

この蚘事では、 IDSおよびトラフィック凊理システムの分野における゜リュヌションの分析、攻撃の簡単な分析、IDSの動䜜原理の分析を提䟛したす。 次に、ネットワヌクアクティビティを分析するニュヌラルネットワヌク法に基づいお、ネットワヌク内の異垞を怜出するモゞュヌルを開発する詊みが行われたした。その目的は次のずおりです。








぀たり システムタスクは以䞋で構成されたす



「むンテリゞェンス」ず「パワヌ」ナニットに。 たた、IPSにIDSを含めるこずができたす。






原則ずしお、完党なネットワヌクデヌタは収集されたせん。 リ゜ヌスを集䞭的に䜿甚するため、䟵入者はネットワヌク内にいられないか、倖郚ず通信する必芁があるず考えられたすもちろん、物理的に隔離されたネットワヌクでも攻撃は可胜です。 



ノヌドでネットワヌクトラフィックを収集するこずもできたす。 ただし、これにより、ホストネットワヌクアダプタヌはすべおのトラフィックをキャプチャするモヌドで動䜜するようになりたすが、これは通垞の運甚では通垞予期されないこずであり、これは明らかに冗長ですストレッチで有甚な堎合がある唯䞀のオプションは分散フロヌ分析です。




パッシブ怜出では、システムは状況を監芖するだけです。 ほずんどのIDSはこのクラスのメ゜ッドを䜿甚したす。 ホストレベルのシステムも通垞、このクラスのメ゜ッドを䜿甚したす。 たずえば、ナヌザヌの䞋からシステムファむルを削陀しお削陀されたこずを確認するのではなく、単にこのファむルに察する暩限がデヌタベヌス内のテンプレヌトに準拠しおいるかどうかを評䟡し、準拠しおいない堎合は譊告を発行したす。



その埌、デヌタベヌスはこれらのアクションに察する反応を分析したす。 このクラスのメ゜ッドは、脆匱性スキャナヌに䞀般的です。




同時に、暙的型攻撃のリスクは䟝然ずしお残っおいたす。 このリスクは、おそらく皋床は䜎いですが、他のクラスのメ゜ッドで発生したす。







クラシックバヌゞョンでは、パケット眲名ずデヌタベヌス内の眲名を比范するこずが実装に含たれたす。 比范は、パタヌンを䜿甚するか、正芏衚珟を䜿甚しお正確にするこずができたす。




アナラむザヌがいく぀かのたれなアクションたたはアクティビティを怜玢するずきの統蚈的偏差怜出システム 。 システム内のむベントは統蚈的に怜査され、症状が異垞ず思われるむベントを芋぀けたす。




結果は䞀定の自信を持っお提瀺するこずもできたす。 たた、ニュヌラルネットワヌクは結果を「はい」たたは「いいえ」ではなく、結果の確率のセットずしお衚したす。




from itertools import product data_type_class = ('host_data', 'net_data', 'hybrid_data') analyzer_type_class = ('passive_analyzer', 'active_analyzer', 'mixed_analyzer') detector_type_class = ('known_issues_detector', 'anomaly_detector', 'mixed_detector') liter = list(product(data_type_class, analyzer_type_class, detector_type_class)) print(len(liter)) for n, i in enumerate(liter): print('Type {}:\ndata_type_class = {}, analyzer_type_class = {}, detector_type_class = {}.'.format(n, i[0], i[1], i[2])) print('-' * 10) 






Snortは、埓来のネットワヌクレベルのIDSであり、トラフィックを分析しおルヌルベヌス実際には眲名ベヌスに䞀臎したす。 ぀たり、このシステムは既知の違反を探しおいたす。 Snortがそのモゞュヌルを簡単に実装するこずは可胜ですが、これはいずれかの䜜業で行われたした。 ロシアのものを含む 、Snort に基づいた倚くの有名な商甚゜リュヌションがありたす 。

Snort IDSに基づいお構築された眲名デヌタベヌスの操䜜に加えお、ヒュヌリスティック、ニュヌラルネットワヌク、および同様の怜出モゞュヌルが含たれるこずがありたす。 少なくずも、Snort甚の機胜する統蚈的な異垞怜出機胜がありたす。





ネットワヌクレベルのIDSを䜜成するためのプラットフォヌム。 これは、既知の違反の怜出に重点を眮いたハむブリッドシステムです。 トランスポヌト、ネットワヌク、およびアプリケヌションレベルで機胜したす。 独自のスクリプト蚀語をサポヌトしたす。


これは、最初に、送信されたデヌタの正垞性のチェックに基づいお実珟されたすたずえば、 すべおのフラグが蚭定されたTCPパケットは、正しいにもかかわらず、おそらくここで䜕かが間違っおいたす。




このマシンは、䞭立のポリシヌむベントは単に䜕かが発生したこずを通知したすが、なぜ、むベント゚ンゞンは䜕も蚀わない、t .k。これはポリシヌむンタヌプリタヌのタスクです。


ポリシヌむンタヌプリタヌは、むベントハンドラヌがむンストヌルされおいるスクリプトを実行したす。 これらのハンドラヌでは、トラフィックの統蚈パラメヌタヌを蚈算できたす。 同時に、ハンドラヌは単䞀のパッケヌゞに応答するだけでなく、コンテキストを維持できたす。


TripWire 、 OSSEC 、 Samhain


異垞怜玢メカニズムは、むンストヌル䞭にシステムがシステムファむルのハッシュずそれらに関するメタ情報をデヌタベヌスに保存するずいう事実に基づいおいたす。 オペレヌティングシステムパッケヌゞを曎新するずき、ハッシュが再カりントされたす。







プレリュヌドSIEM 、 OSSIM

これらは、 SIEMずしお䜍眮付けられるハむブリッドシステムです。 Preludeは、センサヌネットワヌクずアナラむザヌを組み合わせたものです。 攻撃者は1぀のIDSをバむパスできるため、このシステムはセキュリティレベルを向䞊させるず述べられおいたすが、倚数の保護メカニズムをバむパスする耇雑さが指数関数的に増加したす。









システムは、攻撃を誘匕するために特別に脆匱になりたした。 攻撃者の行動を研究するために䜿甚できたす。



これには、ハニヌポットの「アクティブ」バヌゞョンず芋なすこずができる、攻撃を遅くする攻撃者のリ゜ヌス芁件を増やし、応答に時間を䞎える tarpitなどのトラップも含たれる堎合がありたす。


[14]では、広く䜿甚されおいるKDDデヌタベヌスぞの参照の分析が行われたした 。

  • サポヌトベクタヌマシン-24。
  • 決定的な朚-19。
  • 遺䌝的アルゎリズム-16。
  • 䞻成分の方法-13。
  • 粒子矀法-9。
  • k最近傍の怜玢-9。
  • k倀によるクラスタリング-9。
  • 単玔ベむズ分類噚-9。
  • ニュヌラルネットワヌク、倚局パヌセプトロン-8。
  • 遺䌝的プログラミング-6。
  • ラフセット -6。
  • ベむゞアンネットワヌク-5。
  • ランダムツリヌのフォレスト-5。
  • 人工免疫システム-5。
  • ファゞヌルヌルマむニングの䜿甚-4。
  • ニュヌラルネットワヌク自己組織化マップ-4。



私が觊れおいないいく぀かの゜リュヌションに぀いおは、 こちらもご芧ください 。










SAPの管理および監芖ツヌルは、 統合゜リュヌションに向けお進化しおいたす 。


このような統合システムの構成には、ネットワヌク䞊に分散されたさたざたなセンサヌが含たれ、パッシブたたはアクティブのいずれかになりたす。 IDSのむンスタンス党䜓である可胜性があるセンサヌデヌタを䜿甚しお、Prelude SIEMの甚語では䞭倮盞関噚がネットワヌクの党䜓的なステヌタスを分析したす。


文献では、䞻に、パヌセプトロンたたはコホヌネンマップに基づくニュヌラルネットワヌク手法が怜蚎されおいたす。 競合するニュヌラルネットワヌクたたは畳み蟌みネットワヌクに関する最新の研究に基づいお、開発ずいう圢で満たされおいないニッチがありたす。 これらの方法は、耇雑な分析が必芁な関連分野ではうたく機胜しおいたすが。





, , , [16].

- , , IDS ( , ARP , Ethernet, PPP , ).

, 90- — 2000-, .

Ping of the Death , IP Spoofing , SYN flood ARP cache poison , - DNS .

(, SQL injection PHP injection ), , XSS CSRF , , .

. ( , ).

Active Directory , "-" SMB .

HTTPS HSTS , SSL stripping .
, (, , HeartBleed ), .

, .

DoS , , .
(, SYN Flood) , , (, HTTP ) DDoS.


- , . , , DoS: , Windows- , SSH . , .

, "" (, , ftpd, sendmail ), . , : , pdf , ...

IDS : , , . , , , .

. , .

, : , , .
, , , .

- , (, : , — , ). ( , ). .


, .

" ", ICMP ping. .


, IDS . , .

, , :



, , , , ( : , , ).

. , , , CPU.

, .. . , , .

, - , , , , , ( "" ). , (, , ), IDS.





IDS: , .

, .
, .

, , :


[12] :

[6] , NSL-KDD .

