-19
8.00.22532000.80.2253.0939317 FIX: The CPU utilization may suddenly increase to 100 percent when there are many connections to an instance of SQL Server 2000 on a computer that has multiple processors2007-10-09
8.00.22492000.80.2249.0936232 FIX: An access violation may occur when you try to log in to an instance of SQL Server 20002007-05-25
8.00.22482000.80.2248.0935950 FIX: The foreign key that you created between two tables does not work after you run the CREATE INDEX statement in SQL Server 20002007-06-14
8.00.22462000.80.2246.0935465 An updated version of Sqlvdi.dll is now available for SQL Server 20002007-06-18
8.00.22452000.80.2245.0933573 FIX: You may receive an assertion or database corruption may occur when you use the bcp utility or the "Bulk Insert" Transact-SQL command to import data in SQL Server 20002007-04-24
8.00.22442000.80.2244.0934203 FIX: A hotfix for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 may not update all the necessary files on an x64-based computer2007-05-10
8.00.22422000.80.2242.0929131 FIX: In SQL Server 2000, the synchronization process is slow, and the CPU usage is high on the computer that is configured as the Distributor2007-03-28
8.00.22382000.80.2238.0931932 FIX: The merge agent fails intermittently when you use merge replication that uses a custom resolver after you install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 42007-02-21
8.00.22362000.80.2236.0930484 FIX: CPU utilization may approach 100 percent on a computer that is running SQL Server 2000 after you run the BACKUP DATABASE statement or the BACKUP LOG statement2007-02-02
8.00.22342000.80.2234.0929440 FIX: Error messages when you try to update table rows or insert table rows into a table in SQL Server 2000: "644" or "2511"2007-02-22
8.00.22322000.80.2232.0928568 FIX: SQL Server 2000 stops responding when you cancel a query or when a query time-out occurs, and error messages are logged in the SQL Server error log file2007-01-15
8.00.22312000.80.2231.0928079 FIX: The Sqldumper.exe utility cannot generate a filtered SQL Server dump file when you use the Remote Desktop Connection service or Terminal Services to connect to a Windows 2000 Server-based computer in SQL Server 20002007-06-19
8.00.22292000.80.2229.0927186 FIX: Error message when you create a merge replication for tables that have computed columns in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4: "The process could not log conflict information"2007-07-24
8.00.22262000.80.2226.0925684 FIX: You may experience one or more symptoms when you run a "CREATE INDEX" statement on an instance of SQL Server 20002006-11-20
8.00.22262000.80.2226.0925732 FIX: You may receive inconsistent comparison results when you compare strings by using a width sensitive collation in SQL Server 20002006-11-13
8.00.22232000.80.2223.0925419 FIX: The server stops responding, the performance is slow, and a time-out occurs in SQL Server 20002007-07-20
8.00.22232000.80.2223.0925678 FIX: Error message when you schedule a Replication Merge Agent job to run after you install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4: "The process could not enumerate changes at the 'Subscriber'"2006-10-31
8.00.22182000.80.2218.0925297 FIX: The result may be sorted in the wrong order when you run a query that uses the ORDER BY clause to sort a column in a table in SQL Server 20002007-06-19
8.00.22172000.80.2217.0924664 FIX: You cannot stop the SQL Server service, or many minidump files and many log files are generated in SQL Server 20002007-10-25
8.00.22152000.80.2215.0923796 FIX: Data in a subscriber of a merge publication in SQL Server 2000 differs from the data in the publisher2007-01-12
8.00.22152000.80.2215.0924662 FIX: The query performance may be slow when you query data from a view in SQL Server 20002006-10-05
8.00.22152000.80.2215.0923563 FIX: Error message when you configure an immediate updating transactional replication in SQL Server 2000: "Implicit conversion from datatype 'text' to 'nvarchar' is not allowed"2006-10-30
8.00.22152000.80.2215.0923327 FIX: You may receive an access violation error message when you import data by using the "Bulk Insert" command in SQL Server 20002006-12-28
8.00.22092000.80.2209.0923797 The Knowledge Base (KB) Article You Requested Is Currently Not Available???
8.00.22072000.80.2207.0923344 FIX: A SQL Server 2000 session may be blocked for the whole time that a Snapshot Agent job runs2006-08-28
8.00.22012000.80.2201.0920930 FIX: Error message when you try to run a query on a linked server in SQL Server 20002006-08-21
8.00.21992000.80.2199.0919221 FIX: SQL Server 2000 may take a long time to complete the synchronization phase when you create a merge publication2006-07-26
8.00.21972000.80.2197.0919133 FIX: Each query takes a long time to compile when you execute a single query or when you execute multiple concurrent queries in SQL Server 20002006-08-02
8.00.21972000.80.2197.0919068 FIX: The query may return incorrect results, and the execution plan for the query may contain a "Table Spool" operator in SQL Server 20002006-08-08
8.00.21972000.80.2197.0919399 FIX: A profiler trace in SQL Server 2000 may stop logging events unexpectedly, and you may receive the following error message: "Failed to read trace data"2006-10-18
8.00.21962000.80.2196.0919165 FIX: A memory leak occurs when you run a remote query by using a linked server in SQL Server 20002006-08-14
8.00.21942000.80.2194.0917565 FIX: Error 17883 is logged in the SQL Server error log, and the instance of SQL Server 2000 temporarily stops responding2007-02-21
8.00.21942000.80.2194.0917972 FIX: You receive an access violation error message when you try to perform a read of a large binary large object column in SQL Server 20002006-09-22
8.00.21922000.80.2192.0917606 FIX: You may notice a decrease in performance when you run a query that uses the UNION ALL operator in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 42006-08-04
8.00.21912000.80.2191.0916698 FIX: Error message when you run SQL Server 2000: "Failed assertion = 'lockFound == TRUE'"2006-07-26
