#include <chrono> #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "syncer.h" using namespace nlohmann; using namespace std; using namespace std::chrono; using namespace syncer; struct Site { int temperature; int pressure; }; static inline void to_json(json& j, const Site& s) { j = json(); j["temperature"] = s.temperature; j["pressure"] = s.pressure; } static inline void from_json(const json& j, Site& s) { s.temperature = j.at("temperature").get<int>(); s.pressure = j.at("pressure").get<int>(); } struct State { map<string, Site> sites; string forecast; }; static inline void to_json(json& j, const State& s) { j = json(); j["sites"] = s.sites; j["forecast"] = s.forecast; } static inline void from_json(const json& j, State& s) { s.sites = j.at("sites").get<map<string, Site>>(); s.forecast = j.at("forecast").get<string>(); } PatchOpRouter<State> CreateRouter() { PatchOpRouter<State> router; router.AddCallback<int>(R"(/sites/(\w+)/temperature)", PATCH_OP_ANY, [] (const State& old, const smatch& m, PatchOp op, int t) { cout << "Temperature in " << m[1].str() << " has changed: " << old.sites.at(m[1].str()).temperature << " -> " << t << endl; }); router.AddCallback<Site>(R"(/sites/(\w+)$)", PATCH_OP_ADD, [] (const State&, const smatch& m, PatchOp op, const Site& s) { cout << "Site added: " << m[1].str() << " (temperature: " << s.temperature << ", pressure: " << s.pressure << ")" << endl; }); router.AddCallback<Site>(R"(/sites/(\w+)$)", PATCH_OP_REMOVE, [] (const State&, const smatch& m, PatchOp op, const Site&) { cout << "Site removed: " << m[1].str() << endl; }); return router; } int main() { State state; state.sites["forest"] = { 51, 29 }; state.sites["lake"] = { 49, 31 }; state.forecast = "cloudy and rainy"; Server<State> server("tcp://*:5000", "tcp://*:5001", state); Client<State> client("tcp://localhost:5000", "tcp://localhost:5001", CreateRouter()); this_thread::sleep_for(milliseconds(100)); cout << "Forecast: " << client.data().forecast << endl; state.sites.erase("lake"); state.sites["forest"] = { 50, 28 }; state.sites["desert"] = { 55, 30 }; state.forecast = "cloudy and rainy"; server.Update(state); this_thread::sleep_for(milliseconds(100)); return 0; }
森林の温度が変化しました:51-> 50