  • duration — .
  • protocol_type — : TCP, UDP ..
  • service — : HTTP, FTP, TELNET ..
  • flag — : .
  • scr_bytes — .
  • dst_bytes — .
  • land — 1 / /.
  • wrong_fragments — "" .
  • urgent — (urgent) .
  • hot — "" .
  • num_failed_logins — .
  • logged_in — 1 — , 0 .
  • num_compromised — .
  • root_shell — 1 — , 0 — .
  • su_attempted — 1 — "su root", 0 — . .
  • num_root — "root".
  • num_file_creations — .
  • num_shells — " ".
  • num_access_files — .
  • num_outbound_cmds — ftp .
  • is_host_login — 1 — "host" .
  • is_quest_login — 1 — "".
  • count — 2 .
  • srv_count — 2 ..
  • serror_rate — syn .
  • srv_serror_rate — syn .
  • rerror_rate — rej .
  • srv_rerror_rate — rej .
  • same_srv_rate — .
  • diff_srv_rate — .
  • srv_diff_hast_rate — .
  • dst_host_count — , .
  • dst_host_srv_count — , .
  • dst_host_same_srv_rate — , .
  • dst_host_diff_srv_rate — , .
  • dst_host_same_src_port_rate — .
  • dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate — .
  • dst_host_serror_rate — c syn -.
  • dst_host_srv_serror_rate — c syn .
  • dst_host_rerror_rate — c rej -.
  • dst_host_srv_rerror_rate — c rej .

  • duration — ().
  • protocol_type — (TCP, UDP, .).
  • service — (HTTP, TELNET .).
  • flag — c .
  • src_bytes — .
  • dst_bytes — .
  • land — 1 ; 0 .
  • wrong_fragment — "" .
  • urgent — URG.

, .

, .

  • ID protocol — , .
  • Source port — TCP UDP.
  • Destination port — TCP UDP.
  • Source Address — IP .
  • Destination Address — IP .
  • ICMP type — ICMP .
  • Length of data transferred — .
  • FLAGS — .
  • TCP window size — TCP .

, , , .

, NSL-KDD , . , . , , .

, [6] .

  • duration — .
  • protocol_type — (TCP, UDP, .).
  • service — (HTTP, TELNET .).
  • flag — c .
  • src_bytes — .
  • dst_bytes — .
  • land — 1 ; 0 .
  • wrong_fragment — "" .
  • urgent — URG.
  • count — 2 ..
  • srv_count — 2 ..
  • serror_rate — syn .
  • diff_srv_rate — .
  • srv_diff_host_rate — .
  • dst_host_srv_count — , .



IDS, , . Prelude SIEM OSSIM, . , .



. , , , .

, , .
, .

, , . , , , (, ), .


  -> "  ":   "  " -> " ": \n   " " -> "":   "" -> " ":  \n   " " -> :   

, : . . , IDS .

, , . , , , ( NSL-KDD). .

, ( , ), .

, , , .

, .
, (), , , , .

, :

( , , ).

, , , .

, ( NSL-KDD):



.., :


, .
 import hypertools as hyp from collections import OrderedDict import csv def read_ids_data(data_file, is_normal=True, labels_file='NSL_KDD/Field Names.csv', with_host=False): selected_parameters = ['duration', 'protocol_type', 'service', 'flag', 'src_bytes', 'dst_bytes', 'land', 'wrong_fragment', 'urgent'] # "Label" - "converter function" dictionary. label_dict = OrderedDict() result = [] with open(labels_file) as lf: labels = csv.reader(lf) for label in labels: if len(label) == 1 or label[1] == 'continuous': label_dict[label[0]] = lambda l: np.float64(l) elif label[1] == 'symbolic': label_dict[label[0]] = lambda l: sh(l) f_list = [i for i in label_dict.values()] n_list = [i for i in label_dict.keys()] data_type = lambda t: t == 'normal' if is_normal else t != 'normal' with open(data_file) as df: # data = csv.DictReader(df, label_dict.keys()) data = csv.reader(df) for d in data: if data_type(d[-2]): # Skip last two fields and add only specified fields. net_params = tuple(f_list[n](i) for n, i in enumerate(d[:-2]) if n_list[n] in selected_parameters) if with_host: host_params = generate_host_activity(is_normal) result.append(net_params + host_params) else: result.append(net_params) hyp.plot(np.array(result), '.', normalize='across', reduce='UMAP', ndims=3, n_clusters=10, animate='spin', palette='viridis', title='Growing Neural Gas on the NSL-KDD [normal={}]'.format(is_normal), # vectorizer='TfidfVectorizer', # precog=False, bullettime=True, chemtrails=True, tail_duration=100, duration=3, rotations=1, legend=False, explore=False, show=True, save_path='./video.mp4') read_ids_data('NSL_KDD/20 Percent Training Set.csv') read_ids_data('NSL_KDD/20 Percent Training Set.csv', is_normal=False) 

, " ".

, .

, , :

, , .

: . , , , .


, :

, .

: , .

. , (, , ).
. .

. , IDS.

, ( , 25%).



 @startuml start partition  { :     ; :   \n      ; } partition  { :   ; :     ; if (    ) then () -[#blue]-> :   ; if ( ) then () -[#green]-> :      \n  .; else () -[#blue]-> endif else () -[#green]-> :  \n ; if (   ) then () -[#green]-> :   ; else () -[#blue]-> : ; endif endif } stop @enduml 

, , .

, , .

, .

, , .

, .

, , 20 .

: . , .

— , .

, " " GNG , .

GNG , .

, :

, , .

: , , .

, GNG ( , ), , .

GNG, :

, Python. IGNG , , , .. . , IGNG .

main() , test_detector() , , .

test_detector() .
, , train() , , detect_anomalies() .

read_ids_data() .

NSL-KDD csv . : , , activity_type .

, , , generate_host_activity() , .
Numpy .

, , normalize() preprocessing Scikit-Learn . , .

, Graph NetworkX create_data_graph() .

. , .

GNG IGNG , . NeuralGas , .

train() __save_img() .

, .

, (, ) , , .

__save_img() draw_dots3d() , draw_graph3d() , : , .

Mayavi , — mayavi.points3d() .

, GIF, ImageIO .


. , , , (. i train : , ). , , IGNG.

( , Github ) .