8.00.21912000.80.2191.0916950 FIX: You may experience heap corruption, and SQL Server 2000 may shut down with fatal access violations when you try to browse files in SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager on a Windows Server 2003 x64-based computer2006-10-03
8.00.21892000.80.2189.0916652 FIX: An access violation may occur when you run a query on a table that has a multicolumn index in SQL Server 20002006-07-26
8.00.21892000.80.2189.0913438 FIX: The SQL Server process may end unexpectedly when you turn on trace flag -T1204 and a profiler trace is capturing the Lock:DeadLock Chain event in SQL Server 2000 SP42006-07-19
8.00.21872000.80.2187.0915340 FIX: A deadlock occurs when the scheduled SQL Server Agent job that you add or that you update is running in SQL Server 20002007-06-18
8.00.21872000.80.2187.0916287 A cumulative hotfix package is available for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 build 21872006-10-16
8.00.21872000.80.2187.0914384 FIX: The database status changes to Suspect when you perform a bulk copy in a transaction and then roll back the transaction in SQL Server 20002006-07-26
8.00.21872000.80.2187.0915065 FIX: Error message when you try to apply a hotfix on a SQL Server 2000-based computer that is configured as a MSCS node: "An error in updating your system has occurred"2006-12-11
8.00.21802000.80.2180.0913789 FIX: The password that you specify in a BACKUP statement appears in the SQL Server Errorlog file or in the Application event log if the BACKUP statement does not run in SQL Server 20002007-02-19
8.00.21802000.80.2180.0913684 FIX: You may receive error messages when you use linked servers in SQL Server 2000 on a 64-bit Itanium processor2006-07-26
8.00.21752000.80.2175.0911678 FIX: No rows may be returned, and you may receive an error message when you try to import SQL Profiler trace files into tables by using the fn_trace_gettable function in SQL Server 20002006-07-26
8.00.21722000.80.2172.0910707 FIX: When you query a view that was created by using the VIEW_METADATA option, an access violation may occur in SQL Server 20002006-07-26
8.00.21712000.80.2171.0909369 FIX: Automatic checkpoints on some SQL Server 2000 databases do not run as expected2006-07-26
8.00.21682000.80.2168.0907813 FIX: An error occurs when you try to access the Analysis Services performance monitor counter object after you apply Windows Server 2003 SP12006-11-21
8.00.21662000.80.2166.0909734 FIX: An error message is logged, and new diagnostics do not capture the thread stack when the SQL Server User Mode Scheduler (UMS) experiences a nonyielding thread in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 42006-07-26
8.00.21622000.80.2162.0904660 A cumulative hotfix package is available for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 build 21622006-09-15
8.00.21592000.80.2159.0907250 FIX: You may experience concurrency issues when you run the DBCC INDEXDEFRAG statement in SQL Server 20002006-07-26
8.00.21562000.80.2156.0906790 FIX: You receive an error message when you try to rebuild the master database after you have installed hotfix builds in SQL Server 2000 SP4 64-bit2006-07-25
8.00.21512000.80.2151.0903742 FIX: You receive an "Error: 8526, Severity: 16, State: 2" error message in SQL Profiler when you use SQL Query Analyzer to start or to enlist into a distributed transaction after you have installed SQL Server 2000 SP42006-07-25
8.00.21512000.80.2151.0904244 FIX: Incorrect data is inserted unexpectedly when you perform a bulk copy operation by using the DB-Library API in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 42007-06-13
8.00.21482000.80.2148.0899430 FIX: An access violation may occur when you run a SELECT query and the NO_BROWSETABLE option is set to ON in Microsoft SQL Server 20002006-07-25
8.00.21482000.80.2148.0899431 FIX: An access violation occurs in the Mssdi98.dll file, and SQL Server crashes when you use SQL Query Analyzer to debug a stored procedure in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 42006-07-25
8.00.21482000.80.2148.0900390 FIX: The Mssdmn.exe process may use lots of CPU capacity when you perform a SQL Server 2000 full text search of Office Word documents2006-06-01
8.00.21482000.80.2148.0900404 FIX: The results of the query may be returned much slower than you expect when you run a query that includes a GROUP BY statement in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.21482000.80.2148.0901212 FIX: You receive an error message if you use the sp_addalias or sp_dropalias procedures when the IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS option is set to ON in SQL Server 2000 SP42006-07-25
8.00.21482000.80.2148.0902150 FIX: Some 32-bit applications that use SQL-DMO and SQL-VDI APIs may stop working after you install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 on an Itanium-based computer2006-06-01
8.00.21482000.80.2148.0902955 FIX: You receive a "Getting registry information" message when you run the Sqldiag.exe utility after you install SQL Server 2000 SP42006-07-25
8.00.21472000.80.2147.0899410 FIX: You may experience slow server performance when you start a trace in an instance of SQL Server 2000 that runs on a computer that has more than four processors2006-06-01
8.00.21452000.80.2145.0826906 FIX: A query that uses a view that contains a correlated subquery and an aggregate runs slowly2005-10-25
8.00.21452000.80.2145.0836651 FIX: You receive query results that were not expected when you use both ANSI joins and non-ANSI joins2006-06-07
8.00.20662000.80.2066.0Microsoft Security Bulletin MS12-0602012-08-14
8.00.20652000.80.2065.0983808 MS12-027: Description of the security update for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 GDR: April 10, 20122012-04-10
8.00.20552000.80.2055.0959420 MS09-004: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft SQL Server could allow remote code execution2009-02-10
8.00.20402000.80.2040.0899761 FIX: Not all memory is available when AWE is enabled on a computer that is running a 32-bit version of SQL Server 2000 SP42006-08-15
8.00.20392000.80.2039.0SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4)2005-05-06
8.00.20262000.80.2026.0SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) Beta???
