時間が経つにつれて、時間がない。 周囲はすべて非常に急速に発展しています。 ある時点で、Ruby on Railsの最新バージョンを使用していますが、実装されている「機能」の多くを使用していないことに気付きました。
過去14か月間にRailsに導入されたものを振り返ります。 各イノベーションには小さな例が付随しますが、それぞれのそのような説明は多数の個別の記事またはリンクのトピックであるため、記事の基になっている
バージョン2.0.2。 2007年12月
レールは、1.xxシリーズと比較して単純にレベルアップしました。 どうしたの?
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/> ActionController::Base .cache_store = :memory_store<br/> ActionController::Base .cache_store = :file_store, "/path/to/cache/directory" <br/> ActionController::Base .cache_store = :drb_store, "druby://localhost:9192" <br/> ActionController::Base .cache_store = :mem_cache_store, "localhost" <br/>
ます 。
作業 。
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/> # Set the local time zone <br/> Time .zone = "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" <br/> <br/> # All times will now reflect the local time <br/>article = Article.find(:first)<br/>article.published_at #=> Wed, 30 Jan 2008 2:21:09 PST -08:00 <br/> <br/> # Setting new times in UTC will also be reflected in local time <br/>article.published_at = Time .utc( 2008 , 1 , 1 , 0 )<br/>article.published_at #=> Mon, 31 Dec 2007 16 : 00 : 00 PST - 08 : 00 <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/> class User < ActiveRecord::Base<br/> named_scope :active, :conditions => {:active => true }<br/> named_scope :inactive, :conditions => {:active => false }<br/> named_scope :recent, lambda { { :conditions => [ 'created_at > ?' , 1 .week.ago] } }<br/>end<br/> <br/># Standard usage<br/> User .active # same as User . find (:all, :conditions => {:active => true })<br/> User .inactive # same as User . find (:all, :conditions => {:active => false })<br/> User .recent # same as User . find (:all, :conditions => [ 'created_at > ?' , 1 .week.ago])<br/> <br/># They 're nest-able too! <br/> User.active.recent <br/> # same as: <br/> # User.with_scope(:conditions => {:active => true}) do <br/> # User.find(:all, :conditions => [' created_at > ?', 1 .week.ago])<br/> # end <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/> class Magazine < ActiveRecord::Base<br/> has_many :subscriptions<br/> end <br/> <br/> class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base<br/> belongs_to :magazine<br/> belongs_to : user <br/> end <br/> <br/> class User < ActiveRecord::Base<br/> has_many :subscriptions<br/> has_one :magazine, :through => : subscriptions, :conditions => [ 'subscriptions.active = ?' , true ]<br/> end <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>article = Article.find(: first )<br/>article.changed? #=> false <br/> <br/># Track changes to individual attributes with <br/># attr_name_changed? accessor<br/>article.title #=> "Title"<br/>article.title = " New Title"<br/>article.title_changed? #=> true <br/> <br/># Access previous value with attr_name_was accessor<br/>article.title_was #=> "Title"<br/> <br/># See both previous and current value with attr_name_change accessor<br/>article.title_change #=> ["Title", " New Title"] <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>article = Article.find(: first )<br/>article.title #=> "Title"<br/>article.subject #=> "Edge Rails"<br/> <br/># Update one of the attributes<br/>article.title = " New Title"<br/> <br/># And only that updated attribute is persisted to the db<br/>article. save <br/> #=> " UPDATE articles SET title = 'New Title' WHERE id = 1" <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>Rails::Initializer.run do |config| <br/> <br/> # Require the latest version of haml<br/> config.gem "haml"<br/> <br/> # Require a specific version of chronic<br/> config.gem "chronic", :version => '0.2.3' <br/> <br/> # Require a gem from a non-standard repo<br/> config.gem "hpricot", :source => "http://code.whytheluckystiff.net"<br/> <br/> # Require a gem that needs to require a file different than the gem 's name <br/> # Ie if you normally load the gem with require ' aws/s3 ' instead of <br/> # require ' aws-s3' then you would need to specify the :lib option <br/> config.gem "aws-s3", :lib => "aws/s3" <br/> end <br/>