 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from math import sqrt from mayavi import mlab import operator import imageio from collections import OrderedDict from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean from sklearn import preprocessing import csv import numpy as np import networkx as nx import re import os import shutil import sys import glob from past.builtins import xrange from future.utils import iteritems import time def sh(s): sum = 0 for i, c in enumerate(s): sum += i * ord(c) return sum def create_data_graph(dots): """Create the graph and returns the networkx version of it 'G'.""" count = 0 G = nx.Graph() for i in dots: G.add_node(count, pos=(i)) count += 1 return G def get_ra(ra=0, ra_step=0.3): while True: if ra >= 360: ra = 0 else: ra += ra_step yield ra def shrink_to_3d(data): result = [] for i in data: depth = len(i) if depth <= 3: result.append(i) else: sm = np.sum([(n) * v for n, v in enumerate(i[2:])]) if sm == 0: sm = 1 r = np.array([i[0], i[1], i[2]]) r *= sm r /= np.sum(r) result.append(r) return preprocessing.normalize(result, axis=0, norm='max') def draw_dots3d(dots, edges, fignum, clear=True, title='', size=(1024, 768), graph_colormap='viridis', bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), node_color=(0.3, 0.65, 0.3), node_size=0.01, edge_color=(0.3, 0.3, 0.9), edge_size=0.003, text_size=0.14, text_color=(0, 0, 0), text_coords=[0.84, 0.75], text={}, title_size=0.3, angle=get_ra()): # # numpy array of x, y, z positions in sorted node order xyz = shrink_to_3d(dots) if fignum == 0: mlab.figure(fignum, bgcolor=bgcolor, fgcolor=text_color, size=size) # Mayavi is buggy, and following code causes sockets leak. #if mlab.options.offscreen: # mlab.figure(fignum, bgcolor=bgcolor, fgcolor=text_color, size=size) #elif fignum == 0: # mlab.figure(fignum, bgcolor=bgcolor, fgcolor=text_color, size=size) if clear: mlab.clf() # the x,y, and z co-ordinates are here # manipulate them to obtain the desired projection perspective pts = mlab.points3d(xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], scale_factor=node_size, scale_mode='none', color=node_color, #colormap=graph_colormap, resolution=20, transparent=False) mlab.text(text_coords[0], text_coords[1], '\n'.join(['{} = {}'.format(n, v) for n, v in text.items()]), width=text_size) if clear: mlab.title(title, height=0.95) mlab.roll(next(angle)) mlab.orientation_axes(pts) mlab.outline(pts) """ for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(xyz): label = mlab.text(x, y, str(i), z=z, width=text_size, name=str(i), color=text_color) = True """ pts.mlab_source.dataset.lines = edges tube =, tube_radius=edge_size) mlab.pipeline.surface(tube, color=edge_color) # interactive window def draw_graph3d(graph, fignum, *args, **kwargs): graph_pos = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'pos') edges = np.array([e for e in graph.edges()]) dots = np.array([graph_pos[v] for v in sorted(graph)], dtype='float64') draw_dots3d(dots, edges, fignum, *args, **kwargs) def generate_host_activity(is_normal): # Host loads is changed only in 25% cases. attack_percent = 25 up_level = (20, 30) # CPU load in percent. cpu_load = (10, 30) # Disk IO per second. iops = (10, 50) # Memory consumption in percent. mem_cons = (30, 60) # Memory consumption in Mb/s. netw_act = (10, 50) cur_up_level = 0 if not is_normal and np.random.randint(0, 100) < attack_percent: cur_up_level = np.random.randint(*up_level) cpu_load = np.random.randint(cur_up_level + cpu_load[0], cur_up_level + cpu_load[1]) iops = np.random.randint(cur_up_level + iops[0], cur_up_level + iops[1]) mem_cons = np.random.randint(cur_up_level + mem_cons[0], cur_up_level + mem_cons[1]) netw_act = np.random.randint(cur_up_level + netw_act[0], cur_up_level + netw_act[1]) return cpu_load, iops, mem_cons, netw_act def read_ids_data(data_file, activity_type='normal', labels_file='NSL_KDD/Field Names.csv', with_host=False): selected_parameters = ['duration', 'protocol_type', 'service', 'flag', 'src_bytes', 'dst_bytes', 'land', 'wrong_fragment', 'urgent', 'serror_rate', 'diff_srv_rate', 'srv_diff_host_rate', 'dst_host_srv_count', 'count'] # "Label" - "converter function" dictionary. label_dict = OrderedDict() result = [] with open(labels_file) as lf: labels = csv.reader(lf) for label in labels: if len(label) == 1 or label[1] == 'continuous': label_dict[label[0]] = lambda l: np.float64(l) elif label[1] == 'symbolic': label_dict[label[0]] = lambda l: sh(l) f_list = [i for i in label_dict.values()] n_list = [i for i in label_dict.keys()] if activity_type == 'normal': data_type = lambda t: t == 'normal' elif activity_type == 'abnormal': data_type = lambda t: t != 'normal' elif activity_type == 'full': data_type = lambda t: True else: raise ValueError('`activity_type` must be "normal", "abnormal" or "full"') print('Reading {} activity from the file "{}" [generated host data {} included]...'. format(activity_type, data_file, 'was' if with_host else 'was not')) with open(data_file) as df: # data = csv.DictReader(df, label_dict.keys()) data = csv.reader(df) for d in data: if data_type(d[-2]): # Skip last two fields and add only specified fields. net_params = tuple(f_list[n](i) for n, i in enumerate(d[:-2]) if n_list[n] in selected_parameters) if with_host: host_params = generate_host_activity(activity_type != 'abnormal') result.append(net_params + host_params) else: result.append(net_params) print('Records count: {}'.format(len(result))) return result class NeuralGas(): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, data, surface_graph=None, output_images_dir='images'): self._graph = nx.Graph() self._data = data self._surface_graph = surface_graph # Deviation parameters. self._dev_params = None self._output_images_dir = output_images_dir # Nodes count. self._count = 0 if os.path.isdir(output_images_dir): shutil.rmtree('{}'.format(output_images_dir)) print("Ouput images will be saved in: {0}".format(output_images_dir)) os.makedirs(output_images_dir) self._start_time = time.time() @abstractmethod def train(self, max_iterations=100, save_step=0): raise NotImplementedError() def number_of_clusters(self): return nx.number_connected_components(self._graph) def detect_anomalies(self, data, threshold=5, train=False, save_step=100): anomalies_counter, anomaly_records_counter, normal_records_counter = 0, 0, 0 anomaly_level = 0 start_time = self._start_time = time.time() for i, d in enumerate(data): risk_level = self.test_node(d, train) if risk_level != 0: anomaly_records_counter += 1 anomaly_level += risk_level if anomaly_level > threshold: anomalies_counter += 1 #print('Anomaly was detected [count = {}]!'.format(anomalies_counter)) anomaly_level = 0 else: normal_records_counter += 1 if i % save_step == 0: tm = time.time() - start_time print('Abnormal records = {}, Normal records = {}, Detection time = {} s, Time per record = {} s'. format(anomaly_records_counter, normal_records_counter, round(tm, 2), tm / i if i else 0)) tm = time.time() - start_time print('{} [abnormal records = {}, normal records = {}, detection time = {} s, time per record = {} s]'. format('Anomalies were detected (count = {})'.format(anomalies_counter) if anomalies_counter else 'Anomalies weren\'t detected', anomaly_records_counter, normal_records_counter, round(tm, 2), tm / len(data))) return anomalies_counter > 0 def test_node(self, node, train=False): n, dist = self._determine_closest_vertice(node) dev = self._calculate_deviation_params() dev = dev.get(frozenset(nx.node_connected_component(self._graph, n)), dist + 1) dist_sub_dev = dist - dev if dist_sub_dev > 0: return dist_sub_dev if train: self._dev_params = None self._train_on_data_item(node) return 0 @abstractmethod def _train_on_data_item(self, data_item): raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _save_img(self, fignum, training_step): """.""" raise NotImplementedError() def _calculate_deviation_params(self, distance_function_params={}): if self._dev_params is not None: return self._dev_params clusters = {} dcvd = self._determine_closest_vertice dlen = len(self._data) #dmean = np.mean(self._data, axis=1) #deviation = 0 for node in self._data: n = dcvd(node, **distance_function_params) cluster = clusters.setdefault(frozenset(nx.node_connected_component(self._graph, n[0])), [0, 0]) cluster[0] += n[1] cluster[1] += 1 clusters = {k: sqrt(v[0]/v[1]) for k, v in clusters.items()} self._dev_params = clusters return clusters def _determine_closest_vertice(self, curnode): """.""" pos = nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, 'pos') kv = zip(*pos.items()) distances = np.linalg.norm(kv[1] - curnode, ord=2, axis=1) i0 = np.argsort(distances)[0] return kv[0][i0], distances[i0] def _determine_2closest_vertices(self, curnode): """Where this curnode is actually the x,y index of the data we want to analyze.""" pos = nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, 'pos') l_pos = len(pos) if l_pos == 0: return None, None elif l_pos == 1: return pos[0], None kv = zip(*pos.items()) # Calculate Euclidean distance (2-norm of difference vectors) and get first two indexes of the sorted array. # Or a Euclidean-closest nodes index. distances = np.linalg.norm(kv[1] - curnode, ord=2, axis=1) i0, i1 = np.argsort(distances)[0:2] winner1 = tuple((kv[0][i0], distances[i0])) winner2 = tuple((kv[0][i1], distances[i1])) return winner1, winner2 class IGNG(NeuralGas): """Incremental Growing Neural Gas multidimensional implementation""" def __init__(self, data, surface_graph=None, eps_b=0.05, eps_n=0.0005, max_age=10, a_mature=1, output_images_dir='images'): """.""" NeuralGas.