8.00.15472000.80.1547.0899410 FIX: You may experience slow server performance when you start a trace in an instance of SQL Server 2000 that runs on a computer that has more than four processors2006-06-01
8.00.10772000.80.1077.0983814 MS12-070: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Service Pack 22012-10-09
8.00.10372000.80.1037.0930484 FIX: CPU utilization may approach 100 percent on a computer that is running SQL Server 2000 after you run the BACKUP DATABASE statement or the BACKUP LOG statement2007-02-02
8.00.10362000.80.1036.0929410 FIX: Error message when you run a full-text query in SQL Server 2000: "Error: 17883, Severity: 1, State: 0"2007-01-11
8.00.10352000.80.1035.0917593 FIX: The "Audit Logout" event does not appear in the trace results file when you run a profiler trace against a linked server instance in SQL Server 20002006-09-22
8.00.10342000.80.1034.0915328 FIX: You may intermittently experience an access violation error when a query is executed in a parallel plan and the execution plan contains either a HASH JOIN operation or a Sort operation in SQL Server 20002006-08-09
8.00.10292000.80.1029.0902852 FIX: Error message when you run an UPDATE statement that uses two JOIN hints to update a table in SQL Server 2000: "Internal SQL Server error"2006-06-01
8.00.10272000.80.1027.0900416 FIX: A 17883 error may occur you run a query that uses a hash join in SQL Server 20002006-07-25
8.00.10252000.80.1025.0899428 FIX: You receive incorrect results when you run a query that uses a cross join operator in SQL Server 2000 SP32006-06-01
8.00.10252000.80.1025.0899430 FIX: An access violation may occur when you run a SELECT query and the NO_BROWSETABLE option is set to ON in Microsoft SQL Server 20002006-07-25
8.00.10242000.80.1024.0898709 FIX: Error message when you use SQL Server 2000: "Time out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type 3"2006-07-25
8.00.10212000.80.1021.0887700 FIX: Server Network Utility may display incorrect protocol properties in SQL Server 20002006-07-25
8.00.10202000.80.1020.0896985 FIX: The Subscriber may not be able to upload changes to the Publisher when you incrementally add an article to a publication in SQL Server 2000 SP32006-07-25
8.00.10192000.80.1019.0897572 FIX: You may receive a memory-related error message when you repeatedly create and destroy an out-of-process COM object within the same batch or stored procedure in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.10172000.80.1017.0896425 FIX: The BULK INSERT statement silently skips insert attempts when the data value is NULL and the column is defined as NOT NULL for INT, SMALLINT, and BIGINT data types in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.10142000.80.1014.0895123 FIX: You may receive error message 701, error message 802, and error message 17803 when many hashed buffers are available in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.10142000.80.1014.0895187 FIX: You receive an error message when you try to delete records by running a Delete Transact-SQL statement in SQL Server 20002006-07-25
8.00.10132000.80.1013.0891866 FIX: The query runs slower than you expected when you try to parse a query in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.10092000.80.1009.0894257 FIX: You receive an "Incorrect syntax near ')'" error message when you run a script that was generated by SQL-DMO for an Operator object in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.10072000.80.1007.0893312 FIX: You may receive a "SQL Server could not spawn process_loginread thread" error message, and a memory leak may occur when you cancel a remote query in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.10032000.80.1003.0892923 FIX: Differential database backups may not contain database changes in the Page Free Space (PFS) pages in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.10012000.80.1001.0892205 FIX: You may receive a 17883 error message when SQL Server 2000 performs a very large hash operation2006-06-01
8.00.10002000.80.1000.0891585 FIX: Database recovery does not occur, or a user database is marked as suspect in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.9972000.80.997.0891311 FIX: You cannot create new TCP/IP socket based connections after error messages 17882 and 10055 are written to the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 error log2006-07-18
8.00.9962000.80.996.0891017 FIX: SQL Server 2000 may stop responding to other requests when you perform a large deallocation operation2006-06-01
8.00.9962000.80.996.0891268 FIX: You receive a 17883 error message and SQL Server 2000 may stop responding to other requests when you perform large in-memory sort operations2006-06-01
8.00.9942000.80.994.0890942 FIX: Some complex queries are slower after you install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 or SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 32006-06-01
8.00.9942000.80.994.0890768 FIX: You experience non-convergence in a replication topology when you unpublish or drop columns from a dynamically filtered publication in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.9942000.80.994.0890767 FIX: You receive a "Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 3, Procedure TEMP_VIEW_Merge, Line 1" error message when the sum of the length of the published column names in a merge publication exceeds 4,000 characters in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.9932000.80.993.0890925 FIX: The @@ERROR system function may return an incorrect value when you execute a Transact-SQL statement that uses a parallel execution plan in SQL Server 2000 32-bit or in SQL Server 2000 64-bit2006-06-01
8.00.9932000.80.993.0888444 FIX: You receive a 17883 error in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 or in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a when a worker thread becomes stuck in a registry call2006-06-01
8.00.9932000.80.993.0890742 FIX: Error message when you use a loopback linked server to run a distributed query in SQL Server 2000: "Could not perform the requested operation because the minimum query memory is not available"2006-05-15
8.00.9912000.80.991.0889314 FIX: Non-convergence may occur in a merge replication topology if the primary connection to the publisher is disconnected2006-06-01
8.00.9902000.80.990.0890200 FIX: SQL Server 2000 stops listening for new TCP/IP Socket connections unexpectedly after error message 17882 is written to the SQL Server 2000 error log2006-06-01
8.00.9882000.80.988.0889166 FIX: You receive a "Msg 3628" error message when you run an inner join query in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.9852000.80.985.0889239 FIX: Start times in the SQL Profiler are different for the Audit:Login and Audit:Logout Events in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.9802000.80.980.0887974 FIX: A fetch on a dynamic cursor can cause unexpected results in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 32006-06-01
8.00.9772000.80.977.0888007 You receive a "The product does not have a prerequisite update installed" error message when you try to install a SQL Server 2000 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix2005-08-31
8.00.9732000.80.973.0884554 FIX: A SPID stops responding with a NETWORKIO (0x800) waittype in SQL Server Enterprise Manager when SQL Server tries to process a fragmented TDS network packet2006-06-01
8.00.9722000.80.972.0885290 FIX: An assertion error occurs when you insert data in the same row in a table by using multiple connections to an instance of SQL Server2006-06-01
