

一度、テキストを暗号化する必要がありました。 PHPにはmcrypt拡張機能があることは知っていましたが、私の直感では、これがすべてのホスティングサービスに含まれているわけではないと示唆しました。
したがって、私は自分で解決策をコーディングする必要があると疑い始めました。 私が実際にしたこと。 結果は、十分に高速で信頼性の高い可逆暗号化機能です。
	 echo dsCrypt( 'habrahabr.ru');
	 //印刷:60634K7T0 * 0!
	 echo dsCrypt( '60634K7T0 * 0!'、1);


Caesarの暗号化実装、さまざまなワイルドカード、そしてみんなのお気に入りのXORを見つけました。 より深刻で永続的なものは見つかりませんでした。
それから、私はかなり単純で、合理的に強力な(私の仕事のための)Double Square暗号化方法を思い出しました。
その結果、1つの関数にDouble Squareアルゴリズムを実装しました。

Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  1. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  2. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  3. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  4. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  5. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  6. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  7. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  8. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  9. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  10. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  11. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  12. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  13. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  14. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  15. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  16. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  17. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  18. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  19. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  20. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  21. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  22. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  23. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  24. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  25. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  26. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  27. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  28. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  29. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  30. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  31. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  32. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  33. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  34. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  35. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  36. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  37. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  38. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  39. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  40. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  41. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  42. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  43. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  44. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  45. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  46. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }
  47. Copy Source | Copy HTML /** <br/> * " " (Reversible crypting of "Double square" method) <br/> * @param String $input <br/> * @param bool $decrypt <br/> * @return String | <br/> * @author runcore <br/> */ function dsCrypt( $input , $decrypt = false ) { $o = $s1 = $s2 = array (); // Arrays for: Output, Square1, Square2 // $basea = array ( '?' , '(' , '@' , ';' , '$' , '#' , "]" , "&" , '*' ); // base symbol set $basea = array_merge( $basea , range( 'a' , 'z' ), range( 'A' , 'Z' ), range(0, 9 ) ); $basea = array_merge( $basea , array ( '!' , ')' , '_' , '+' , '|' , '%' , '/' , '[' , '.' , ' ' ) ); $dimension = 9 ; // of squares for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // create Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { $s1 [ $i ][ $j ] = $basea [ $i * $dimension + $j ]; $s2 [ $i ][ $j ] = str_rot13( $basea [( $dimension * $dimension - 1 ) - ( $i * $dimension + $j )]); } } unset ( $basea ); $m = floor(strlen( $input )/ 2 )* 2 ; // !strlen%2 $symbl = $m ==strlen( $input ) ? '' : $input [strlen( $input )- 1 ]; // last symbol (unpaired) $al = array (); // crypt/uncrypt pairs of symbols for ( $ii =0; $ii < $m ; $ii += 2 ) { $symb1 = $symbn1 = strval( $input [ $ii ]); $symb2 = $symbn2 = strval( $input [ $ii + 1 ]); $a1 = $a2 = array (); for ( $i =0; $i < $dimension ; $i ++) { // search symbols in Squares for ( $j =0; $j < $dimension ; $j ++) { if ( $decrypt ) { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } else { if ( $symb1 ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a1 = array ( $i , $j ); if ( $symb2 ===strval( $s2 [ $i ][ $j ]) ) $a2 = array ( $i , $j ); if (! empty ( $symbl ) && $symbl ===strval( $s1 [ $i ][ $j ])) $al = array ( $i , $j ); } } } if (sizeof( $a1 ) && sizeof( $a2 )) { $symbn1 = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]] : $s2 [ $a1 [0]][ $a2 [ 1 ]]; $symbn2 = $decrypt ? $s2 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]] : $s1 [ $a2 [0]][ $a1 [ 1 ]]; } $o [] = $symbn1 . $symbn2 ; } if (! empty ( $symbl ) && sizeof( $al )) // last symbol $o [] = $decrypt ? $s1 [ $al [ 1 ]][$al[0]] : $s2 [ $al [ 1 ]][ $al [0]]; return implode( '' , $o ); }


ところで、私は喜んで批判に耳を傾け、可逆暗号化の他のシンプルで信頼できる方法の実装を見ていきます。 mcryptを提供しないでください)



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/J61309/

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