ほぼ同時に、Rails開発者はxxx_nameタイプの移行に伴うhemoについて忘れなければなりませんでした。 命名移行はUTCベースになりました:
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>> script/generate migration one<br/> create db/migrate/20080402122512_one.rb <br/>
バージョン2.1。 2008年6月
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>render :partial => 'employees' , :collection => @workers, :as => :person <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>validates_length_of :article, :minimum => 10 ,<br/> :too_short => "Your article must be at least %d words in length." ,<br/> :tokenizer => lambda {|str| str.scan(/\w+/) } <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/> class Article < ActiveRecord::Base <br/> belongs_to :user<br/> end <br/> <br/> class User < ActiveRecord::Base <br/> has_many :articles<br/> end <br/> <br/> # Get all the users that have published articles <br/> User .find(:all, :joins => :article,<br/> :conditions => [ "articles.published = ?" , true ]) <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/> # Get all the users that have published articles <br/>User.find(:all, :joins => :article, :conditions => { :articles => { :published => true } }) <br/>
メモ化が現れたため、|| =を忘れることができましたが、私は個人的にどうにかしてまだ定着していません。
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/> class Person < ActiveRecord::Base <br/> <br/> def social_security <br/> decrypt_social_security<br/> end <br/> <br/> # Memoize the result of the social_security method after <br/> # its first evaluation (must be placed after the target <br/> # method definition). <br/> # <br/> # Can pass in multiple symbols: <br/> # memoize :social_security, :credit_card <br/> memoize : social_security <br/> ...<br/> end <br/> <br/>@person = Person .new<br/>@person. social_security # decrypt_social_security is invoked <br/>@person. social_security # decrypt_social_security is NOT invoked <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/> class User < ActiveRecord::Base <br/> validates_presence_of :login<br/> has_many : phone_numbers <br/> end <br/> <br/> class PhoneNumber < ActiveRecord::Base <br/> validates_presence_of :area_code, :number<br/> belongs_to :user<br/> end <br/> class User < ActiveRecord::Base <br/> validates_presence_of :login<br/> has_many : phone_numbers , :accessible => true <br/> end <br/> <br/>ryan = User .create( {<br/> :login => 'ryan' ,<br/> : phone_numbers => [<br/> { :area_code => '919' , :number => '123-4567' },<br/> { :area_code => '920' , :number => '123-8901' }<br/> ]<br/>})<br/> <br/>ryan. phone_numbers .count #=> 2 <br/> <br/> # one more way <br/> class User < ActiveRecord::Base <br/> <br/> ...<br/> <br/> def phone_numbers =(attrs_array)<br/> attrs_array.each do |attrs|<br/> phone_numbers .create(attrs)<br/> end <br/> end <br/> <br/> end <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/> <% form_for @user do |f| %> <br/> <% = f.text_field :login %> <br/> <% fields_for :phone_numbers do |pn_f| %> <br/> <% = pn_f.text_field :area_code %> <br/> <% = pn_f.text_field :number %> <br/> <% end %> <br/> <% = submit_tag %> <br/> <% end %> <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>class UserController < ApplicationController<br/> <br/> # Create a new user and their phone numbers with mass assignment<br/> def new<br/> @user = User.create(params[:user])<br/> respond_to do |wants|<br/> ...<br/> end<br/> end<br/>end <br/>
Etagが登場しました。これにより、サーバー側とクライアントの両方でキャッシュを使用して(後続の変更に基づいて)非常に適切に管理できます。 詳細については、
ください 。
evolved 、簡単な例:
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>class Article < ActiveRecord::Base<br/> <br/> # Only get the first X results<br/> named_scope :limited, lambda { |num| { :limit = > num } }<br/> <br/>end<br/> <br/># Get the first 5 articles - instead of Article.find(:all, :limit = > 5)<br/>Article.limited(5) #= > [ < Article id: ... > , < .. > ] <br/>