8.00.9702000.80.970.0872842 FIX: A CHECKDB statement reports a 2537 corruption error after SQL Server transfers data to a sql_variant column in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.9672000.80.967.0878501 FIX: You may receive an error message when you run a SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON statement on a table and then try to insert a row into the table in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.9622000.80.962.0883415 FIX: A user-defined function returns results that are not correct for a query2006-06-01
8.00.9612000.80.961.0873446 FIX: An access violation exception may occur when multiple users try to perform data modification operations at the same time that fire triggers that reference a deleted or an inserted table in SQL Server 2000 on a computer that is running SMP2006-06-01
8.00.9592000.80.959.0878500 FIX: An Audit Object Permission event is not produced when you run a TRUNCATE TABLE statement2006-06-01
8.00.9572000.80.957.0870994 FIX: An access violation exception may occur when you run a query that uses index names in the WITH INDEX option to specify an index hint2006-06-01
8.00.9552000.80.955.0867798 FIX: The @date_received parameter of the xp_readmail extended stored procedure incorrectly returns the date and the time that an e-mail message is submitted by the sender in SQL Server 20002007-01-08
8.00.9542000.80.954.0843282 FIX: The Osql.exe utility does not run a Transact-SQL script completely if you start the program from a remote session by using a background service and then log off the console session2007-01-05
8.00.9522000.80.952.0867878 FIX: The Log Reader Agent may cause 17883 error messages2006-06-01
8.00.9522000.80.952.0867879 FIX: Merge replication non-convergence occurs with SQL Server CE subscribers2006-06-01
8.00.9522000.80.952.0867880 FIX: Merge Agent may fail with an "Invalid character value for cast specification" error message2006-06-01
8.00.9492000.80.949.0843266 FIX: Shared page locks can be held until end of the transaction and can cause blocking or performance problems in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3)2006-06-02
8.00.9482000.80.948.0843263 FIX: You may receive an 8623 error message when you try to run a complex query on an instance of SQL Server2006-06-01
8.00.9442000.80.944.0839280 FIX: SQL debugging does not work in Visual Studio .NET after you install Windows XP Service Pack 22006-06-05
8.00.9372000.80.937.0841776 FIX: Additional diagnostics have been added to SQL Server 2000 to detect unreported read operation failures2006-06-01
8.00.9362000.80.936.0841627 FIX: SQL Server 2000 may underestimate the cardinality of a query expression under certain circumstances2006-06-01
8.00.9352000.80.935.0841401 FIX: You may notice incorrect values for the "Active Transactions" counter when you perform multiple transactions on an instance of SQL Server 2000 that is running on an SMP computer2006-06-01
8.00.9342000.80.934.0841404 FIX: You may receive a "The query processor could not produce a query plan" error message in SQL Server when you run a query that includes multiple subqueries that use self-joins2006-06-01
8.00.9332000.80.933.0840856 FIX: The MSSQLServer service exits unexpectedly in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 32006-06-02
8.00.9292000.80.929.0839529 FIX: 8621 error conditions may cause SQL Server 2000 64-bit to close unexpectedly2006-06-01
8.00.9282000.80.928.0839589 FIX: The thread priority is raised for some threads in a parallel query2006-06-01
8.00.9272000.80.927.0839688 FIX: Profiler RPC events truncate parameters that have a text data type to 16 characters2006-06-01
8.00.9262000.80.926.0839523 FIX: An access violation exception may occur when you update a text column by using a stored procedure in SQL Server 20002006-06-01
8.00.9232000.80.923.0838460 FIX: The xp_logininfo procedure may fail with error 8198 after you install Q825042 or any hotfix with SQL Server 8.00.0840 or later2006-06-01
8.00.9222000.80.922.0837970 FIX: You may receive an "Invalid object name..." error message when you run the DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS Transact-SQL statement on a table in SQL Server 20002005-10-25
8.00.9192000.80.919.0837957 FIX: When you use Transact-SQL cursor variables to perform operations that have large iterations, memory leaks may occur in SQL Server 20002005-10-25
8.00.9162000.80.916.0317989 FIX: Sqlakw32.dll May Corrupt SQL Statements2005-09-27
8.00.9152000.80.915.0837401 FIX: Rows are not successfully inserted into a table when you use the BULK INSERT command to insert rows2005-10-25
8.00.9132000.80.913.0836651 FIX: You receive query results that were not expected when you use both ANSI joins and non-ANSI joins2006-06-07
8.00.9112000.80.911.0837957 FIX: When you use Transact-SQL cursor variables to perform operations that have large iterations, memory leaks may occur in SQL Server 20002005-10-25
8.00.9102000.80.910.0834798 FIX: SQL Server 2000 may not start if many users try to log in to SQL Server when SQL Server is trying to start2005-10-25
8.00.9082000.80.908.0834290 FIX: You receive a 644 error message when you run an UPDATE statement and the isolation level is set to READ UNCOMMITTED2005-10-25
8.00.9042000.80.904.0834453 FIX: The Snapshot Agent may fail after you make schema changes to the underlying tables of a publication2005-04-22
8.00.8922000.80.892.0833710 FIX: You receive an error message when you try to restore a database backup that spans multiple devices2005-10-25
8.00.8912000.80.891.0836141 FIX: An access violation exception may occur when SQL Server runs many parallel query processing operations on a multiprocessor computer2005-04-01
8.00.8792000.80.879.0832977 FIX: The DBCC PSS Command may cause access violations and 17805 errors in SQL Server 20002005-10-25
8.00.8782000.80.878.0831950 FIX: You receive error message 3456 when you try to apply a transaction log to a server2005-10-25
8.00.8762000.80.876.0830912 FIX: Key Names Read from an .Ini File for a Dynamic Properties Task May Be Truncated2005-10-25
8.00.8762000.80.876.0831997 FIX: An invalid cursor state occurs after you apply Hotfix 8.00.0859 or later in SQL Server 20002005-10-25
8.00.8762000.80.876.0831999 FIX: An AWE system uses more memory for sorting or for hashing than a non-AWE system in SQL Server 20002005-10-25
8.00.8732000.80.873.0830887 FIX: Some queries that have a left outer join and an IS NULL filter run slower after you install SQL Server 2000 post-SP3 hotfix2005-10-25
8.00.8712000.80.871.0830767 FIX: SQL Query Analyzer may stop responding when you close a query window or open a file2005-10-25
8.00.8712000.80.871.0830860 FIX: The performance of a computer that is running SQL Server 2000 degrades when query execution plans against temporary tables remain in the procedure cache2005-10-25
8.00.8702000.80.870.0830262 FIX: Unconditional Update May Not Hold Key Locks on New Key Values2005-10-25
8.00.8692000.80.869.0830588 FIX: Access violation when you trace keyset-driven cursors by using SQL Profiler2005-10-25
8.00.8662000.80.866.0830366 FIX: An access violation occurs in SQL Server 2000 when a high volume of local shared memory connections occur after you install security update MS03-0312006-01-16
8.00.8652000.80.865.0830395 FIX: An access violation occurs during compilation if the table contains statistics for a computed column2005-10-25
8.00.8652000.80.865.0828945 FIX: You cannot insert explicit values in an IDENTITY column of a SQL Server table by using the SQLBulkOperations function or the SQLSetPos ODBC function in SQL Server 20002005-10-25
8.00.8632000.80.863.0829205 FIX: Query performance may be slow and may be inconsistent when you run a query while another query that contains an IN operator with many values is compiled2005-10-25