__init__(self, data, surface_graph, output_images_dir) self._eps_b = eps_b self._eps_n = eps_n self._max_age = max_age self._a_mature = a_mature self._num_of_input_signals = 0 self._fignum = 0 self._max_train_iters = 0 # Initial value is a standard deviation of the data. self._d = np.std(data) def train(self, max_iterations=100, save_step=0): """IGNG training method""" self._dev_params = None self._max_train_iters = max_iterations fignum = self._fignum self._save_img(fignum, 0) CHS = self.__calinski_harabaz_score igng = self.__igng data = self._data if save_step < 1: save_step = max_iterations old = 0 calin = CHS() i_count = 0 start_time = self._start_time = time.time() while old - calin <= 0: print('Iteration {0:d}...'.format(i_count)) i_count += 1 steps = 1 while steps <= max_iterations: for i, x in enumerate(data): igng(x) if i % save_step == 0: tm = time.time() - start_time print('Training time = {} s, Time per record = {} s, Training step = {}, Clusters count = {}, Neurons = {}, CHI = {}'. format(round(tm, 2), tm / (i if i and i_count == 0 else len(data)), i_count, self.number_of_clusters(), len(self._graph), old - calin) ) self._save_img(fignum, i_count) fignum += 1 steps += 1 self._d -= 0.1 * self._d old = calin calin = CHS() print('Training complete, clusters count = {}, training time = {} s'.format(self.number_of_clusters(), round(time.time() - start_time, 2))) self._fignum = fignum def _train_on_data_item(self, data_item): steps = 0 igng = self.__igng # while steps < self._max_train_iters: while steps < 5: igng(data_item) steps += 1 def __long_train_on_data_item(self, data_item): """.""" np.append(self._data, data_item) self._dev_params = None CHS = self.__calinski_harabaz_score igng = self.__igng data = self._data max_iterations = self._max_train_iters old = 0 calin = CHS() i_count = 0 # Strictly less. while old - calin < 0: print('Training with new normal node, step {0:d}...'.format(i_count)) i_count += 1 steps = 0 if i_count > 100: print('BUG', old, calin) break while steps < max_iterations: igng(data_item) steps += 1 self._d -= 0.1 * self._d old = calin calin = CHS() def _calculate_deviation_params(self, skip_embryo=True): return super(IGNG, self)._calculate_deviation_params(distance_function_params={'skip_embryo': skip_embryo}) def __calinski_harabaz_score(self, skip_embryo=True): graph = self._graph nodes = graph.nodes extra_disp, intra_disp = 0., 0. # CHI = [B / (c - 1)]/[W / (n - c)] # Total numb er of neurons. #ns = nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, 'n_type') c = len([v for v in nodes.values() if v['n_type'] == 1]) if skip_embryo else len(nodes) # Total number of data. n = len(self._data) # Mean of the all data. mean = np.mean(self._data, axis=1) pos = nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, 'pos') for node, k in pos.items(): if skip_embryo and nodes[node]['n_type'] == 0: # Skip embryo neurons. continue mean_k = np.mean(k) extra_disp += len(k) * np.sum((mean_k - mean) ** 2) intra_disp += np.sum((k - mean_k) ** 2) return (1. if intra_disp == 0. else extra_disp * (n - c) / (intra_disp * (c - 1.))) def _determine_closest_vertice(self, curnode, skip_embryo=True): """Where this curnode is actually the x,y index of the data we want to analyze.""" pos = nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, 'pos') nodes = self._graph.nodes distance = sys.maxint for node, position in pos.items(): if skip_embryo and nodes[node]['n_type'] == 0: # Skip embryo neurons. continue dist = euclidean(curnode, position) if dist < distance: distance = dist return node, distance def __get_specific_nodes(self, n_type): return [n for n, p in nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, 'n_type').items() if p == n_type] def __igng(self, cur_node): """Main IGNG training subroutine""" # find nearest unit and second nearest unit winner1, winner2 = self._determine_2closest_vertices(cur_node) graph = self._graph nodes = graph.nodes d = self._d # Second list element is a distance. if winner1 is None or winner1[1] >= d: # 0 - is an embryo type. graph.add_node(self._count, pos=cur_node, n_type=0, age=0) winner_node1 = self._count self._count += 1 return else: winner_node1 = winner1[0] # Second list element is a distance. if winner2 is None or winner2[1] >= d: # 0 - is an embryo type. graph.add_node(self._count, pos=cur_node, n_type=0, age=0) winner_node2 = self._count self._count += 1 graph.add_edge(winner_node1, winner_node2, age=0) return else: winner_node2 = winner2[0] # Increment the age of all edges, emanating from the winner. for e in graph.edges(winner_node1, data=True): e[2]['age'] += 1 w_node = nodes[winner_node1] # Move the winner node towards current node. w_node['pos'] += self._eps_b * (cur_node - w_node['pos']) neighbors = nx.all_neighbors(graph, winner_node1) a_mature = self._a_mature for n in neighbors: c_node = nodes[n] # Move all direct neighbors of the winner. c_node['pos'] += self._eps_n * (cur_node - c_node['pos']) # Increment the age of all direct neighbors of the winner. c_node['age'] += 1 if c_node['n_type'] == 0 and c_node['age'] >= a_mature: # Now, it's a mature neuron. c_node['n_type'] = 1 # Create connection with age == 0 between two winners. graph.add_edge(winner_node1, winner_node2, age=0) max_age = self._max_age # If there are ages more than maximum allowed age, remove them. age_of_edges = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'age') for edge, age in iteritems(age_of_edges): if age >= max_age: graph.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1]) # If it causes isolated vertix, remove that vertex as well. #graph.remove_nodes_from(nx.isolates(graph)) for node, v in nodes.items(): if v['n_type'] == 0: # Skip embryo neurons. continue if not graph.neighbors(node): graph.remove_node(node) def _save_img(self, fignum, training_step): """.""" title='Incremental Growing Neural Gas for the network anomalies detection' if self._surface_graph is not None: text = OrderedDict([ ('Image', fignum), ('Training step', training_step), ('Time', '{} s'.format(round(time.time() - self._start_time, 2))), ('Clusters count', self.number_of_clusters()), ('Neurons', len(self._graph)), (' Mature', len(self.__get_specific_nodes(1))), (' Embryo', len(self.__get_specific_nodes(0))), ('Connections', len(self._graph.edges)), ('Data records', len(self._data)) ]) draw_graph3d(self._surface_graph, fignum, title=title) graph = self._graph if len(graph) > 0: #graph_pos = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'pos') #nodes = sorted(self.get_specific_nodes(1)) #dots = np.array([graph_pos[v] for v in nodes], dtype='float64') #edges = np.array([e for e in graph.edges(nodes) if e[0] in nodes and e[1] in nodes]) #draw_dots3d(dots, edges, fignum, clear=False, node_color=(1, 0, 0)) draw_graph3d(graph, fignum, clear=False, node_color=(1, 0, 0), title=title, text=text) mlab.savefig("{0}/{1}.png".format(self._output_images_dir, str(fignum))) #mlab.close(fignum) class GNG(NeuralGas): """Growing Neural Gas multidimensional implementation""" def __init__(self, data, surface_graph=None, eps_b=0.05, eps_n=0.0006, max_age=15, lambda_=20, alpha=0.5, d=0.005, max_nodes=1000, output_images_dir='images'): """.""" NeuralGas.__init__(self, data, surface_graph, output_images_dir) self._eps_b = eps_b self._eps_n = eps_n self._max_age = max_age self._lambda = lambda_ self._alpha = alpha self._d = d self._max_nodes = max_nodes self._fignum = 0 self.__add_initial_nodes() def train(self, max_iterations=10000, save_step=50, stop_on_chi=False): """.""" self._dev_params = None self._save_img(self._fignum, 0) graph = self._graph max_nodes = self._max_nodes d = self._d ld = self._lambda alpha = self._alpha update_winner = self.__update_winner data = self._data CHS = self.__calinski_harabaz_score old = 0 calin = CHS() start_time = self._start_time = time.time() train_step = self.__train_step for i in xrange(1, max_iterations): tm = time.time() - start_time print('Training time = {} s, Time per record = {} s, Training step = {}/{}, Clusters count = {}, Neurons = {}'. format(round(tm, 2), tm / len(data), i, max_iterations, self.number_of_clusters(), len(self._graph)) ) for x in data: update_winner(x) train_step(i, alpha, ld, d, max_nodes, True, save_step, graph, update_winner) old = calin calin = CHS() # Stop on the enough clusterization quality. if stop_on_chi and old - calin > 0: break print('Training complete, clusters count = {}, training time = {} s'.format(self.number_of_clusters(), round(time.time() - start_time, 2))) def __train_step(self, i, alpha, ld, d, max_nodes, save_img, save_step, graph, update_winner): g_nodes = graph.nodes # Step 8: if number of input signals generated so far if i % ld == 0 and len(graph) < max_nodes: # Find a node with the largest error. errorvectors = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'error') node_largest_error = max(errorvectors.