浅いルートが現れました 。 それ以降のバージョンでは、このオプションはネストされたルートに影響を与えなくなっていることに注意してください。
一方、Google Summer of Codeプログラムのおかげで、誰かJoshua PeakがRailsをスレッドセーフにしました。 これが完了するとすぐに、Ruby on Railsはデータベース接続のプールを取得しました。
バージョン2.2.2 2008年10月
2つのルートがルートに表示されました。IMHO、オプションはそれほど悪くありません:を除いて:のみ。 説明例:
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/># Only generate the :index route of articles<br/>map.resources :articles, :only = > :index<br/> <br/># Generate all but the destroy route of articles<br/>map.resources :articles, :except = > :destroy<br/> <br/># Only generate the non-modifying routes of articles<br/>map.resources :articles, :only = > [:index, :show] <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>class Article < ActiveRecord::Base<br/> default_scope :order = > 'created_at DESC'<br/> named_scope :published, :conditions = > { :published = > true }<br/>end<br/>Article.find(:all) #= > "SELECT * FROM `articles` ORDER BY created_at DESC"<br/>Article.published #= > "SELECT * FROM `articles` WHERE published = true ORDER BY created_at DESC" <br/>
application.rbの名前をapplication_controller.rbに変更することが決定されました。これはRails 2.3以降で有効になります。
さらに進化しました :
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>render :partial = > 'articles/article', :locals = > { :article = > @article }<br/># Render the 'article' partial with an article local variable<br/>render 'articles/article', :article = > @article<br/> <br/># Or even better (same as above)<br/>render @article<br/> <br/># And for collections, same as:<br/># render :partial = > 'articles/article', :collection = > @articles<br/>render @articles <br/>
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/># No exceptions when receiver is nil<br/>nil.try(:destroy) #= > nil<br/> <br/># Useful when chaining potential nil items<br/>User.admins.first.try(:address).try(:reset) <br/>
末尾に.formatが付いているルートは削除されます。 やった! 個人的に、私はそれらをほとんど必要としませんでした。 今すぐ.formatを使用する方法の例:
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>formatted_article_path(article, :xml) = > article_path(article, :format = > :xml)<br/>formatted_new_article_path(:json) = > new_article_path(:format = > :json)<br/> <br/>
詳細。少し後に、Rails Metalが表示されます。これにより、MVCモデルをバイパスして、クライアントに回答を与えることができます。
主題のスクリーンキャスト 。
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>Article.find_by_published_and_user_id(true, 1)<br/> #= > "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE published = 1 AND user_id = 1"<br/>Article.scoped_by_published_and_user_id(true, 1).find(:all, :limit = > 5)<br/> #= > "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE published = 1 AND user_id = 1 LIMIT 5"<br/>Article.scoped_by_published(true).scoped_by_user_id(1)<br/> #= > "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE published = 1 AND user_id = 1 <br/>
されます。 素晴らしい革新。
バージョン2.3.0RC1。 2009年2月
RoRの最新のイノベーションは、バッチ検索です。 すぐに例:
Copy Source | Copy HTML<br/>Article.each { |a| ... } # = > iterate over all articles, in chunks of 1000 (the default)<br/>Article.each(:conditions = > { :published = > true }, :batch_size = > 100 ) { |a| ... }<br/> # iterate over published articles in chunks of 100<br/>Article.find_in_batches { |articles| articles.each { |a| ... } }<br/> # = > articles is array of size 1000<br/>Article.find_in_batches(:batch_size = > 100 ) { |articles| articles.each { |a| ... } }<br/> # iterate over all articles in chunks of 100<br/>class Article < ActiveRecord::Base<br/> named_scope :published, :conditions = > { :published = > true }<br/>end<br/> <br/>Article.published.find_in_batches(:batch_size = > 100 ) { |articles| ... }<br/> # iterate over published articles in chunks of 100 <br/>
バージョン2.3.0。 ?、2009
開発者の注意を引きます。 プロジェクトにあるRoRのバージョンを最大限に使用し、車輪を再発明しないでください:)幸運と良い一日。 コメントと修正を歓迎します。