8.00.8632000.80.863.0829444 FIX: A floating point exception occurs during the optimization of a query2005-10-25
8.00.8592000.80.859.0821334 FIX: Issues that are resolved in SQL Server 2000 build 8.00.08592005-03-31
8.00.8582000.80.858.0828637 FIX: Users Can Control the Compensating Change Process in Merge Replication2005-10-25
8.00.8572000.80.857.0828017 The Knowledge Base (KB) Article You Requested Is Currently Not Available???
8.00.8572000.80.857.0827714 FIX: A query may fail with retail assertion when you use the NOLOCK hint or the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level2005-11-23
8.00.8572000.80.857.0828308 FIX: An Internet Explorer script error occurs when you access metadata information by using DTS in SQL Server Enterprise Manager2005-10-25
8.00.8562000.80.856.0828096 FIX: Key Locks Are Held Until the End of the Statement for Rows That Do Not Pass Filter Criteria2005-10-25
8.00.8542000.80.854.0828699 FIX: An Access Violation Occurs When You Run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE on a Database That Has Many Objects2005-10-25
8.00.8522000.80.852.0830466 FIX: You may receive an "Internal SQL Server error" error message when you run a Transact-SQL SELECT statement on a view that has many subqueries in SQL Server 20002005-04-01
8.00.8522000.80.852.0827954 FIX: Slow Execution Times May Occur When You Run DML Statements Against Tables That Have Cascading Referential Integrity2005-10-25
8.00.8512000.80.851.0826754 FIX: A Deadlock Occurs If You Run an Explicit UPDATE STATISTICS Command2005-10-25
8.00.8502000.80.850.0826860 FIX: Linked Server Query May Return NULL If It Is Performed Through a Keyset Cursor2005-10-25
8.00.8502000.80.850.0826815 FIX: You receive an 8623 error message in SQL Server when you try to run a query that has multiple correlated subqueries2005-10-25
8.00.8502000.80.850.0826906 FIX: A query that uses a view that contains a correlated subquery and an aggregate runs slowly2005-10-25
8.00.8482000.80.848.0826822 FIX: A Member of the db_accessadmin Fixed Database Role Can Create an Alias for the dbo Special User2005-10-25
8.00.8472000.80.847.0826433 PRB: Additional SQL Server Diagnostics Added to Detect Unreported I/O Problems2005-10-25
8.00.8452000.80.845.0826364 FIX: A Query with a LIKE Comparison Results in a Non-Optimal Query Plan When You Use a Hungarian SQL Server Collation2005-10-05
8.00.8452000.80.845.0825854 FIX: No Exclusive Locks May Be Taken If the DisAllowsPageLocks Value Is Set to True2005-10-25
8.00.8442000.80.844.0826080 FIX: SQL Server 2000 protocol encryption applies to JDBC clients2006-10-17
8.00.8422000.80.842.0825043 FIX: Rows are unexpectedly deleted when you run a distributed query to delete or to update a linked server table2005-10-25
8.00.8412000.80.841.0825225 FIX: You receive an error message when you run a parallel query that uses an aggregation function or the GROUP BY clause2005-10-25
8.00.8402000.80.840.0319477 FIX: Extremely Large Number of User Tables on AWE System May Cause BPool::Map Errors2005-09-27
8.00.8402000.80.840.0319477 FIX: Extremely Large Number of User Tables on AWE System May Cause BPool::Map Errors2005-09-27
8.00.8392000.80.839.0823877 FIX: An Access Violation May Occur When You Run a Query That Contains 32,000 or More OR Clauses2005-10-25
8.00.8392000.80.839.0824027 FIX: A Cursor with a Large Object Parameter May Cause an Access Violation on CStmtCond::XretExecute2005-10-25
8.00.8372000.80.837.0820788 FIX: Delayed domain authentication may cause SQL Server to stop responding2005-10-25
8.00.8372000.80.837.0821741 FIX: Lock monitor exception in DeadlockMonitor::ResolveDeadlock2005-10-25
8.00.8372000.80.837.0821548 FIX: A Parallel Query May Generate an Access Violation After You Install SQL Server 2000 SP32005-10-25
8.00.8372000.80.837.0821740 FIX: MS DTC Transaction Commit Operation Blocks Itself2005-10-25
8.00.8372000.80.837.0823514 FIX: Build 8.00.0837: A query that contains a correlated subquery runs slowly2005-10-25
8.00.8192000.80.819.0826161 FIX: You are prompted for password confirmation after you change a standard SQL Server login2005-10-25
8.00.8182000.80.818.0821277 MS03-031: Security patch for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 32006-01-09
8.00.8182000.80.818.0821337 FIX: Localized versions of SQL Mail and the Web Assistant Wizard may not work as expected in SQL Server 2000 64 bit2005-03-16
8.00.8182000.80.818.0818388 FIX: A Transact-SQL Statement That Is Embedded in the Database Name Runs with System Administrator Permissions2005-02-10
8.00.8182000.80.818.0826161 FIX: You are prompted for password confirmation after you change a standard SQL Server login2005-10-25
8.00.8182000.80.818.0821280 MS03-031: Security Patch for SQL Server 2000 64-bit2006-03-14
8.00.8162000.80.816.0818766 FIX: Intense SQL Server activity results in spinloop wait2005-10-25
8.00.8142000.80.814.0819662 FIX: Distribution Cleanup Agent Incorrectly Cleans Up Entries for Anonymous Subscribers2005-10-25
8.00.8112000.80.811.0819248 FIX: An access violation exception may occur when you insert a row in a table that is referenced by indexed views in SQL Server 20002006-04-03
8.00.8112000.80.811.0819662 FIX: Distribution Cleanup Agent Incorrectly Cleans Up Entries for Anonymous Subscribers2005-10-25
8.00.8112000.80.811.0818897 FIX: Invalid TDS Sent to SQL Server Results in Access Violation2005-10-25
8.00.8072000.80.807.0818899 FIX: Error Message 3628 May Occur When You Run a Complex Query2005-10-25
8.00.8042000.80.804.0818729 FIX: Internal Query Processor Error 8623 When Microsoft SQL Server Tries to Compile a Plan for a Complex Query2005-10-25
8.00.8012000.80.801.0818540 FIX: SQL Server Enterprise Manager unexpectedly quits when you modify a DTS package2006-01-26
8.00.8002000.80.800.0818414 FIX: The Sqldumper.exe File Does Not Generate a Userdump File When It Runs Against a Windows Service2005-09-27
8.00.8002000.80.800.0818097 FIX: An Access Violation May Occur When You Run DBCC DBREINDEX on a Table That Has Hypothetical Indexes2005-09-27
8.00.8002000.80.800.0818188 FIX: Query on the sysmembers Virtual Table May Fail with a Stack Overflow2005-09-27
8.00.7982000.80.798.0817464 FIX: Using Sp_executesql in Merge Agent Operations2005-09-27
8.00.7942000.80.794.0817464 FIX: Using Sp_executesql in Merge Agent Operations2005-09-27
8.00.7942000.80.794.0813524 FIX: OLE DB conversion errors may occur after you select a literal string that represents datetime data as a column2005-09-27
8.00.7942000.80.794.0816440 FIX: Error 8623 is Raised When SQL Server Compiles a Complex Query2005-09-27
8.00.7942000.80.794.0817709 FIX: SQL Server 2000 might produce an incorrect cardinality estimate for outer joins2005-02-11
8.00.7912000.80.791.0815249 FIX: Performance of a query that is run from a client program on a SQL Server SP3 database is slow after you restart the instance of SQL Server2005-09-27