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] # Find a node from neighbor of the node just found, with a largest error. neighbors = graph.neighbors(node_largest_error) max_error_neighbor = None max_error = -1 for n in neighbors: ce = g_nodes[n]['error'] if ce > max_error: max_error = ce max_error_neighbor = n # Decrease error variable of other two nodes by multiplying with alpha. new_max_error = alpha * errorvectors[node_largest_error] graph.nodes[node_largest_error]['error'] = new_max_error graph.nodes[max_error_neighbor]['error'] = alpha * max_error # Insert a new unit half way between these two. self._count += 1 new_node = self._count graph.add_node(new_node, pos=self.__get_average_dist(g_nodes[node_largest_error]['pos'], g_nodes[max_error_neighbor]['pos']), error=new_max_error) # Insert edges between new node and other two nodes. graph.add_edge(new_node, max_error_neighbor, age=0) graph.add_edge(new_node, node_largest_error, age=0) # Remove edge between old nodes. graph.remove_edge(max_error_neighbor, node_largest_error) if True and i % save_step == 0: self._fignum += 1 self._save_img(self._fignum, i) # step 9: Decrease all error variables. for n in graph.nodes(): oe = g_nodes[n]['error'] g_nodes[n]['error'] -= d * oe def _train_on_data_item(self, data_item): """IGNG training method""" np.append(self._data, data_item) graph = self._graph max_nodes = self._max_nodes d = self._d ld = self._lambda alpha = self._alpha update_winner = self.__update_winner data = self._data train_step = self.__train_step #for i in xrange(1, 5): update_winner(data_item) train_step(0, alpha, ld, d, max_nodes, False, -1, graph, update_winner) def _calculate_deviation_params(self): return super(GNG, self)._calculate_deviation_params() def __add_initial_nodes(self): """Initialize here""" node1 = self._data[np.random.randint(0, len(self._data))] node2 = self._data[np.random.randint(0, len(self._data))] # make sure you dont select same positions if self.__is_nodes_equal(node1, node2): raise ValueError("Rerun ---------------> similar nodes selected") self._count = 0 self._graph.add_node(self._count, pos=node1, error=0) self._count += 1 self._graph.add_node(self._count, pos=node2, error=0) self._graph.add_edge(self._count - 1, self._count, age=0) def __is_nodes_equal(self, n1, n2): return len(set(n1) & set(n2)) == len(n1) def __update_winner(self, curnode): """.""" # find nearest unit and second nearest unit winner1, winner2 = self._determine_2closest_vertices(curnode) winner_node1 = winner1[0] winner_node2 = winner2[0] win_dist_from_node = winner1[1] graph = self._graph g_nodes = graph.nodes # Update the winner error. g_nodes[winner_node1]['error'] += + win_dist_from_node**2 # Move the winner node towards current node. g_nodes[winner_node1]['pos'] += self._eps_b * (curnode - g_nodes[winner_node1]['pos']) eps_n = self._eps_n # Now update all the neighbors distances. for n in nx.all_neighbors(graph, winner_node1): g_nodes[n]['pos'] += eps_n * (curnode - g_nodes[n]['pos']) # Update age of the edges, emanating from the winner. for e in graph.edges(winner_node1, data=True): e[2]['age'] += 1 # Create or zeroe edge between two winner nodes. graph.add_edge(winner_node1, winner_node2, age=0) # if there are ages more than maximum allowed age, remove them age_of_edges = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'age') max_age = self._max_age for edge, age in age_of_edges.items(): if age >= max_age: graph.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1]) # If it causes isolated vertix, remove that vertex as well. for node in g_nodes: if not graph.neighbors(node): graph.remove_node(node) def __get_average_dist(self, a, b): """.""" return (a + b) / 2 def __calinski_harabaz_score(self): graph = self._graph nodes = graph.nodes extra_disp, intra_disp = 0., 0. # CHI = [B / (c - 1)]/[W / (n - c)] # Total numb er of neurons. #ns = nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, 'n_type') c = len(nodes) # Total number of data. n = len(self._data) # Mean of the all data. mean = np.mean(self._data, axis=1) pos = nx.get_node_attributes(self._graph, 'pos') for node, k in pos.items(): mean_k = np.mean(k) extra_disp += len(k) * np.sum((mean_k - mean) ** 2) intra_disp += np.sum((k - mean_k) ** 2) def _save_img(self, fignum, training_step): """.""" title = 'Growing Neural Gas for the network anomalies detection' if self._surface_graph is not None: text = OrderedDict([ ('Image', fignum), ('Training step', training_step), ('Time', '{} s'.format(round(time.time() - self._start_time, 2))), ('Clusters count', self.number_of_clusters()), ('Neurons', len(self._graph)), ('Connections', len(self._graph.edges)), ('Data records', len(self._data)) ]) draw_graph3d(self._surface_graph, fignum, title=title) graph = self._graph if len(graph) > 0: draw_graph3d(graph, fignum, clear=False, node_color=(1, 0, 0), title=title, text=text) mlab.savefig("{0}/{1}.png".format(self._output_images_dir, str(fignum))) def sort_nicely(limages): """Numeric string sort""" def convert(text): return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text def alphanum_key(key): return [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)] limages = sorted(limages, key=alphanum_key) return limages def convert_images_to_gif(output_images_dir, output_gif): """Convert a list of images to a gif.""" image_dir = "{0}/*.png".format(output_images_dir) list_images = glob.glob(image_dir) file_names = sort_nicely(list_images) images = [imageio.imread(fn) for fn in file_names] imageio.mimsave(output_gif, images) def test_detector(use_hosts_data, max_iters, alg, output_images_dir='images', output_gif='output.gif'): """Detector quality testing routine""" #data = read_ids_data('NSL_KDD/20 Percent Training Set.csv') frame = '-' * 70 training_set = 'NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv' #training_set = 'NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt' testing_set = 'NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt' #testing_set = 'NSL_KDD/KDDTrain+.txt' print('{}\n{}\n{}'.format(frame, '{} detector training...'.format(alg.__name__), frame)) data = read_ids_data(training_set, activity_type='normal', with_host=use_hosts_data) data = preprocessing.normalize(np.array(data, dtype='float64'), axis=1, norm='l1', copy=False) G = create_data_graph(data) gng = alg(data, surface_graph=G, output_images_dir=output_images_dir) gng.train(max_iterations=max_iters, save_step=50) print('Saving GIF file...') convert_images_to_gif(output_images_dir, output_gif) print('{}\n{}\n{}'.format(frame, 'Applying detector to the normal activity using the training set...', frame)) gng.detect_anomalies(data) for a_type in ['abnormal', 'full']: print('{}\n{}\n{}'.format(frame, 'Applying detector to the {} activity using the training set...'.format(a_type), frame)) d_data = read_ids_data(training_set, activity_type=a_type, with_host=use_hosts_data) d_data = preprocessing.normalize(np.array(d_data, dtype='float64'), axis=1, norm='l1', copy=False) gng.detect_anomalies(d_data) dt = OrderedDict([('normal', None), ('abnormal', None), ('full', None)]) for a_type in dt.keys(): print('{}\n{}\n{}'.format(frame, 'Applying detector to the {} activity using the testing set without adaptive learning...'.format(a_type), frame)) d = read_ids_data(testing_set, activity_type=a_type, with_host=use_hosts_data) dt[a_type] = d = preprocessing.normalize(np.array(d, dtype='float64'), axis=1, norm='l1', copy=False) gng.detect_anomalies(d, save_step=1000, train=False) for a_type in ['full']: print('{}\n{}\n{}'.format(frame, 'Applying detector to the {} activity using the testing set with adaptive learning...'.format(a_type), frame)) gng.detect_anomalies(dt[a_type], train=True, save_step=1000) def main(): """Entry point""" start_time = time.time() mlab.options.offscreen = True test_detector(use_hosts_data=False, max_iters=7000, alg=GNG, output_gif='gng_wohosts.gif') print('Working time = {}'.format(round(time.time() - start_time, 2))) test_detector(use_hosts_data=True, max_iters=7000, alg=GNG, output_gif='gng_whosts.gif') print('Working time = {}'.format(round(time.time() - start_time, 2))) test_detector(use_hosts_data=False, max_iters=100, alg=IGNG, output_gif='igng_wohosts.gif') print('Working time = {}'.format(round(time.time() - start_time, 2))) test_detector(use_hosts_data=True, max_iters=100, alg=IGNG, output_gif='igng_whosts.gif') print('Full working time = {}'.format(round(time.time() - start_time, 2))) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main()) 