8.00.7902000.80.790.0817081 FIX: You receive an error message when you use the SQL-DMO BulkCopy object to import data into a SQL Server table2005-09-27
8.00.7892000.80.789.0816840 FIX: Error 17883 May Display Message Text That Is Not Correct2005-09-27
8.00.7882000.80.788.0816985 FIX: You cannot install SQL Server 2000 SP3 on the Korean version of SQL Server 20002005-09-27
8.00.7812000.80.781.0815057 FIX: SQL Server 2000 Uninstall Option Does Not Remove All Files2005-09-27
8.00.7802000.80.780.0816039 FIX: Code Point Comparison Semantics for SQL_Latin1_General_Cp850_BIN Collation2005-09-27
8.00.7802000.80.780.0816084 FIX: sysindexes.statblob Column May Be Corrupted After You Run a DBCC DBREINDEX Statement2005-09-27
8.00.7802000.80.780.0810185 SQL Server 2000 hotfix update for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 and 3a2006-10-10
8.00.7792000.80.779.0814035 FIX: A Full-Text Population Fails After You Apply SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 32005-09-27
8.00.7752000.80.775.0815115 FIX: A DTS package that uses global variables ignores an error message raised by RAISERROR2005-09-27
8.00.7692000.80.769.0814889 FIX: A DELETE statement with a JOIN might fail and you receive a 625 error2005-09-27
8.00.7692000.80.769.0814893 FIX: Error Message: "Insufficient key column information for updating" Occurs in SQL Server 2000 SP32005-09-27
8.00.7652000.80.765.0810163 FIX: An Access Violation Occurs if an sp_cursoropen Call References a Parameter That Is Not Defined2005-09-27
8.00.7652000.80.765.0810688 FIX: Merge Agent Can Resend Changes for Filtered Publications2005-09-27
8.00.7652000.80.765.0811611 FIX: Reinitialized SQL Server CE 2.0 subscribers may experience data loss and non-convergence2005-09-27
8.00.7652000.80.765.0813769 FIX: You May Experience Slow Performance When You Debug a SQL Server Service2005-09-27
8.00.7632000.80.763.0814113 FIX: DTS Designer may generate an access violation after you install SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 32005-09-27
8.00.7622000.80.762.0814032 FIX: Merge publications cannot synchronize on SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 32005-09-27
8.00.7602000.80.760.0SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3 / SP3a)2003-08-27
8.00.7432000.80.743.0818406 FIX: A Transact-SQL query that uses views may fail unexpectedly in SQL Server 2000 SP22005-10-18
8.00.7432000.80.743.0818763 FIX: Intense SQL Server Activity Results in Spinloop Wait in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 22005-10-25
8.00.7412000.80.741.0818096 FIX: Many Extent Lock Time-outs May Occur During Extent Allocation2005-02-10
8.00.7362000.80.736.0816937 FIX: A memory leak may occur when you use the sp_OAMethod stored procedure to call a method of a COM object2005-09-27
8.00.7352000.80.735.0814889 FIX: A DELETE statement with a JOIN might fail and you receive a 625 error2005-09-27
8.00.7332000.80.733.0813759 FIX: A Large Number of NULL Values in Join Columns Result in Slow Query Performance2005-09-27
8.00.7302000.80.730.0813769 FIX: You May Experience Slow Performance When You Debug a SQL Server Service2005-09-27
8.00.7282000.80.728.0814460 FIX: Merge Replication with Alternate Synchronization Partners May Not Succeed After You Change the Retention Period2005-09-27
8.00.7252000.80.725.0812995 FIX: A Query with an Aggregate Function May Fail with a 3628 Error2005-09-27
8.00.7252000.80.725.0813494 FIX: Distribution Agent Fails with "Violation of Primary Key Constraint" Error Message2005-09-27
8.00.7232000.80.723.0812798 FIX: A UNION ALL View May Not Use Index If Partitions Are Removed at Compile Time2005-09-27
8.00.7212000.80.721.0812250 FIX: Indexed View May Cause a Handled Access Violation in CIndex::SetLevel1Names2005-09-27
8.00.7212000.80.721.0812393 FIX: Update or Delete Statement Fails with Error 1203 During Row Lock Escalation2005-09-27
8.00.7182000.80.718.0811703 FIX: Unexpected results from partial aggregations based on conversions2005-09-27
8.00.7152000.80.715.0810688 FIX: Merge Agent Can Resend Changes for Filtered Publications2005-09-27
8.00.7152000.80.715.0811611 FIX: Reinitialized SQL Server CE 2.0 subscribers may experience data loss and non-convergence2005-09-27
8.00.7142000.80.714.0811478 FIX: Restoring a SQL Server 7.0 database backup in SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2) may cause an assertion error in the Xdes.cpp file2005-10-18
8.00.7132000.80.713.0811205 FIX: An error message occurs when you perform a database or a file SHRINK operation2005-09-27
8.00.7102000.80.710.0811052 FIX: Latch Time-Out Message 845 Occurs When You Perform a Database or File SHRINK Operation2005-09-27
8.00.7052000.80.705.0810920 FIX: The JOIN queries in the triggers that involve the inserted table or the deleted table may return results that are not consistent2005-09-27
8.00.7032000.80.703.0810526 FIX: Cursors That Have a Long Lifetime May Cause Memory Fragmentation2005-09-27
8.00.7022000.80.702.0328551 FIX: Concurrency enhancements for the tempdb database2006-07-19
8.00.7012000.80.701.0810026 FIX: A DELETE Statement with a Self-Join May Fail and You Receive a 625 Error2005-09-27
8.00.7012000.80.701.0810163 FIX: An Access Violation Occurs if an sp_cursoropen Call References a Parameter That Is Not Defined2005-09-27
8.00.7002000.80.700.0810072 FIX: Merge Replication Reconciler Stack Overflow2005-09-27
8.00.6962000.80.696.0810052 FIX: A Memory Leak Occurs When Cursors Are Opened During a Connection2005-09-27
8.00.6962000.80.696.0810010 FIX: The fn_get_sql System Table Function May Cause Various Handled Access Violations2005-09-27
8.00.6952000.80.695.0331885 FIX: Update/Delete Statement Fails with Error 1203 During Page Lock Escalation2005-09-27
8.00.6952000.80.695.0331965 FIX: The xp_readmail Extended Stored Procedure Overwrites Attachment That Already Exists2005-02-10
8.00.6952000.80.695.0331968 FIX: The xp_readmail and xp_findnextmsg Extended Stored Procedures Do Not Read Mail in Time Received Order2005-02-10
8.00.6932000.80.693.0330212 FIX: Parallel logical operation returns results that are not consistent2005-09-27
8.00.6902000.80.690.0311104 FIX: The SELECT Statement with Parallelism Enabled May Cause an Assertion2005-10-12
8.00.6892000.80.689.0329499 FIX: Replication Removed from Database After Restore WITH RECOVERY2005-10-11
8.00.6882000.80.688.0329487 FIX: Transaction Log Restore Fails with Message 34562005-10-11
8.00.6862000.80.686.0316333 SQL Server 2000 Security Update for Service Pack 22006-11-24
8.00.6822000.80.682.0319851 FIX: Assertion and Error Message 3314 Occurs If You Try to Roll Back a Text Operation with READ UNCOMMITTED2005-10-18
8.00.6792000.80.679.0316333 SQL Server 2000 Security Update for Service Pack 22006-11-24
8.00.6782000.80.678.0328354 FIX: A RESTORE DATABASE WITH RECOVERY Statement Can Fail with Error 9003 or Error 90042005-09-27
8.00.6672000.80.667.02000 SP2+8/14 fix???
8.00.6652000.80.665.02000 SP2+8/8 fix???
8.00.6612000.80.661.0326999 FIX: Lock escalation on a scan while an update query is running causes a 1203 error message to occur2005-09-27
8.00.6552000.80.655.02000 SP2+7/24 fix???
8.00.6522000.80.652.0810010 FIX: The fn_get_sql System Table Function May Cause Various Handled Access Violations2005-09-27
8.00.6502000.80.650.0322853 FIX: SQL Server Grants Unnecessary Permissions or an Encryption Function Contains Unchecked Buffers2003-11-05
8.00.6442000.80.644.0324186 FIX: Slow Compile Time and Execution Time with Query That Contains Aggregates and Subqueries2005-09-27
8.00.6362000.80.636.0Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-0392002-06-24
8.00.6082000.80.608.0319507 FIX: SQL Extended Procedure Functions Contain Unchecked Buffers2004-06-21
8.00.6042000.80.604.02000 SP2+3/29 fix???
8.00.5992000.80.599.0319869 FIX: Improved SQL Manager Robustness for Odd Length Buffer2005-09-27
8.00.5942000.80.594.0319477 FIX: Extremely Large Number of User Tables on AWE System May Cause BPool::Map Errors2005-09-27
8.00.5842000.80.584.0318530 FIX: Reorder outer joins with filter criteria before non-selective joins and outer joins2008-02-04
8.00.5782000.80.578.0317979 FIX: Unchecked Buffer May Occur When You Connect to Remote Data Source2005-09-27
8.00.5782000.80.578.0318045 FIX: SELECT with Timestamp Column That Uses FOR XML AUTO May Fail with Stack Overflow or AV2005-09-27
8.00.5682000.80.568.0317748 FIX: Handle Leak Occurs in SQL Server When Service or Application Repeatedly Connects and Disconnects with Shared Memory Network Library2002-10-30
8.00.5612000.80.561.02000 SP2+1/29 fix???
8.00.5582000.80.558.0314003 FIX: Query That Uses DESC Index May Result in Access Violation2005-09-26
8.00.5582000.80.558.0315395 FIX: COM May Not Be Uninitialized for Worker Thread When You Use sp_OA2005-09-27
8.00.5522000.80.552.0313002 The Knowledge Base (KB) Article You Requested Is Currently Not Available???
8.00.5522000.80.552.0313005 FIX: SELECT from Computed Column That References UDF Causes SQL Server to Terminate2005-09-26
8.00.5342000.80.534.02000 SP2.01???
8.00.5322000.80.532.0SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2)2003-02-04
8.00.4752000.80.475.02000 SP1+1/29 fix???
8.00.4742000.80.474.0315395 FIX: COM May Not Be Uninitialized for Worker Thread When You Use sp_OA2005-09-27
8.00.4732000.80.473.0314003 FIX: Query That Uses DESC Index May Result in Access Violation2005-09-26
8.00.4712000.80.471.0313302 FIX: Shared Table Lock Is Not Released After Lock Escalation2005-09-26
8.00.4692000.80.469.0313005 FIX: SELECT from Computed Column That References UDF Causes SQL Server to Terminate2005-09-26
8.00.4522000.80.452.0308547 FIX: SELECT DISTINCT from Table with LEFT JOIN of View Causes Error Messages or Client Application May Stop Responding2005-09-26
8.00.4442000.80.444.0307540 FIX: SQLPutData May Result in Leak of Buffer Pool Memory2005-09-26
8.00.4442000.80.444.0307655 FIX: Querying Syslockinfo with Large Numbers of Locks May Cause Server to Stop Responding2005-10-07
8.00.4432000.80.443.0307538 FIX: SQLTrace Start and Stop is Now Reported in Windows NT Event Log for SQL Server 20002005-09-26
8.00.4282000.80.428.0304850 FIX: SQL Server Text Formatting Functions Contain Unchecked Buffers2004-08-05
8.00.3842000.80.384.0SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 1 (SP1)2001-06-11
8.00.2962000.80.296.0299717 FIX: Query Method Used to Access Data May Allow Rights that the Login Might Not Normally Have2004-08-09
8.00.2872000.80.287.0297209 FIX: Deletes, Updates and Rank Based Selects May Cause Deadlock of MSSEARCH2005-10-07
8.00.2512000.80.251.0300194 FIX: Error 644 Using Two Indexes on a Column with Uppercase Preference Sort Order2003-10-17
8.00.2502000.80.250.0291683 The Knowledge Base (KB) Article You Requested Is Currently Not Available???
8.00.2492000.80.249.0288122 FIX: Lock Monitor Uses Excessive CPU2003-09-12
8.00.2392000.80.239.0285290 FIX: Complex ANSI Join Query with Distributed Queries May Cause Handled Access Violation2003-10-09
8.00.2332000.80.233.0282416 FIX: Opening the Database Folder in SQL Server Enterprise Manager 2000 Takes a Long Time2003-10-09
8.00.2312000.80.231.0282279 FIX: Execution of sp_OACreate on COM Object Without Type Information Causes Server Shut Down2003-10-09
8.00.2262000.80.226.0278239 FIX: Extreme Memory Usage When Adding Many Security Roles2006-11-21
8.00.2252000.80.225.0281663 "Access Denied" Error Message When You Try to Use a Network Drive to Modify Windows 2000 Permissions2006-10-30
8.00.2232000.80.223.0280380 FIX: Buffer Overflow Exploit Possible with Extended Stored Procedures2004-06-29
8.00.2222000.80.222.0281769 FIX: Exception Access Violation Encountered During Query Normalization2005-10-07
8.00.2182000.80.218.0279183 FIX: Scripting Object with Several Extended Properties May Cause Exception2003-10-09
8.00.2172000.80.217.0279293 FIX: CASE Using LIKE with Empty String Can Result in Access Violation or Abnormal Server Shutdown2003-10-09
8.00.2112000.80.211.0276329 FIX: Complex Distinct or Group By Query Can Return Unexpected Results with Parallel Execution Plan2003-11-05
8.00.2102000.80.210.0275900 FIX: Linked Server Query with Hyphen in LIKE Clause May Run Slowly2003-10-09
8.00.2052000.80.205.0274330 FIX: Sending Open Files as Attachment in SQL Mail Fails with Error 180252005-10-07
8.00.2042000.80.204.0274329 FIX: Optimizer Slow to Generate Query Plan for Complex Queries that have Many Joins and Semi-Joins2003-10-09
8.00.1942000.80.194.0SQL Server 2000 RTM (no SP)???
8.00.1902000.80.190.0SQL Server 2000 Gold???
8.00.1002000.80.100.0SQL Server 2000 Beta 2???