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 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GNG detector training... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading normal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 516 Ouput images will be saved in: images Training time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 5.54461811864e-09 s, Training step = 1/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.04 s, Time per record = 7.09027282951e-05 s, Training step = 2/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.07 s, Time per record = 0.000142523022585 s, Training step = 3/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.11 s, Time per record = 0.000216007694718 s, Training step = 4/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.16 s, Time per record = 0.000302943610406 s, Training step = 5/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.2 s, Time per record = 0.000389085259548 s, Training step = 6/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.25 s, Time per record = 0.000486224658729 s, Training step = 7/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.3 s, Time per record = 0.000579897285432 s, Training step = 8/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.35 s, Time per record = 0.000673654929612 s, Training step = 9/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 ... Training time = 1889.7 s, Time per record = 3.66220002119 s, Training step = 6986/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1890.16 s, Time per record = 3.66309242239 s, Training step = 6987/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1890.61 s, Time per record = 3.6639701858 s, Training step = 6988/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1891.07 s, Time per record = 3.66486349586 s, Training step = 6989/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1891.52 s, Time per record = 3.66574243797 s, Training step = 6990/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1891.98 s, Time per record = 3.66663252291 s, Training step = 6991/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1892.43 s, Time per record = 3.6675082556 s, Training step = 6992/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1892.9 s, Time per record = 3.66840752705 s, Training step = 6993/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1893.35 s, Time per record = 3.66929203087 s, Training step = 6994/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1893.81 s, Time per record = 3.6701756531 s, Training step = 6995/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1894.26 s, Time per record = 3.67105510068 s, Training step = 6996/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1894.71 s, Time per record = 3.67192640508 s, Training step = 6997/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1895.18 s, Time per record = 3.67282555408 s, Training step = 6998/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1895.63 s, Time per record = 3.67370033726 s, Training step = 6999/7000, Clusters count = 78, Neurons = 351 Training complete, clusters count = 78, training time = 1896.09 s Saving GIF file... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the normal activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.2 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 101, Detection time = 0.24 s, Time per record = 0.00244196891785 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 201, Detection time = 0.28 s, Time per record = 0.00141963005066 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 301, Detection time = 0.32 s, Time per record = 0.00107904990514 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 401, Detection time = 0.36 s, Time per record = 0.000907952189445 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 501, Detection time = 0.4 s, Time per record = 0.000804873943329 s Anomalies weren't detected [abnormal records = 0, normal records = 516, detection time = 0.41 s, time per record = 0.000791241956312 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the abnormal activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading abnormal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 495 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 62, Normal records = 39, Detection time = 0.04 s, Time per record = 0.000383739471436 s Abnormal records = 133, Normal records = 68, Detection time = 0.08 s, Time per record = 0.000377835035324 s Abnormal records = 198, Normal records = 103, Detection time = 0.12 s, Time per record = 0.000388882954915 s Abnormal records = 269, Normal records = 132, Detection time = 0.15 s, Time per record = 0.000385674834251 s Anomalies were detected (count = 7) [abnormal records = 344, normal records = 151, detection time = 0.19 s, time per record = 0.000390153461032 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the full activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading full activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 1011 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 29, Normal records = 72, Detection time = 0.04 s, Time per record = 0.000397310256958 s Abnormal records = 58, Normal records = 143, Detection time = 0.08 s, Time per record = 0.000394929647446 s Abnormal records = 90, Normal records = 211, Detection time = 0.12 s, Time per record = 0.000392502943675 s Abnormal records = 123, Normal records = 278, Detection time = 0.16 s, Time per record = 0.000393797159195 s Abnormal records = 156, Normal records = 345, Detection time = 0.2 s, Time per record = 0.000392875671387 s Abnormal records = 188, Normal records = 413, Detection time = 0.24 s, Time per record = 0.000391929944356 s Abnormal records = 218, Normal records = 483, Detection time = 0.27 s, Time per record = 0.000391151223864 s Abnormal records = 259, Normal records = 542, Detection time = 0.31 s, Time per record = 0.000390258729458 s Abnormal records = 294, Normal records = 607, Detection time = 0.35 s, Time per record = 0.000389169851939 s Abnormal records = 335, Normal records = 666, Detection time = 0.39 s, Time per record = 0.000388996839523 s Anomalies were detected (count = 7) [abnormal records = 344, normal records = 667, detection time = 0.39 s, time per record = 0.000388572524964 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the normal activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading normal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 2152 Abnormal records = 1, Normal records = 0, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 368, Normal records = 633, Detection time = 0.4 s, Time per record = 0.000396910905838 s Abnormal records = 737, Normal records = 1264, Detection time = 0.81 s, Time per record = 0.000405857920647 s Anomalies were detected (count = 7) [abnormal records = 794, normal records = 1358, detection time = 0.88 s, time per record = 0.00040672259703 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the abnormal activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading abnormal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 9698 Abnormal records = 1, Normal records = 0, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 776, Normal records = 225, Detection time = 0.39 s, Time per record = 0.000390892028809 s Abnormal records = 1547, Normal records = 454, Detection time = 0.78 s, Time per record = 0.000388429045677 s Abnormal records = 2332, Normal records = 669, Detection time = 1.16 s, Time per record = 0.000386790037155 s Abnormal records = 3117, Normal records = 884, Detection time = 1.56 s, Time per record = 0.000389873743057 s Abnormal records = 3899, Normal records = 1102, Detection time = 1.95 s, Time per record = 0.000389337825775 s Abnormal records = 4700, Normal records = 1301, Detection time = 2.33 s, Time per record = 0.000388201673826 s Abnormal records = 5502, Normal records = 1499, Detection time = 2.71 s, Time per record = 0.000387295722961 s Abnormal records = 6277, Normal records = 1724, Detection time = 3.1 s, Time per record = 0.000387670874596 s Abnormal records = 7063, Normal records = 1938, Detection time = 3.49 s, Time per record = 0.000387644237942 s Anomalies were detected (count = 154) [abnormal records = 7605, normal records = 2093, detection time = 3.75 s, time per record = 0.000387096114935 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the full activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading full activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 11850 Abnormal records = 1, Normal records = 0, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 698, Normal records = 303, Detection time = 0.39 s, Time per record = 0.000389461040497 s Abnormal records = 1396, Normal records = 605, Detection time = 0.77 s, Time per record = 0.000386721491814 s Abnormal records = 2092, Normal records = 909, Detection time = 1.17 s, Time per record = 0.000389091014862 s Abnormal records = 2808, Normal records = 1193, Detection time = 1.56 s, Time per record = 0.00038931697607 s Abnormal records = 3519, Normal records = 1482, Detection time = 1.95 s, Time per record = 0.000389059782028 s Abnormal records = 4229, Normal records = 1772, Detection time = 2.33 s, Time per record = 0.000388749321302 s Abnormal records = 4957, Normal records = 2044, Detection time = 2.72 s, Time per record = 0.000388323715755 s Abnormal records = 5668, Normal records = 2333, Detection time = 3.11 s, Time per record = 0.00038857537508 s Abnormal records = 6376, Normal records = 2625, Detection time = 3.51 s, Time per record = 0.000389481120639 s Abnormal records = 7079, Normal records = 2922, Detection time = 3.89 s, Time per record = 0.000389060306549 s Abnormal records = 7800, Normal records = 3201, Detection time = 4.27 s, Time per record = 0.000388331630013 s Anomalies were detected (count = 161) [abnormal records = 8399, normal records = 3451, detection time = 4.61 s, time per record = 0.000388800504338 s] Working time = 1914.96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GNG detector training... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading normal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 516 Ouput images will be saved in: images Training time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 6.00666962853e-09 s, Training step = 1/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.04 s, Time per record = 7.04014024069e-05 s, Training step = 2/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.07 s, Time per record = 0.000143418940463 s, Training step = 3/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.11 s, Time per record = 0.000213542649912 s, Training step = 4/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.15 s, Time per record = 0.000284942083581 s, Training step = 5/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.19 s, Time per record = 0.00037281781204 s, Training step = 6/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.23 s, Time per record = 0.0004449033922 s, Training step = 7/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.27 s, Time per record = 0.000518457372059 s, Training step = 8/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.3 s, Time per record = 0.00058810701666 s, Training step = 9/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.34 s, Time per record = 0.000659637672957 s, Training step = 10/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.38 s, Time per record = 0.000728998073312 s, Training step = 11/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 Training time = 0.41 s, Time per record = 0.0007999751919 s, Training step = 12/7000, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 2 ... Training time = 1832.99 s, Time per record = 3.55230925804 s, Training step = 6987/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1833.46 s, Time per record = 3.55321220973 s, Training step = 6988/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1833.92 s, Time per record = 3.5541091127 s, Training step = 6989/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1834.39 s, Time per record = 3.55502607194 s, Training step = 6990/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1834.85 s, Time per record = 3.55591803882 s, Training step = 6991/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1835.32 s, Time per record = 3.55682536844 s, Training step = 6992/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1835.78 s, Time per record = 3.55772192857 s, Training step = 6993/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1836.26 s, Time per record = 3.55863503107 s, Training step = 6994/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1836.72 s, Time per record = 3.55953075026 s, Training step = 6995/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1837.19 s, Time per record = 3.56043755823 s, Training step = 6996/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1837.65 s, Time per record = 3.56133750012 s, Training step = 6997/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1838.11 s, Time per record = 3.56223588766 s, Training step = 6998/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training time = 1838.58 s, Time per record = 3.56314611851 s, Training step = 6999/7000, Clusters count = 82, Neurons = 351 Training complete, clusters count = 82, training time = 1839.05 s Saving GIF file... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the normal activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.22 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 101, Detection time = 0.26 s, Time per record = 0.00264456033707 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 201, Detection time = 0.31 s, Time per record = 0.00152621984482 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 301, Detection time = 0.35 s, Time per record = 0.00115152041117 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 401, Detection time = 0.39 s, Time per record = 0.000965242385864 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 501, Detection time = 0.43 s, Time per record = 0.000851732254028 s Anomalies weren't detected [abnormal records = 0, normal records = 516, detection time = 0.43 s, time per record = 0.00083744387294 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the abnormal activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading abnormal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 495 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 45, Normal records = 56, Detection time = 0.04 s, Time per record = 0.000407500267029 s Abnormal records = 96, Normal records = 105, Detection time = 0.08 s, Time per record = 0.000401464700699 s Abnormal records = 151, Normal records = 150, Detection time = 0.12 s, Time per record = 0.000398120085398 s Abnormal records = 203, Normal records = 198, Detection time = 0.16 s, Time per record = 0.000406047701836 s Anomalies were detected (count = 5) [abnormal records = 265, normal records = 230, detection time = 0.2 s, time per record = 0.000403349808972 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the full activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading full activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 1011 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 20, Normal records = 81, Detection time = 0.04 s, Time per record = 0.00041876077652 s Abnormal records = 50, Normal records = 151, Detection time = 0.08 s, Time per record = 0.000415489673615 s Abnormal records = 76, Normal records = 225, Detection time = 0.13 s, Time per record = 0.000419800281525 s Abnormal records = 101, Normal records = 300, Detection time = 0.17 s, Time per record = 0.000416232347488 s Abnormal records = 125, Normal records = 376, Detection time = 0.21 s, Time per record = 0.000413020133972 s Abnormal records = 155, Normal records = 446, Detection time = 0.25 s, Time per record = 0.000409803390503 s Abnormal records = 190, Normal records = 511, Detection time = 0.29 s, Time per record = 0.000409148420606 s Abnormal records = 220, Normal records = 581, Detection time = 0.33 s, Time per record = 0.000412831306458 s Abnormal records = 253, Normal records = 648, Detection time = 0.37 s, Time per record = 0.000414616531796 s Abnormal records = 289, Normal records = 712, Detection time = 0.41 s, Time per record = 0.000414277076721 s Anomalies were detected (count = 5) [abnormal records = 298, normal records = 713, detection time = 0.42 s, time per record = 0.000413806219129 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the normal activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading normal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 2152 Abnormal records = 1, Normal records = 0, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 324, Normal records = 677, Detection time = 0.4 s, Time per record = 0.000400429010391 s Abnormal records = 646, Normal records = 1355, Detection time = 0.8 s, Time per record = 0.000398404955864 s Anomalies were detected (count = 6) [abnormal records = 695, normal records = 1457, detection time = 0.86 s, time per record = 0.000401378675021 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the abnormal activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading abnormal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 9698 Abnormal records = 1, Normal records = 0, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 716, Normal records = 285, Detection time = 0.39 s, Time per record = 0.000391721010208 s Abnormal records = 1424, Normal records = 577, Detection time = 0.79 s, Time per record = 0.000395292520523 s Abnormal records = 2144, Normal records = 857, Detection time = 1.18 s, Time per record = 0.000393549998601 s Abnormal records = 2877, Normal records = 1124, Detection time = 1.57 s, Time per record = 0.000393224000931 s Abnormal records = 3591, Normal records = 1410, Detection time = 1.97 s, Time per record = 0.000394224214554 s Abnormal records = 4337, Normal records = 1664, Detection time = 2.36 s, Time per record = 0.000393829345703 s Abnormal records = 5089, Normal records = 1912, Detection time = 2.77 s, Time per record = 0.000395649433136 s Abnormal records = 5798, Normal records = 2203, Detection time = 3.16 s, Time per record = 0.000395138502121 s Abnormal records = 6532, Normal records = 2469, Detection time = 3.55 s, Time per record = 0.000394880347782 s Anomalies were detected (count = 131) [abnormal records = 7027, normal records = 2671, detection time = 3.84 s, time per record = 0.000396096625262 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the full activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading full activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 11850 Abnormal records = 1, Normal records = 0, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 622, Normal records = 379, Detection time = 0.4 s, Time per record = 0.000395487070084 s Abnormal records = 1251, Normal records = 750, Detection time = 0.79 s, Time per record = 0.000395890474319 s Abnormal records = 1876, Normal records = 1125, Detection time = 1.19 s, Time per record = 0.000395860671997 s Abnormal records = 2528, Normal records = 1473, Detection time = 1.6 s, Time per record = 0.000399308979511 s Abnormal records = 3184, Normal records = 1817, Detection time = 1.99 s, Time per record = 0.000397848176956 s Abnormal records = 3824, Normal records = 2177, Detection time = 2.39 s, Time per record = 0.000397575179736 s Abnormal records = 4498, Normal records = 2503, Detection time = 2.79 s, Time per record = 0.000398371560233 s Abnormal records = 5145, Normal records = 2856, Detection time = 3.18 s, Time per record = 0.00039776262641 s Abnormal records = 5792, Normal records = 3209, Detection time = 3.59 s, Time per record = 0.000398459778892 s Abnormal records = 6424, Normal records = 3577, Detection time = 3.98 s, Time per record = 0.000397949695587 s Abnormal records = 7080, Normal records = 3921, Detection time = 4.38 s, Time per record = 0.000397751092911 s Anomalies were detected (count = 138) [abnormal records = 7619, normal records = 4231, detection time = 4.72 s, time per record = 0.000398021931387 s] Working time = 3772.93 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IGNG detector training... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading normal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 516 Ouput images will be saved in: images Iteration 0... Training time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 4.85154085381e-08 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 1, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 0.48 s, Time per record = 0.000924686128779 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 11, Neurons = 22, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 0.96 s, Time per record = 0.00185829262401 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 10, Neurons = 28, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 1.45 s, Time per record = 0.00280647129976 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 11, Neurons = 31, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 1.93 s, Time per record = 0.0037418566933 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 11, Neurons = 33, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 2.42 s, Time per record = 0.00468139177145 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 11, Neurons = 36, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 2.9 s, Time per record = 0.00562962635543 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 14, Neurons = 40, CHI = -1.0 ... Training time = 542.57 s, Time per record = 1.05149506783 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 20, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 543.07 s, Time per record = 1.05246509692 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 543.57 s, Time per record = 1.05343477717 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 544.07 s, Time per record = 1.05440813395 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 544.59 s, Time per record = 1.05540252148 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 19, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 545.08 s, Time per record = 1.05635387398 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 20, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 545.58 s, Time per record = 1.05732676179 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 546.22 s, Time per record = 1.05855851395 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 546.72 s, Time per record = 1.0595340641 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 547.22 s, Time per record = 1.06049638571 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 20, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 547.71 s, Time per record = 1.06145610689 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 20, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 548.21 s, Time per record = 1.06243183955 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 20, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 548.7 s, Time per record = 1.06338078292 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 549.2 s, Time per record = 1.0643380252 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 549.7 s, Time per record = 1.06530855654 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 550.19 s, Time per record = 1.0662655932 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 19, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 550.69 s, Time per record = 1.06722681606 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 20, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 551.19 s, Time per record = 1.06818968427 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 21, Neurons = 65, CHI = -1.0 Training complete, clusters count = 21, training time = 551.68 s Saving GIF file... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the normal activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.53 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 101, Detection time = 0.63 s, Time per record = 0.00633862018585 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 201, Detection time = 0.73 s, Time per record = 0.00366881489754 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 301, Detection time = 0.83 s, Time per record = 0.00277556975683 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 401, Detection time = 0.93 s, Time per record = 0.00232824504375 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 501, Detection time = 1.03 s, Time per record = 0.00206651210785 s Anomalies weren't detected [abnormal records = 0, normal records = 516, detection time = 1.05 s, time per record = 0.00203575598177 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the abnormal activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading abnormal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 495 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 19, Normal records = 82, Detection time = 0.11 s, Time per record = 0.00108736038208 s Abnormal records = 41, Normal records = 160, Detection time = 0.21 s, Time per record = 0.00104064464569 s Abnormal records = 59, Normal records = 242, Detection time = 0.31 s, Time per record = 0.00102363348007 s Abnormal records = 78, Normal records = 323, Detection time = 0.41 s, Time per record = 0.00101397752762 s Anomalies were detected (count = 1) [abnormal records = 110, normal records = 385, detection time = 0.5 s, time per record = 0.00100804242221 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the full activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading full activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 1011 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 6, Normal records = 95, Detection time = 0.1 s, Time per record = 0.00101613998413 s Abnormal records = 18, Normal records = 183, Detection time = 0.2 s, Time per record = 0.00100832462311 s Abnormal records = 30, Normal records = 271, Detection time = 0.3 s, Time per record = 0.00100745360057 s Abnormal records = 38, Normal records = 363, Detection time = 0.41 s, Time per record = 0.00101710498333 s Abnormal records = 48, Normal records = 453, Detection time = 0.51 s, Time per record = 0.00101808595657 s Abnormal records = 58, Normal records = 543, Detection time = 0.61 s, Time per record = 0.00101492325465 s Abnormal records = 68, Normal records = 633, Detection time = 0.71 s, Time per record = 0.00101190873555 s Abnormal records = 76, Normal records = 725, Detection time = 0.81 s, Time per record = 0.00101043373346 s Abnormal records = 88, Normal records = 813, Detection time = 0.91 s, Time per record = 0.00100836992264 s Abnormal records = 105, Normal records = 896, Detection time = 1.01 s, Time per record = 0.00100904512405 s Anomalies were detected (count = 1) [abnormal records = 110, normal records = 901, detection time = 1.02 s, time per record = 0.00100898412521 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the normal activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading normal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 2152 Abnormal records = 1, Normal records = 0, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 165, Normal records = 836, Detection time = 1.01 s, Time per record = 0.00101356911659 s Abnormal records = 344, Normal records = 1657, Detection time = 2.04 s, Time per record = 0.00101889550686 s Anomalies weren't detected [abnormal records = 372, normal records = 1780, detection time = 2.19 s, time per record = 0.00101830303447 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the abnormal activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading abnormal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 9698 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 289, Normal records = 712, Detection time = 1.01 s, Time per record = 0.0010106010437 s Abnormal records = 531, Normal records = 1470, Detection time = 2.03 s, Time per record = 