8.00.0782000.80.078.0SQL Server 2000 EAP5???
8.00.0472000.80.047.0SQL Server 2000 EAP4???

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Builds

BuildKB / DescriptionRelease Date
7.00.1152948113 MS08-040: Description of the security update for SQL Server 7.0: July 8, 20082008-07-08
7.00.1149867763 FIX: An access violation exception may occur when you run a SELECT statement that contains complex JOIN operations in SQL Server 7.02006-06-01
7.00.1143830233 New Connection Events Are Not Recorded in SQL Server Traces2005-10-25
7.00.1143829015 FIX: An attention signal that is sent from a SQL Server client application because of a query time-out may cause the SQL Server service to quit unexpectedly2005-10-25
7.00.1097822756 A Complex UPDATE Statement That Uses an Index Spool Operation May Cause an Assertion2005-10-25
7.00.1094821279 MS03-031: Security patch for SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 42006-05-11
7.00.1094815495 MS03-031: Cumulative security patch for SQL Server2006-05-10
7.00.1092820788 FIX: Delayed domain authentication may cause SQL Server to stop responding2005-10-25
7.00.1087814693 FIX: SQL Server 7.0 Scheduler May Periodically Stop Responding During Large Sort Operation2005-09-27
7.00.1079329499 FIX: Replication Removed from Database After Restore WITH RECOVERY2005-10-11
7.00.1078327068 INF: SQL Server 7.0 Security Update for Service Pack 42005-09-27
7.00.1077316333 SQL Server 2000 Security Update for Service Pack 22006-11-24
7.00.1063SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4 (SP4)2002-04-26
7.00.1033324469 FIX: Error message 9004 may occur when you restore a log that does not contain any transactions2005-10-12
7.00.1026319851 FIX: Assertion and Error Message 3314 Occurs If You Try to Roll Back a Text Operation with READ UNCOMMITTED2005-10-18
7.00.1004304851 FIX: SQL Server Text Formatting Functions Contain Unchecked Buffers2004-08-05
7.00.996299717 FIX: Query Method Used to Access Data May Allow Rights that the Login Might Not Normally Have2004-08-09
7.00.978285870 FIX: Update With Self Join May Update Incorrect Number Of Rows2003-10-28
7.00.977284351 FIX: SQL Server Profiler and SQL Server Agent Alerts May Fail to Work After Installing SQL Server 7.0 SP32002-04-25
7.00.970283837 FIX: SQL Server May Generate Nested Query For Linked Server When Option Is Disabled2002-10-15
7.00.970282243 FIX: Incorrect Results with Join of Column Converted to Binary2003-10-29
7.00.961SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3)2000-12-15
7.00.921283837 FIX: SQL Server May Generate Nested Query For Linked Server When Option Is Disabled2002-10-15
7.00.919282243 FIX: Incorrect Results with Join of Column Converted to Binary2003-10-29
7.00.918280380 FIX: Buffer Overflow Exploit Possible with Extended Stored Procedures2004-06-29
7.00.917279180 FIX: Bcp.exe with Long Query String Can Result in Assertion Failure2005-09-26
7.00.910275901 FIX: SQL RPC That Raises Error Will Mask @@ERROR with Msg 72212003-10-31
7.00.905274266 FIX: Data Modification Query with a Distinct Subquery on a View May Cause Error 36242004-07-15
7.00.889243741 FIX: Replication Initialize Method Causes Handle Leak on Failure2005-10-05
7.00.879281185 FIX: Linked Index Server Query Through OLE DB Provider with OR Clause Reports Error 73492006-03-14
7.00.857260346 FIX: Transactional Publications with a Filter on Numeric Columns Fail to Replicate Data2006-03-14
7.00.843266766 FIX: Temporary Stored Procedures in SA Owned Databases May Bypass Permission Checks When You Run Stored Procedures2006-03-14
7.00.842SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2)2000-03-20
7.00.839SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2) Unidentified
7.00.835SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2) Beta
7.00.776258087 FIX: Non-Admin User That Executes Batch While Server Shuts Down May Encounter Retail Assertion2006-03-14
7.00.770252905 FIX: Slow Compile Time on Complex Joins with Unfiltered Table2006-03-14
7.00.745253738 FIX: SQL Server Components that Access the Registry in a Cluster Environment May Cause a Memory Leak2005-10-07
7.00.722239458 FIX: Replication: Problems Mapping Characters to DB2 OLEDB Subscribers2005-10-05
7.00.699SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1)1999-07-01
7.00.689SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Beta
7.00.677SQL Server 7.0 MSDE from Office 2000 disc
7.00.662232707 FIX: Query with Complex View Hierarchy May Be Slow to Compile2005-10-05
7.00.658244763 FIX: Access Violation Under High Cursor Stress2006-03-14
7.00.657229875 FIX: Unable to Perform Automated Installation of SQL 7.0 Using File Images2005-10-05
7.00.643220156 FIX: SQL Cluster Install Fails When SVS Name Contains Special Characters2005-10-05
7.00.623SQL Server 7.0 RTM (Gold, no SP)1998-11-27
7.00.583SQL Server 7.0 RC1
7.00.517SQL Server 7.0 Beta 3

Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Builds

BuildKB / DescriptionRelease Date
6.50.480238621 FIX: Integrated Security Sprocs Have Race Condition Between Threads That Can Result in an Access Violation2005-10-07
6.50.479273914 Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Post Service Pack 5a Update2000-09-12
6.50.469249343 FIX: SQL Performance Counters May Cause Handle Leak in WinLogon Process
6.50.465250493 FIX: Memory Leak with xp_sendmail Using Attachments
6.50.464275483 FIX: Insert Error (Msg 213) with NO_BROWSETABLE and INSERT EXEC1999-11-08
6.50.462238620 FIX: Terminating Clients with TSQL KILL May Cause ODS AV
6.50.451236447 FIX: ODS Errors During Attention Signal May Cause SQL Server to Stop Responding
6.50.444240172 FIX: Multiple Attachments not Sent Correctly Using xp_sendmail
6.50.441234679 FIX: SNMP Extended Stored Procedures May Leak Memory
6.50.422187278 FIX: Large Query Text from Socket Client May Cause Open Data Services Access Violation
6.50.416197176 Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 5a (SP5a)1998-12-24
6.50.415Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 5 (SP5)
6.50.339Y2K hotfix
6.50.297"Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition" hotfix
6.50.281178295 Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 4 (SP4)
6.50.2596.5 as included with "Small Business Server" only
6.50.258Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 3a (SP3a)
6.50.252Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
6.50.240160727 Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 2 (SP2)
6.50.213153096 Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
6.50.201Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 RTM1996-06-30

Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 Builds

BuildKB / DescriptionRelease Date
6.00.151Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
6.00.139Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2)
6.00.124Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
6.00.121Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 RTM


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