0.00101473748684 s Abnormal records = 806, Normal records = 2195, Detection time = 3.05 s, Time per record = 0.00101690498988 s Abnormal records = 1085, Normal records = 2916, Detection time = 4.07 s, Time per record = 0.00101814824343 s Abnormal records = 1340, Normal records = 3661, Detection time = 5.1 s, Time per record = 0.00102022538185 s Abnormal records = 1615, Normal records = 4386, Detection time = 6.11 s, Time per record = 0.00101814981302 s Abnormal records = 1910, Normal records = 5091, Detection time = 7.12 s, Time per record = 0.00101696658134 s Abnormal records = 2177, Normal records = 5824, Detection time = 8.13 s, Time per record = 0.00101655423641 s Abnormal records = 2437, Normal records = 6564, Detection time = 9.14 s, Time per record = 0.00101562854979 s Anomalies were detected (count = 27) [abnormal records = 2602, normal records = 7096, detection time = 9.84 s, time per record = 0.00101498390724 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the full activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading full activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was not included]... Records count: 11850 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 264, Normal records = 737, Detection time = 1.01 s, Time per record = 0.00101314496994 s Abnormal records = 496, Normal records = 1505, Detection time = 2.04 s, Time per record = 0.00101831400394 s Abnormal records = 748, Normal records = 2253, Detection time = 3.07 s, Time per record = 0.0010246480306 s Abnormal records = 1000, Normal records = 3001, Detection time = 4.08 s, Time per record = 0.00101987397671 s Abnormal records = 1264, Normal records = 3737, Detection time = 5.09 s, Time per record = 0.00101791639328 s Abnormal records = 1488, Normal records = 4513, Detection time = 6.1 s, Time per record = 0.00101627349854 s Abnormal records = 1761, Normal records = 5240, Detection time = 7.11 s, Time per record = 0.00101523229054 s Abnormal records = 2019, Normal records = 5982, Detection time = 8.11 s, Time per record = 0.00101378926635 s Abnormal records = 2282, Normal records = 6719, Detection time = 9.11 s, Time per record = 0.00101193467776 s Abnormal records = 2530, Normal records = 7471, Detection time = 10.11 s, Time per record = 0.00101094179153 s Abnormal records = 2781, Normal records = 8220, Detection time = 11.12 s, Time per record = 0.00101091491092 s Anomalies were detected (count = 28) [abnormal records = 2974, normal records = 8876, detection time = 11.97 s, time per record = 0.00101001697251 s] Working time = 5537.67 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IGNG detector training... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading normal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 516 Ouput images will be saved in: images Iteration 0... Training time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 5.03636145777e-08 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 1, Neurons = 1, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 0.5 s, Time per record = 0.000959633856781 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 11, Neurons = 24, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 1.0 s, Time per record = 0.00193044566369 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 11, Neurons = 32, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 1.5 s, Time per record = 0.00290305069251 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 13, Neurons = 38, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 2.0 s, Time per record = 0.0038706590963 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 16, Neurons = 40, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 2.5 s, Time per record = 0.00484266669251 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 14, Neurons = 42, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 3.0 s, Time per record = 0.00581014156342 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 17, Neurons = 46, CHI = -1.0 ... Training time = 555.39 s, Time per record = 1.07633200958 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 555.9 s, Time per record = 1.07732224233 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 556.41 s, Time per record = 1.07831773093 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 556.93 s, Time per record = 1.07931286651 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 557.44 s, Time per record = 1.08031143421 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 23, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 557.95 s, Time per record = 1.08129599806 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 23, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 558.47 s, Time per record = 1.08229697305 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 23, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 558.98 s, Time per record = 1.08329910687 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 23, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 559.51 s, Time per record = 1.08431409496 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 560.02 s, Time per record = 1.08530911826 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 560.53 s, Time per record = 1.0863001707 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 561.05 s, Time per record = 1.08729686062 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 561.57 s, Time per record = 1.08831085854 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 562.07 s, Time per record = 1.08928472682 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 562.58 s, Time per record = 1.09027189525 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 563.09 s, Time per record = 1.09126116693 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 23, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 563.61 s, Time per record = 1.09226539523 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 23, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 564.13 s, Time per record = 1.09326583933 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 23, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 564.64 s, Time per record = 1.09426376385 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 23, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 565.15 s, Time per record = 1.09525539755 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 565.67 s, Time per record = 1.09626085259 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 566.2 s, Time per record = 1.09728375193 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 566.72 s, Time per record = 1.09829355996 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training time = 567.24 s, Time per record = 1.09930341697 s, Training step = 1, Clusters count = 22, Neurons = 70, CHI = -1.0 Training complete, clusters count = 22, training time = 567.74 s Saving GIF file... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the normal activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.58 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 101, Detection time = 0.69 s, Time per record = 0.00693108081818 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 201, Detection time = 0.81 s, Time per record = 0.00403473496437 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 301, Detection time = 0.92 s, Time per record = 0.00306363026301 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 401, Detection time = 1.03 s, Time per record = 0.00257846474648 s Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 501, Detection time = 1.15 s, Time per record = 0.00229543209076 s Anomalies weren't detected [abnormal records = 0, normal records = 516, detection time = 1.16 s, time per record = 0.00225632181463 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the abnormal activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading abnormal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 495 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 19, Normal records = 82, Detection time = 0.11 s, Time per record = 0.00114132165909 s Abnormal records = 42, Normal records = 159, Detection time = 0.23 s, Time per record = 0.00113487005234 s Abnormal records = 59, Normal records = 242, Detection time = 0.34 s, Time per record = 0.00112538019816 s Abnormal records = 79, Normal records = 322, Detection time = 0.45 s, Time per record = 0.00113292753696 s Anomalies were detected (count = 1) [abnormal records = 111, normal records = 384, detection time = 0.56 s, time per record = 0.0011294605756 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the full activity using the training set... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading full activity from the file "NSL_KDD/Small Training Set.csv" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 1011 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 6, Normal records = 95, Detection time = 0.11 s, Time per record = 0.00112770080566 s Abnormal records = 18, Normal records = 183, Detection time = 0.23 s, Time per record = 0.00115751504898 s Abnormal records = 30, Normal records = 271, Detection time = 0.34 s, Time per record = 0.00114720344543 s Abnormal records = 38, Normal records = 363, Detection time = 0.45 s, Time per record = 0.00113685250282 s Abnormal records = 47, Normal records = 454, Detection time = 0.57 s, Time per record = 0.00113049221039 s Abnormal records = 57, Normal records = 544, Detection time = 0.68 s, Time per record = 0.00112626830737 s Abnormal records = 67, Normal records = 634, Detection time = 0.79 s, Time per record = 0.00113069295883 s Abnormal records = 75, Normal records = 726, Detection time = 0.9 s, Time per record = 0.00112736135721 s Abnormal records = 87, Normal records = 814, Detection time = 1.01 s, Time per record = 0.00112713442908 s Abnormal records = 104, Normal records = 897, Detection time = 1.13 s, Time per record = 0.00112596797943 s Anomalies were detected (count = 1) [abnormal records = 109, normal records = 902, detection time = 1.14 s, time per record = 0.0011247270303 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the normal activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading normal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 2152 Abnormal records = 1, Normal records = 0, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 165, Normal records = 836, Detection time = 1.13 s, Time per record = 0.00113072776794 s Abnormal records = 343, Normal records = 1658, Detection time = 2.25 s, Time per record = 0.00112573599815 s Anomalies weren't detected [abnormal records = 371, normal records = 1781, detection time = 2.42 s, time per record = 0.00112456171929 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the abnormal activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading abnormal activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 9698 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 281, Normal records = 720, Detection time = 1.14 s, Time per record = 0.0011370780468 s Abnormal records = 514, Normal records = 1487, Detection time = 2.27 s, Time per record = 0.00113358747959 s Abnormal records = 785, Normal records = 2216, Detection time = 3.39 s, Time per record = 0.00112900535266 s Abnormal records = 1057, Normal records = 2944, Detection time = 4.51 s, Time per record = 0.00112772023678 s Abnormal records = 1297, Normal records = 3704, Detection time = 5.63 s, Time per record = 0.00112658400536 s Abnormal records = 1568, Normal records = 4433, Detection time = 6.76 s, Time per record = 0.00112644219398 s Abnormal records = 1850, Normal records = 5151, Detection time = 7.89 s, Time per record = 0.00112774443626 s Abnormal records = 2105, Normal records = 5896, Detection time = 9.02 s, Time per record = 0.00112706288695 s Abnormal records = 2357, Normal records = 6644, Detection time = 10.14 s, Time per record = 0.00112684233983 s Anomalies were detected (count = 22) [abnormal records = 2521, normal records = 7177, detection time = 10.92 s, time per record = 0.00112578553695 s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying detector to the full activity using the testing set without adaptive learning... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading full activity from the file "NSL_KDD/KDDTest-21.txt" [generated host data was included]... Records count: 11850 Abnormal records = 0, Normal records = 1, Detection time = 0.0 s, Time per record = 0 s Abnormal records = 253, Normal records = 748, Detection time = 1.13 s, Time per record = 0.00112664413452 s Abnormal records = 479, Normal records = 1522, Detection time = 2.26 s, Time per record = 0.00113046598434 s Abnormal records = 722, Normal records = 2279, Detection time = 3.38 s, Time per record = 0.00112577366829 s Abnormal records = 971, Normal records = 3030, Detection time = 4.51 s, Time per record = 0.00112768054008 s Abnormal records = 1225, Normal records = 3776, Detection time = 5.64 s, Time per record = 0.00112878522873 s Abnormal records = 1439, Normal records = 4562, Detection time = 6.76 s, Time per record = 0.00112742733955 s Abnormal records = 1707, Normal records = 5294, Detection time = 7.89 s, Time per record = 0.00112738772801 s Abnormal records = 1956, Normal records = 6045, Detection time = 9.01 s, Time per record = 0.00112660801411 s Abnormal records = 2205, Normal records = 6796, Detection time = 10.14 s, Time per record = 0.00112647589048 s Abnormal records = 2441, Normal records = 7560, Detection time = 11.26 s, Time per record = 0.0011262802124 s Abnormal records = 2685, Normal records = 8316, Detection time = 12.39 s, Time per record = 0.00112592681971 s Anomalies were detected (count = 23) [abnormal records = 2878, normal records = 8972, detection time = 13.34 s, time per record = 0.00112551166035 s] Full working time = 6245.14 


GNG host18690.394.6169.578.4036.9
GNG host18390.424.7260.272.5047.7
IGNG host5511.0211.9722.226.8017.3
IGNG host5671.1413.3428.927.0020.8



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